• plant template

    skinparam defaultFontName "Sarasa Mono SC"
    skinparam backgroundColor #1e1e1e
    skinparam roundcorner 1
    !$cFontColor= "#f4f4f4"
    !$cFontSize ="10"
    !$cLineColor= "#404040"
    !$cLineThickness = "1"
    !$cNodeBGColor = "#848482"
    mindmapDiagram {
        FontColor $cFontColor
        FontSize $cFontSize
        FontStyle monospaced
        LineColor $cLineColor
        LineThickness $cLineThickness
        Shadowing 0.0
        node {
            BackGroundColor $cNodeBGColor
            LineColor $cLineColor
            Padding 5
    	    Margin 5
        :depth(1) {
          BackGroundColor $cNodeBGColor
          LineColor $cLineColor
          RoundCorner 30
          FontSize $cFontSize
          FontColor $cFontColor
        :depth(2) {
          BackGroundColor $cNodeBGColor
          FontSize $cFontSize
          LineColor $cLineColor
    * 0
    ** Ubuntu
    *** Linux Mint
    **[#00ffaa] custom
    ** 多行中使用分号;
    ***:template <typename T>
    class cname{
    void f1()<U+003B>
    ** 表格
    ***:Here is the result
    |= |= table |= header |
    | a | table | row |
    |<#FF8080> red |<#80FF80> green |<#8080FF> blue |
    <#yellow>| b | table | row |;
    ** 插入图片
    ***_ <img:img.png>
    ** 字体样式
    This is **bold**
    This is //italics//
    This is ""monospaced""
    This is --stroked--
    This is __underlined__;
    *** 123
    ****:* You can change <color:red>text color</color>
    * You can change <back:cadetblue>background color</back>
    * You can change <size:18>size</size>
    * You use <u>legacy</u> <b>HTML <i>tag</i></b>
    * You use <u:red>color</u> <s:green>in HTML</s> <w:#0000FF>tag</w>
    **:**test list 1**
    * Bullet list
    * Second item
    ** Sub item
    *** Sub sub item
    * Third item
    **test list 2**
    # Numbered list
    # Second item
    ## Sub item
    ## Another sub item
    # Third item
    --Another title--
    ..My title..
    ***:**Creole https://plantuml.com/ja/creole**
    <#silver>|= code|= output|
     This is ""~**bold**""
     This is **bold** |
     This is ""~//italics//""
     This is //italics// |
     This is ""~""monospaced~"" ""
     This is ""monospaced"" |
     This is ""~--stroked--""
     This is --stroked-- |
     This is ""~__underlined__""
     This is __underlined__ |
     This is ""<U+007E><U+007E>waved<U+007E><U+007E>""
     This is ~~waved~~ |;
    ***:<b>Legacy HTML like
    <#silver>|= code|= output|
     This is ""~<b>bold</b>""
     This is <b>bold</b> |
     This is ""~<i>italics</i>""
     This is <i>italics</i> |
     This is ""~<font:monospaced>monospaced</font>""
     This is <font:monospaced>monospaced</font> |
     This is ""~<s>stroked</s>""
      This is <s>stroked</s> |
     This is ""~<u>underlined</u>""
     This is <u>underlined</u> |
     This is ""~<w>waved</w>""
     This is <w>waved</w> |
    And color as a bonus...
    <#silver>|= code|= output|
     This is ""~<s:""<color:green>""green""</color>"">stroked</s>""
      This is <s:green>stroked</s> |
     This is ""~<u:""<color:red>""red""</color>"">underlined</u>""
     This is <u:red>underlined</u> |
     This is ""~<w:""<color:#0000FF>""#0000FF""</color>"">waved</w>""
     This is <w:#0000FF>waved</w> |;
  • 相关阅读:
    【转】命令模式(command pattern)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Searchor/p/13690771.html
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