• 最近在新公司的一些HTML学习

    还是先把代码贴在这  后期再写感想

      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <head>
      3 <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=9" >
      4 <html lang="en">
      5 <meta charset="UTF-8">
      6 <title>客户端</title>
      7 <LINK href="zhcss.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet>
      8 </head>
      9 <body>
     10     <div class="leftsidebar_box" id="content">
     11             <!-- 头像框  -->
     12             <div class="tx_box">
     13                 <div class="top_box">
     14                   <div class="to1">
     15                     <img class="to" alt="aaa" src="image/tx.png">
     16                     <div style="margin-left:40px;margin-top:-10px;" >
     17                         <p style="font-family:'雅黑';font-size:10px;"><b>OneSimple</b></p>
     18                           <p style="font-family:'宋体';font-size:10px;">在线</p>
     19                     </div>
     20                   </div>
     21                 </div>
     22             </div>
     23             <!-- 搜索框  --> 
     24             <div class="outside_box">
     25                 <div class="search_div">
     26                 <form onsubmit="highlight(this.s.value);return false;">
     27                     <input id="kw" onKeyup="getContent(this);" style="   93%;border:none; padding-left: 6px;" type="text" value="请输入搜索内容"onfocus="this.value=''" onblur="if(this.value==''){this.value='请输入搜索内容'}" />
     28                     <!-- <input type="" value="&nbsp;" style="background-image: url(image/search.png); float:right;background-repeat: no-repeat; 20px;height: 20px;border:none ;font-family: color:#FFFFFF" ;> -->
     29                     <div id="append"></div>
     30                 </form>    
     31                 </div>
     32             </div>
     33             <!-- 最近使用 -->
     34             <div class="div_b">
     35                 <div  style=" 95%;text-align:center;font-size:15px;z-index: 0;"><b>最近使用</b></div>
     36                     <div class="zjsy_box">    
     37                         <DIV class="bottom">
     38                         </DIV>
     39                     </div>
     40             </div>
     41             <!-- 菜单栏 -->
     42             <div class="div_c">
     43                 <div class="inside_box" id="inside_box"></div>
     44             </div>
     45     </div>  
     46 <script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
     47 <script>
     49     $('#queding').click(function(){
     50         var arr = [$('#select').val(),$('#value').val()];
     51         window.location="skp:ruby_queding";
     52     });
     53     var divId = new Array;            //定义数组进行工具id的排列
     54     var testArr2 = new Array;        //工具的名称数组
     55     var zjsyArr = new Array;        //定义最近使用的
     56     var zjsyArr2= new Array;
     57     var ss=0;
     58     var box = document.getElementsByClassName("inside_box")[0];
     59         box.clsssName="inside_box";
     60     //动态数组加载内容 只需加载
     61     //大功能的名称--name   
     62     //工具名称--value
     63     //功具指向地址--dizhi
     64     //图标无需在数组中加载 但需要统一规格20x20px;并且存储格式必须为.png
     65     var data = [
     66     {    id:"1",
     67         name:"测绘工具",
     68         value:["简单","加载","删除","时候就","真刚性","花园"],
     69         dizhi:["https://1www.baidu.com1/","https://1www.baidu.com2/","https://1www.baidu.com3/","https://1www.baidu.com4/","https://1www.baidu.com5/","https://1www.baidu.com6/"]},
     70     {    id:"2",
     71         name:"画图工具",
     72         value:["简单1","加载1","删除1","时候就1","真刚性1","花园1"],
     73         dizhi:["https://2www.baidu.com1/","https://2www.baidu.com2/","https://2www.baidu.com3/","https://2www.baidu.com4/","2https://www.baidu.com5/","https://2www.baidu.com6/"]},
     74     {    id:"3",
     75         name:"边角工具",
     76         value:["简单2","加载2","删除2","时候就2","真刚性2","花园2"],
     77         dizhi:["https://3www.baidu.com1/","https://3www.baidu.com2/","https://3www.baidu.com3/","https://3www.baidu.com4/","https://3www.baidu.com5/","https://3www.baidu.com6/"]},
     78     {    id:"4",
     79         name:"涂料红酒",
     80         value:["简单3","加载3","删除3","时候就3","真刚性3","花园3"],
     81         dizhi:["4F:/cj/jm/UI/zh.html1","4F:/cj/jm/UI/zh.html2","4F:/cj/jm/UI/zh.html3","4F:/cj/jm/UI/zh.html4","4F:/cj/jm/UI/zh.html5","4F:/cj/jm/UI/zh.html6"]},
     82     ];
     83     function contains(arr, obj) {
     84         var i = arr.length;
     85             while (i--) {
     86             if (arr[i] == obj) {
     87               return true;
     88             }
     89         }
     90         return false;
     91     }
     92     data.forEach(function(e,i){
     93         var button = document.createElement("button");
     94         button.className="left_button";
     95         button.innerHTML = e.name;
     96         button.id = e.id;    //对功能块button进行id命名                        
     97         var zjsy = document.getElementsByClassName("bottom")[0];    // 最近使用的生成部件
     98         zjsy.clsssName="bottom";
     99         button.onclick = function(){
    100             for(var divIdIndex = 0;divIdIndex<divId.length;divIdIndex++)
    101             {
    102                 var listId = document.getElementById(divId[divIdIndex]);
    103                 listId.style.display="none";
    104             }                                                        // $("list"+this.id).slideToggle();
    105             var listobj = document.getElementById("list"+this.id);    //控制菜单栏的子目录显示与关闭
    106                 if(listobj.style.display == "block"){
    107                     listobj.style.display = "none";
    108                 }else if(listobj.style.display=="none"){
    109                     listobj.style.display = "block";
    110                 }
    111          }
    112         var div1 = document.createElement("div");
    113         div1.className="div_d";
    114         div1.id = "list"+ e.id;
    115         divId.push(div1.id);
    116         div1.style.display = "none";
    117         for(var j in e.value){
    118             var div2 = document.createElement("div");
    119             div2.setAttribute("id",div1.id+"gn"+j);
    120             div2.className="picture";
    121             var pic = e.value[j];                               //对图片名称进行赋值,让它进行名称匹配,更为精准。//alert(j);  
    122             for (var i in e.dizhi) {                            // alert(e.dizhi[i]);
    123                 // div2.innerHTML = "<a href= '"+e.dizhi[i]+"' target=_blank>"+"<img src="+"image/"+pic+".png>"+e.value[j]+"</a>";  //alert(pic);//alert(div2.innerHTML);
    124                 div2.innerHTML ="<img src="+"image/"+pic+".png>"+e.value[j];
    125             }
    126             div2.onclick=function(){
    127                 //alert(div2.id);
    128                 var div3 = document.createElement("div");
    129                     div3.className="content";
    130                     div3.setAttribute("name","zjsydiv");
    131                 var jj;
    132                 var idIndex =  this.id.split("gn");
    133                 //alert(idIndex);
    134                 var idIndex1 = idIndex[idIndex.length-1];         //idIndex1为数组坐标  
    135                 var pic = e.value[idIndex1];
    136                 //alert(e.dizhi[idIndex1]);                          //对图片名称进行赋值,让它进行名称匹配,更为精准。 
    137                     // testArr2.push("<a href= '"+e.dizhi[idIndex1]+"' target=_blank>"+"<img src="+"image/"+pic+".png>"+e.value[idIndex1]+"</a>");//alert(testArr2);
    138                     testArr2.push("<img src="+"image/"+pic+".png>"+e.value[idIndex1]);
    139                     var res =0;
    140                     var res1 =1;
    141                     var res2=2;
    142                     for (var i=0; i<testArr2.length; i++) {
    143                             var zjsy1=testArr2[i];
    144                                 jj = e.value[i];
    145                     }
    146                     var zjsyshuzu=contains(zjsyArr, zjsy1);  // alert(zjsyshuzu); 判断是否重复  true则不添加  false则添加数组
    147                     if (zjsyshuzu==false) {
    148                         zjsyArr.push(zjsy1);
    149                         div3.innerHTML =zjsy1;
    150                         zjsy.appendChild(div3);
    151                     }
    152                     for (var h in zjsyArr){
    153                         div3.setAttribute("id",h);
    154                         div3.onclick=function(){
    155                             var m = this.id;
    156                             jj = zjsyArr[m]
    157                             var jj1 = jj.replace(/[^1-9u4e00-u9fa5]/ig,"");    //匹配中文字符与阿拉伯数字
    158                             window.location="skp:ruby_div3@"+jj1;
    159                         }
    160                     }
    161                 ss = e.value[idIndex1];        //弹出输出功能名 div2 中
    162                 window.location="skp:ruby_div2@"+ss;
    163             }
    164             div1.appendChild(div2);       //div2工具生成栏  
    165         }
    166         box.appendChild(button);      //button为大功能生成栏
    167         box.appendChild(div1);          //div1为一个大的工具栏  其中包含工具和大功能名称    
    168     });
    169     $(document).ready(function() {
    170         $(document).keydown(function(e) {
    171             e = e || window.event;
    172             var keycode = e.which ? e.which : e.keyCode;
    173             if (keycode == 38) {                    //上移键
    174                 if (jQuery.trim($("#append").html()) == "") {       //trim()此方法为去除所选定的字符串左右的空格   
    175                     return ;
    176                 }
    177                 movePrev();
    178             }
    179             else if (keycode == 40) {                //下移键
    180                 if (jQuery.trim($("#append").html()) == "") {
    181                     return;
    182                 }
    183                 $("#kw").blur();
    184                 if ($(".item").hasClass("addbg")) {
    185                     moveNext();
    186                 } else {
    187                     $(".item").removeClass('addbg').eq(0).addClass('addbg');
    188                 }
    190             } else if (keycode == 13) {
    191                         dojob();
    192             }
    193         });
    194         var movePrev = function() {
    195           $("#kw").blur();
    196             var index = $(".addbg").prevAll().length;
    197             if (index == 0) {
    198                 $(".item").removeClass('addbg').eq($(".item").length - 1).addClass('addbg');
    199             } else {
    200                 $(".item").removeClass('addbg').eq(index - 1).addClass('addbg');
    201             }
    202         }
    203         var moveNext = function() {                    //注释1
    204             var index = $(".addbg").prevAll().length;
    205                 if (index == $(".item").length - 1) {
    206                     $(".item").removeClass('addbg').eq(0).addClass('addbg');
    207                 } else {
    208                     $(".item").removeClass('addbg').eq(index + 1).addClass('addbg');
    209                 }
    210         }
    211         var dojob = function() {
    212             $("#kw").blur();
    213             var value = $(".addbg").text();
    214             $("#kw").val(value);("");
    215             $("#append").hide().html
    216         }
    217     });
    218     function getContent(obj) {                    //获取搜索框输入的值
    219         var kw = jQuery.trim($(obj).val());
    220         if (kw == "") {
    221             $("#append").hide().html("");
    222             return false;
    223         }
    224         var html1 = "";
    225         for(var j = 0;j<data.length;j++){        //进行页面的匹配
    226             for (var i = 0; i < data[j].value.length; i++) {
    227                 if (data[j].value[i].indexOf(kw) >= 0) {
    228                     html1 = html1 + "<div class='item' onmouseenter='getFocus(this)' onClick='getCon(this);'>" +data[j].value[i] + "</div>"        //匹配成功下拉框显示内容 
    229                 }
    230             }
    231         }
    232         if (html1 != "") {
    233                 $("#append").show().html(html1);
    234         } else {
    235                 $("#append").hide().html("");
    236         }
    237     }
    239     function getFocus(obj) {
    240         $(".item").removeClass("addbg");
    241         $(obj).addClass("addbg");
    242     }
    243     function getCon(obj) {          //点击某个匹配值时  下拉框掩藏
    244         var value = $(obj).text();
    245         $("#kw").val(value);
    246         $("#append").hide().html("");
    247         window.location="skp:ruby_divsousuo@"+value;
    248     }
    249 </script>
    250 </body>
    251 </html>


      1 html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe,
      2 h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,
      3 a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,
      4 del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,
      5 small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var,
      6 b, u, i, center,
      7 dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,
      8 fieldset, form, label, legend,
      9 table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td,
     10 article, aside, canvas, details, embed,
     11 figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup,
     12 menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary,
     13 time, mark, audio, video {
     14 margin: 0;
     15 padding: 0;
     16 border: 0;
     17 font-size: 100%;
     18 font: inherit;
     19 vertical-align: baseline;
     20 }
     21 /* HTML5 display-role reset for older browsers */
     22 article, aside, details, figcaption, figure,
     23 footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section {
     24 display: block;
     25 }
     26 body {
     27 line-height: 1;
     28 }
     29 ol, ul {
     30 list-style: none;
     31 }
     32 html{
     33   background-color: #FFEFD5; 
     34 }
     35 blockquote, q {
     36 quotes: none;
     37 }
     38 blockquote:before, blockquote:after,
     39 q:before, q:after {
     40 content: '';
     41 content: none;
     42 }
     43 table {
     44 border-collapse: collapse;
     45 border-spacing: 0;
     46 } 
     49 /*
     50 ::-webkit-scrollar{
     51    20px;
     53 }
     55 ::-webkit-scrollar-track-piece{
     56   background:#FFFFFF;
     57   -webkit-border-radius:6px;
     58 }
     60 ::-webkit-scrollar-thumb:vertical{
     61   background-color: black;
     62   -webkit-border-radius:6px;
     63 }*/
     66 ul,ol,li{list-style:none;}
     67 input,button{
     68   margin:0;
     69   vertical-align:middle;
     70 }
     74 {font-family:'宋体';}
     75 dl,dt,dd{display:block;margin:0;}
     76 a{text-decoration:none;}
     78 body{
     79     margin:0;
     80     padding:0;
     81     overflow-x:hidden;
     82     font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;  
     83     color:#000000;
     84     margin:0 auto;
     85 }
     87 table{
     88     border-collapse:collapse;
     89     border-spacing:0;
     90 }
     92 a{
     93   color:#333333 ;
     94   outline:none
     95   text-decoration:none;
     96 }
     98 a:hover{
     99   color:#00FFFF; 
    100   text-decoration:underline;
    101 }
    103 /*头像框*/
    104 .tx_box{
    105     /*padding: 8px;*/
    106     padding-top: 15px;
    107     border-style: solid;
    108     background-color: #FFEFD5;
    109     border-color: #A9A9A9;
    110     border- 1px;
    111 }
    113 .top_box{
    114      85px;
    115     height: 50px;
    116     padding: 2px; 
    117 }
    119 .to{
    120      53px;
    121     height: 50px;
    122     border-radius: 50%;
    123     position: absolute;
    124     top: 50%;
    125     left: 50%;  
    126     margin-left: -40px;  
    127     margin-top: -25px;
    128 }
    130 /*控制头像框的文字*/
    131 .to1 {  
    132     /* 20px;  
    133     height: 20px; */
    134     /*padding-left: 60px; */
    135     padding-top:  25px;
    136    /* border-radius: 50%;  */
    137     padding-left: 17px;   
    138     position: relative;  
    139 }  
    141 /* 左边框box*/
    142 .leftsidebar_box{
    143     position:fixed;
    144     97.5%;
    145     height:99%;
    146     overflow: auto;
    147     /*overflow:visible !important;*/
    148     /*position:fixed;*/
    149     /*border- 5px;*/
    150     padding: 2px;
    151     border-style: solid;
    152     border-color: #A9A9A9;
    153     border- 3px;
    154  /*   float: right;*/
    156 }
    158 /*搜索外边框*/
    159 .outside_box{
    160 /*  padding: 1px;
    161      top: 125px;
    162      right:2px;
    163      left:1px;
    164     padding-right: 3px;*/
    165     margin-top:2px; 
    166     position:absolute;
    167     padding: 1px;
    168     right: 2px;
    169     left: 2px;
    170     border-style: solid;
    171     background-color: #FFFFFF;
    172     border-color: #A9A9A9;
    173     border- 1px;
    174     /* 96%;*/
    175     z-index: 3;
    176 }
    178 /*搜索成功的字体*/
    179 .highlight{
    180   background:green;
    181   font-weight:bold;
    182   color:white;
    183 }
    185 .search_box{
    186     background-image: url(image/search.png);
    187     background-repeat: no-repeat ;
    188 }
    190 .search_div{
    192 }
    194 .lanmu {
    195   MARGIN: 0px auto; 
    196    auto;
    197   height: 50px;
    198 }
    200 .lanmu span.fr{ 
    201   float:right; 
    202   margin-right:12px; 
    203   margin-top:25px; 
    204   /*display:inline; */
    205 }
    207 /*上边框*/
    208 .mydpx .bottom {
    209   PADDING-TOP: 3px; 
    210   HEIGHT: 30px;
    211 }
    213 .zjsy_box{
    214     height: 100%;
    215     padding-bottom: 5px;
    216     border-style: solid;
    217     border-color: #A9A9A9;
    218     border- 1px;
    219     padding-top: 5px;
    220     padding-left:10px;
    221     padding-right: 8px;
    222     overflow: auto;
    223     background-color: #FFFFF4;
    224 }
    226 .content{ 
    227     90%; 
    228     height:25px; 
    229     float: left;
    230 }
    231 .content img{
    232   padding-top: 3px;
    233   20px; 
    234   height:20px;
    235 }
    237 .leftsidebar_box dt{
    238   /*左边文字*/
    239   padding-left:0px;
    240   padding-right:0px;
    241   background-repeat:no-repeat;
    242   background-position:10px center;
    243   position:relative;
    244   /*line-height:48px;*/
    245   cursor:pointer;
    246 }
    248 /*下拉框*/
    249 .leftsidebar_box dd{
    250   /*background-color:#FFFAFA;*/
    251   padding-left:1px;
    252 }
    254 /*下拉框文字*/
    255 .leftsidebar_box dd a{
    256   font-size: 15px;
    257   font-weight:bold;
    258   color:#696969;                    /*银白色*/
    259   line-height:20px;
    260 }
    262 .leftsidebar_box dl dd:last-child{
    263   padding-bottom:10px;
    264 }
    266 /*最近使用外框*/
    267 .div_b {
    268      position:absolute;
    269      padding: 1px;
    270      top: 125px;
    271      right:2px;
    272      left:1px;
    273      height:60px;
    274      z-index: 1;
    275 }
    277 /*菜单栏的边框*/ 
    278 .div_c{
    279     /*margin: 1px;*/
    280     position:absolute;
    281     padding-top: 5px;
    282     padding: 2px;
    283     top: 215px;
    284     right:1px;
    285     left:0px;
    286     /*150px;*/
    288 }
    290 .left_button{
    291      100%; 
    292     height: 31px;
    293     margin: 1px;
    294    /* border-radius: 15%;*/
    295     border-color:black;
    296     background-color:#FFFFFF;
    297 }
    299 .inside_box{
    300     /*border:none;*/
    301     height: 100%;
    302     padding-bottom: 5px;
    303     border-style: solid;
    304     border-color: #A9A9A9;
    305     border- 1px;
    306     padding-top: 5px;
    307     padding-left:8px;
    308     padding-right: 8px;
    310 }
    312 .div_d{
    313     /*border-radius: 10%;*/
    314     width :99%;
    315     /* 100px;*/
    316     height: 100px;
    317     border-style: solid;
    318     border- 1px;
    319     background-color:#FFFFF4;
    320     padding: 1px;
    321     margin-right: 10px;
    322     overflow: auto;
    323 }
    325 .picture{
    326    /* 23px; 
    327     height:45px; 
    328     padding:1px;
    329     float: left;*/
    330     /*cursor:pointer;*/ 
    331     padding: 2px;
    332     margin: 1px;
    333     color:#000000;
    334     /*overflow:hidden;*/
    335     /*vertical-align:middle;*/
    336     /*font-weight:bold;*/
    337     font-size: 18px;
    338     90%; 
    339     height:25px; 
    340     float: left;
    341 }
    343 .picture img{
    344    /*20px; 
    345   height:25px;*/
    347   padding-top: 3px;
    348   20px; 
    349   height:20px;
    350 }
    352 .button1{
    353   margin-right:1px; 
    354   height: 31px;
    355   background-color:#C6E2FF;
    356 }
    358 .item {
    359     position:inherit;
    360     padding: 3px 5px;
    361     cursor: pointer;
    362     background-color: white;
    363   }
    365   .addbg {
    366     background: #99FFFF;
    367   }
    369   .first {
    370     border: solid #87A900 2px;
    371      300px;
    372   }
    374   #append {
    375     border: solid #87A900 2px;
    376     border-top: 0;
    377     display: none;
    378   }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/TrustBelieve/p/6046309.html
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