• MySQL笔记11



    IF([your conditions],[value outputted if conditions are met],[value outputted if conditions are NOT met])
    SELECT created_at, IF(created_at<'2014-06-01','early_user','late_user') AS user_type
    FROM users

    嵌入IF(nested IF ):

     We could use a nested query to say whenever "country" does not equal "US", use the results of a second IF expression to determine whether the outputed value should be "Not Applicable" or "Outside US."
    The IF expression would look like this
    ''' IF(cleaned_users.country='US','In US', IF(cleaned_users.country='N/A','Not Applicable','Outside US'))
    SELECT IF(cleaned_users.country='US', 'In US',
             IF(cleaned_users.country='N/A','Not Applicable', 'Outside US')) AS US_user,
    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT user_guid, country
         FROM users
         WHERE country IS NOT NULL) AS cleaned_users
    GROUP BY US_user

    2.CASE 语句

    SELECT CASE WHEN cleaned_users.country="US" THEN "In US"
                WHEN cleaned_users.country="N/A" THEN "Not Applicable"
                ELSE "Outside US"
                END AS US_user, 
    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT user_guid, country            
        FROM users
        WHERE country IS NOT NULL) AS cleaned_users
    GROUP BY US_user


    SELECT CASE cleaned_users.country
                WHEN "US" THEN "In US"
                WHEN "N/A" THEN "Not Applicable"
                ELSE "Outside US"
                END AS US_user, COUNT(cleaned_users.user_guid)
    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT user_guid, country   
        FROM users
        WHERE country IS NOT NULL) AS cleaned_users
    GROUP BY US_user
    SELECT d.dog_guid, d.weight, CASE 
            WHEN d.weight>0 AND d.weight <= 10 THEN "very small"
            WHEN d.weight>10 AND d.weight <= 30 THEN "small"
            WHEN d.weight>30 AND d.weight <= 50 THEN "medium"
            WHEN d.weight>50 AND d.weight <= 85 THEN "large"
            WHEN  d.weight>85 THEN "very large"
            END AS Dog_size
    FROM  dogs d
    LIMIT 200;

    3. 逻辑表达式

    NOT, AND, OR

    CASE WHEN "condition 1" OR "condition 2" AND "condition 3"
    CASE WHEN "condition 3" AND "condition 1" OR "condition 2"
    CASE WHEN ("condition 1" OR "condition 2") AND "condition 3"
            CASE WHEN breed_group='Sporting' OR breed_group='Herding' AND exclude!='1' THEN "group 1"
            ELSE "everything else"
            END AS groups
    FROM dogs         
    GROUP BY groups
    The Safest Way to Get what you Want is to Try and Deserve What you Want.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Shinered/p/9686884.html
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