• [导入]daily report

    I should wirte some thing about my new job in this in recent days.
    First, i should setup the system software and many other usefull software on the new computer. Therse are many things different from the chinese edition. And there many other things have not be solved.
    First, if your want your computer cam solve chinese character correctlly, you should change the character set for your computer, your can find the "Regional and language Options" in your "Control Panel". Here is the picture about this.
    But, I have some other things have not be solved.
    1.There are also some other software can not be run as well as it in chinese edition.
    2.Some help file can not be open, especially some file are build in chinese.
    3.Some thing wrong with King xdict.exe, It can not get word on the screen nolong, the windows close the progrom automatic. I have found this problem for some weeks, but it is correctly in other WindowsXP low editios. It is sad that the edition of 6(xdict.exe) have solve this problem. But I can get it currently.
    4.I do not know why the *.ani file can not be show well. I remember quit clearly when I use the chinese edition, those files are display very well, but now, many file can not be show in the IE, but I can see it crectelly by other software. I don't know why?
    There are many other thing i have forgot, if have chance, I will write it down.
     (=^o^=)  Wu.Country@侠缘      
     (~)@(~)  一辈子,用心做一件事!
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/WuCountry/p/305964.html
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