• 【Day 01】 房子不用买了,打印出来就能住:3D打印将如何改变居住生态?



      3D打印,又称立体打印,可以指任何打印三维物体的过程。它通常以三维模型等为基础,运用粉末状金属、塑料等材料,通过逐层打印的方式来构造物体。从生产锅碗瓢盆、服饰被褥等日常用品,到制作建筑沙盘、医用假肢等专业器具,3D打印技术正在飞速地改变着世界。今天的文章就将带我们全面了解该技术的一项最新应用一—3D打印房屋。让我们跟着 Jamie 老师,一起走进今天的文章。


    • 如何理解 prefabricated 这个词?
    • 短语 to this end 是什么意思?
    • 目前,3D打印房屋技术有哪些局限性?


    The rise of 3D-printed houses   3D打印房屋兴起

    rise 兴起,崛起

    3D-print (3D打印)

    A batch of new houses across California is selling unusually fast. In the past two months, 82 have been snapped up , and the waiting list is 1,000 long . That demand should , though , soon be satisfed - for Palari Homes and Mighty Buildings, the collaborators behind these houses , are able to erect one in less than 24 hours .
    加利福尼亚州的一批新房子出售速度异常得快。在过去的两个月里,已经有82套房子被抢购一空,而等候名单上的人数多达1000人。不过,这个需求应该很快就会得到满足---因为这些房子背后的合作公司 Palari Homes 和 Mighty Buildings,在不到24小时内就能建成一座房子。

    • across 遍及各处
    • 在过去的两个月里,已经有82套房子被抢购一空,而等候名单上的人数多达1000人,解释前面一句。
    • though插入语表示转折;
    • for 引导的原因状语从句;
    • the collaborators behind these houses , are able to erect one in less than 24 hours .同位语补充说;

    They can do it so rapidly because their products are assembled from components prefabricated in a factory . The components involved are made in an unusual way : they are printed .


    involved 后置定语;


    Not only does 3D-printing allow greater versatility and faster construction , it also promises lower cost and in a more environmentally friendly approach than is possible at present .***


    There are limitations to 3D- printed homes . For a start , construction codes need to be tweaked to accommodate them . To this end UL , one of America' s largest certifying agencies , has collaborated with Mighty Buildings to develop the first 3D- printing standard .

    3D打印的房屋也有局限性。首先,为了适应3D打印的房屋这一变化,施工规范需要进行调整。为此,美国最大的认证机构之一 UL 与 Mighty Buildings 合作开发了第一个3D打印房屋的施工标准。

    While this is a welcome boost to a fledgling industry , most governments have yet to come up with country - specificstandards . There are also questions about the qualityand finish of homes built by 3D printers .


    Even so , the direction of travel looks promising . Dubai'sgovernment wants a quarter of new buildings in the country to be 3D- printed by 2030. And India 's Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs wants to use 3D printing to address the country 's housing shortages .


    If successful , building by 3D printing is likely to spread beyond housing . Opportunities also exist in warehousing , offices and other commercial buildings . And beyond earthly structures , NASA is exploring the use of 3D printing to build landing pads , accommodation and roads on Mars and the Moon .




    n .一批;一批生产量
    文化拓展: batch 最早其实表示"烘烤,烘焙",相当于 bake ,同时也被用来表示一次用烤箱烤出来的量,后来常用作量词,表示"一批”

    • a batch of bread
    • a batch of workers

    snap ( sth .) up 抢购

    相关词汇: snap ( n .啪的一声)
    例句◇ All the best bargains were snapped up within hours .

    waiting list(等候名单)

    Waiting list 一般翻译为“等候名单,候选名单",在英美文化中比较常见,一般是在申请入学、住院、购房的时候,如果名额已经满了,那么其他人就会被列入 waiting list ,等待有名额空出来,就可以按顺序替补。


    n .合作者,协作者

    相关词汇: collaborate ( v .合作,协作)
    词义辨析: colaborate , cooperate
    cooperate 的英文释义是 to act jointly, 宽泛地指“一起做事”, 而 collaborate 的使用场景更狭窄一些, 表示 to work jointly on an activity, especially to produce or create something, 尤其指在科学或者艺术方面进行创作性协作。


    v .建造;使直立;建立
    词性拓展: erect ( adj .直立的,竖立的)
    近义词: build
    例句: The building was erected in 1892.(建造)
    搭配短语: to erect a civilization (建立)


    v .组装;聚集

    英文释义: to gather together
    例句: Avengers ! Assemble .(聚集)
    例句: The cars are assembled in the factory .(组装)


    n .零部件;组成部分
    搭配短语: electronic components
    例句: Exercise is one of the key components of a healthy lifestyle .


    adj .预制的,预先制造的

    相关词汇: fabricate ( v .制造,生产) 近义词: manufacture

    词根词缀: pre —(预先)


    v .使有可能;允许
    英文释义: to make something possible
    例句: Her experience alows her to handle this problem .


    n .多样性;多才多艺
    相关词汇: versatile ( adj .多才多艺的)
    搭配短语: a versatile performer
    搭配短语: a versatile pocketknife(多功能刀)


    v .使很可能;预示;承诺
    英文释义: to show signs of something , or to make something seem likely to happen,与前面allow类似。
    例句: The gray sky promises rain .


    n .规范,准则;代码搭配短语: criminal code
    搭配短语: dress code


    v .稍稍改进;扭,拧
    例句: The software developers are tweaking the program .


    v .迎合,适应;容纳,为……提供住宿

    相关词汇: accommodation ( n .住所)
    搭配短语: to accommodate the needs of clients

    to this end为了这个目的

    相关词汇: end ( n .目的,目标)

    近义短语: with this aim

    certify / s э:. ta . far /
    v .(通常以书面形式)证明,证实搭配短语: a certified accountant

    boost / bu : st / n .推动,改善
    英文释义: a source of help leading to increase or improvement
    搭配短语: a boost to the economy

    fledgling / fled . In / adj .不成熟的,稚嫩的
    相关词汇: fledge ( v .幼鸟长出羽毛)
    词性拓展: fledgling ( n .羽翼刚丰的小鸟)搭配短语: a fledgling writer

    come up with
    想出,提出(计划、想法等)近义短语: to think of
    搭配短语◇ to come up with a solution

    finish / frn .л[/ n .末道漆;抛光
    address 'æ d . res / v .解决,处理
    搭配短语: to address a problem

    warehousing / wer . hau . zIn / n .仓库(总称)
    相关词汇: warehouse ( n .仓库)

    earthly /э:0.1j/ adj .地球的;世俗的
    英文释义: of or relating to the earth 搭配短语: earthly happiness

    structure /' str Л k . tfa / n .大型建筑物;结构
    搭配短语: social structure


    1.如何理解 prefabricated 这个词?

    参考答案:该词的词义为“预制的”,其中 pre- 前缀表示“在……之前,先前”,frabricated 为 fabricate “制造,编造”的过去式及过去分词。把两部分组合起来,prefabricated 就可以作为形容词,表示“预先制作好的”。

    2.短语 to this end 是什么意思?

    参考答案:to this end是一个固定搭配,其中,end 做名词表示目的、目标。所以 to this end 就表示“为了这个目的”,相当于 with this aim。

    3.目前,3D 打印房屋技术有哪些局限性?


      1)许多国家还没有出台对于 3D 打印房屋的具体施工标准,行业仍需进一步规范;

      2)对于这些 3D 打印房屋的质量和装修情况,人们还有一些质疑。


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