Mad scientist Mike is building a time machine in his spare time. To finish the work, he needs a resistor with a certain resistance value.
However, all Mike has is lots of identical resistors with unit resistance R0 = 1. Elements with other resistance can be constructed from these resistors. In this problem, we will consider the following as elements:
- one resistor;
- an element and one resistor plugged in sequence;
- an element and one resistor plugged in parallel.
With the consecutive connection the resistance of the new element equals R = Re + R0. With the parallel connection the resistance of the new element equals . In this case Re equals the resistance of the element being connected.
Mike needs to assemble an element with a resistance equal to the fraction . Determine the smallest possible number of resistors he needs to make such an element.
The single input line contains two space-separated integers a and b (1 ≤ a, b ≤ 1018). It is guaranteed that the fraction is irreducible. It is guaranteed that a solution always exists.
Print a single number — the answer to the problem.
Please do not use the %lld specifier to read or write 64-bit integers in С++. It is recommended to use the cin, cout streams or the %I64d specifier.
Sample Input
1 1
3 2
199 200
In the first sample, one resistor is enough.
In the second sample one can connect the resistors in parallel, take the resulting element and connect it to a third resistor consecutively. Then, we get an element with resistance . We cannot make this element using two resistors.
题意: 给你2个数a,b,现在有无穷的电阻为一的电阻可以拿,想要组成一个阻值为a/b的电阻,求最少需要多少个阻值为1 的电阻?
分析: 写了挺久,这tm是个简单数学题啊啊啊啊!其实就是按照最大公因数的方式一步步求解,对于给定的a,b,如果a < b,我们交换a,b,的值,并用a/b得到这次对答案的贡献,然后更新a的值,循环处理直到分母为0 ,得到答案。。。。。
1 /************************************************************************* 2 > File Name: cf.cpp 3 > Author: 4 > Mail: 5 > Created Time: 2016年07月10日 星期日 17时04分04秒 6 ************************************************************************/ 7 8 #include<iostream> 9 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 10 using namespace std; 11 typedef long long ll; 12 ll solve(ll a,ll b,ll &ans) 13 { 14 if(a < b) 15 { 16 swap(a,b); 17 } 18 while(b) 19 { 20 ans += a/b; 21 a = a%b; 22 swap(a,b); 23 } 24 return ans; 25 } 26 int main() 27 { 28 ll a,b; 29 cin >> a >> b; 30 ll ans= 0; 31 ans = solve(a,b,ans); 32 cout << ans << endl; 33 return 0; 34 }