• Solr参数(Analysis Collection Common CoreAdmin)


    1.analysis.query:Holds the query to be analyzed
    2. analysis.showmatch:Set to  true to indicate that the index tokens that match query tokens should be marked as "mateched"
    3. analysis.fieldname:Holds the value of the field which should be analyzed
    4. analysis.fieldtype:Holds a comma-separated list of field types that the analysis should be peformed for
    5. analysis.fieldvalue:Hodls a comma-separated list of field named that the analysis should be performed for




    1.NOW:Override for the concept of "NOW" to be used throughout this request,expressed as milliseconds since epoch.  This is primarily used in distributed search to ensure consistent time values are used across ultiple sub-requests
    2.TZ:Specifies the TimeZone used by the client for the purposes of any DateMath rounding that may take place when executing the request
    3.qt:the Request Handler (formerly known as the Query Type) - which Request Handler should handle the request
    4.wt:the response writer type - the format of the response
    5.q:query string
    6.sort:sort order
    7.fq:Lucene query string(s) for filtering the results without affecting scoring
    8.start:zero based offset of matching documents to retrieve
    9.rows:number of documents to return starting at "start"
    10.pageScore:score of the last document of the previous page
    11.pageDoc:docid of the last document of the previous page
    12.xsl:stylesheet to apply to XML results
    13.version:version parameter to check request-response compatibility
    14.fl:query and init param for field list
    15.df:default query field
    16.tr:Transformer param -- used with XSLT
    17.debugQuery:whether to include debug data for all components pieces, including doing explains
    18.debug:Whether to provide debug info for specific items
    19.timing: DEBUG value indicating an interest in debug output related to timing
    20.results: DEBUG value indicating an interest in debug output related to the results (explains)
    21.query: DEBUG value indicating an interest in debug output related to the Query (parsing, etc.)
    22.debug.explain.structured:boolean indicating whether score explanations should structured (true),or plain text (false)
    23.explainOther:another query to explain against
    24.stream.url:If the content stream should come from a URL (using URLConnection)
    25.stream.file:If the content stream should come from a File (using FileReader)
    26.stream.body:If the content stream should come directly from a field
    27.stream.contentType:Explicitly set the content type for the input stream If multiple streams are specified, the explicit contentType will be used for all of them
    28.timeAllowed:Timeout value in milliseconds.  If not set, or the value is <= 0, there is no timeout
    29.echoHandler:'true' if the header should include the handler name
    30.echoParams:include the parameters in the header,EXPLICIT ALL NONE
    31.omitHeader:include header in the response

    四.Core Admin

    1.core:What Core are we talking about
    2.persistent: Persistent -- should it save the cores state?
    3.name:If you rename something, what is the new name
    4.dataDir:If you rename something, what is the new name
    5.other:Name of the other core in actions involving 2 cores
    7.schema:If you specify a schema, what is its name
    8.config:If you specify a config, what is its name
    9.instanceDir:Specifies a core instance dir
    10.file:If you specify a file, what is its name
    11.indexDir:If you merge indexes, what are the index directories.The directories are specified by multiple indexDir parameters.
    12.srcCore:If you merge indexes, what is the source core's name More than one source core can be specified by multiple srcCore parameters
    13.collection:The collection name in solr cloud
    14.shard:The shard id in solr cloud
    16.deleteIndex:If you unload a core, delete the index too

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/TerryLiang/p/2664483.html
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