• Ant步步为营(4)ant启动tomcat




    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <project name="ForTest" default="start_tomcat" >
        <property file="build.properties"></property>
            <target name="stop_tomcat">  
            <exec executable="cmd" dir="${tomcat.home}/bin" failonerror="false"   
                        output="${log.file}" append="true" >  
                <!-- <arg value="/c" /> -->     
                <env key="CATALINA_HOME" path="${tomcat.home}"/>
                <arg value="/c"/>
                <arg value="shutdown.bat"/>   
        <target name="start_tomcat" depends="stop_tomcat">  
            <exec executable="cmd" dir="${tomcat.home}/bin"  failonerror="false"   
                        output="${log.file}" append="true" >  
                 <!-- <arg value="/c" /> -->    
                 <env key="CATALINA_HOME" path="${tomcat.home}"/>  
                 <arg value="/c startup.bat" />     




    exec executable="cmd"这一句是用在window系统下用cmd的方式启动tomcat。

    <env key="CATALINA_HOME" path="${tomcat.home}"/>必须指明CATALINA_HOME的值。


    /c的解释:(参考ant api)

    Windows Users

    The <exec> task delegates to Runtime.exec which in turn apparently calls ::CreateProcess. It is the latter Win32 function that defines the exact semantics of the call. In particular, if you do not put a file extension on the executable, only ".EXE" files are looked for, not ".COM", ".CMD" or other file types listed in the environment variable PATHEXT. That is only used by the shell.

    Note that .bat files cannot in general by executed directly. One normally needs to execute the command shell executable cmd using the /c switch.

    <target name="help">
      <exec executable="cmd">
        <arg value="/c"/>
        <arg value="ant.bat"/>
        <arg value="-p"/>

    A common problem is not having the executable on the PATH. In case you get an error message Cannot run program "...":CreateProcess error=2. The system cannot find the path specified. have a look at your PATH variable. Just type the command directly on the command line and if Windows finds it, Ant should do it too. (Otherwise ask on the user mailinglist for help.) If Windows can not execute the program add the directory of the program to the PATH (set PATH=%PATH%;dirOfProgram) or specify the absolute path in the executable attribute in your buildfile.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/QAZLIU/p/3732273.html
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