• vbscript 语言通过序列和ADODB实现取号不重复



    -- Create table
    create table TABLE_YEWID
      currentyear VARCHAR2(50),
      index_value VARCHAR2(50),
      申请人         NVARCHAR2(50),
      计算机         NVARCHAR2(50),
      计算机mac      NVARCHAR2(50),
      申请时间        DATE,
      计算机ip       NVARCHAR2(50)
    tablespace FSYWK
      pctfree 10
      initrans 4
      maxtrans 255
        initial 64K
        next 1M
        minextents 1
        maxextents unlimited


    -- Create sequence 
    create sequence YEWID_SEQ
    minvalue 1nomaxvalue 
    start with 1--从1开始
    increment by 1--自增步距为1


      1 dim adoConnection '库连接对象
      2 dim     sequenceName:sequenceName= "YEWID_SEQ"
      3 dim     tableName:tableName = "table_yewid"
      4 Sub Onclick()
      5 '1:开库
      6     inidatabase adoConnection
      7 '2:获取序列nextval值
      8     getSequence adoConnection,sequenceName,maxindex
      9 '3:获取计算机信息
     10     computer = GetComputer()
     11     computerip =GetIP()
     12     computermac=GetMAC()
     13     getSysDate  adoConnection,sysYear,sysDate
     14 '4:table_yewid表中增加记录
     15     sql = "select currentyear,index_value,申请人,计算机,计算机IP,计算机MAC,申请时间 from "&tableName
     16     addNewRecord sql,sysYear,sysDate,maxindex,UserName,computer,computerip,computermac
     17 '5:关库
     18     releasedatabase adoConnection
     19 End Sub
     21 '开库
     22 Function inidatabase(byref adoConnection)
     23         Set adoConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
     24       adoConnection.connectionstring="Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};Server=orcl;Uid=test;Pwd=test" 
     25         adoConnection.Open
     26 End Function
     28 '关库
     29 Function releasedatabase(byval adoConnection)
     30         adoConnection.Close  
     31       Set adoConnection=Nothing
     32 End Function
     33 '获取oracle系统时间
     34 function getSysDate(byval objconn,byref sysYear,byref sysDate)
     35         seqsql = "select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy'), to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from dual"
     36         Set adoRs = CreateObject("ADODB.RECORDSET")  
     37         adoRs.open seqsql, objconn, 3, 1
     38         sysYear = adoRs(0)
     39         sysDate = adoRs(1)
     40         adoRs.close
     41         set adoRs = nothing 
     42 end function 
     43 '获取序列
     44 function getSequence(byval objconn,byval seqname,byref maxIndex)
     45         seqsql = "select "&seqname&".nextval from dual"
     46         Set adoRs = CreateObject("ADODB.RECORDSET")  
     47         adoRs.open seqsql, objconn, 3, 1
     48         maxIndex = adoRs(0)
     49         adoRs.close
     50         set adoRs = nothing 
     51 end function 
     52 '新建记录
     53 function addNewRecord(byval sql,byval currentyear,byval currentDate,byval indexvalue,byval shenqr,byval computer,byval computerip,byval computermac)
     54         Set adoRs=CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
     55         adoRs.Open  sql,adoConnection,3,2
     56         adoRs.AddNew
     57         adoRs("currentyear")=currentyear
     58         adoRs("index_value")=indexvalue
     59         adoRs("申请人")=shenqr
     60         adoRs("计算机")=computer
     61         adoRs("计算机IP")=computerip
     62         adoRs("计算机MAC")=computermac
     63         adoRs("申请时间")=currentDate'now()
     64         adoRs.Update
     65         adoRs.MoveNext
     66         adoRs.Close
     67         set adoRs = nothing 
     68 end function 
     69   '获取本机计算机名
     70 Function GetComputer()
     71     strComputer = "."
     72     Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\" & strComputer & "
     73     Set colComputers = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")
     74     For Each objComputer in colComputers
     75         GetComputer = objComputer.Name
     76     Exit For
     77     Next
     78 end function 
     79   '获取本机MAC
     80 Function GetMAC()
     81     GetMAC = ""
     82     Dim mc,mo
     83     Set mc = GetObject("Winmgmts:").InstancesOf("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration")
     84     For Each mo In mc
     85         If mo.IPEnabled = True Then 
     86             GetMAC = mo.MacAddress
     87             Exit For
     88         End If
     89     Next
     90     Set mc = nothing
     91 End Function
     93   '获取本机IP
     94 Function GetIP()
     95    ComputerName="."
     96     Dim objWMIService,colItems,objItem,objAddress
     97     Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\" & ComputerName & "
     98     Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where IPEnabled = True")
     99     For Each objItem in colItems
    100         For Each objAddress in objItem.IPAddress
    101             If objAddress <> "" then
    102                 GetIP = objAddress
    103                 Exit Function
    104             End If
    105         Next
    106     Next
    107 End Function
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