• [LeetCode]Spiral Matrix

    Spiral Matrix

    Given a matrix of m x n elements (m rows, n columns), return all elements of the matrix in spiral order.

    For example,
    Given the following matrix:

     [ 1, 2, 3 ],
     [ 4, 5, 6 ],
     [ 7, 8, 9 ]

    You should return [1,2,3,6,9,8,7,4,5].



    继续遍历的条件是(x2>=x1 && y2>=y1)。


     1 class Solution {
     2 public:
     3     vector<int> spiralOrder(vector<vector<int>>& matrix) {
     4         vector<int> result;
     5         if(matrix.size()==0 || matrix[0].size()==0) return result;
     6         int m=matrix.size(),n=matrix[0].size();
     7         int x1=0,y1=0,x2=m-1,y2=n-1;
     8         while(x2>=x1 & y2>=y1)
     9         {
    10             if(x2>=x1 & y2>=y1)
    11             {
    12                 for(int i=y1;i<=y2;i++) result.push_back(matrix[x1][i]);
    13                 x1++;
    14             }
    15             if(x2>=x1 & y2>=y1)
    16             {
    17                 for(int i=x1;i<=x2;i++) result.push_back(matrix[i][y2]);
    18                 y2--;
    19             }
    20             if(x2>=x1 & y2>=y1)
    21             {
    22                 for(int i=y2;i>=y1;i--) result.push_back(matrix[x2][i]);
    23                 x2--;
    24             }
    25             if(x2>=x1 & y2>=y1)
    26             {
    27                for(int i=x2;i>=x1;i--) result.push_back(matrix[i][y1]);
    28                 y1++; 
    29             }
    30         }
    31         return result;
    32     }
    33 };
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Sean-le/p/4796203.html
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