包括 name, type, sendCity, getCity
分别对应物流送货司机名, 倒车的第几段, 发货城市, 收货城市
-- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `temp` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `temp`; CREATE TABLE `temp` ( `id` int(16) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `type` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `sendCity` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `getCity` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=14 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of temp -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `temp` VALUES ('7', '张三', '2', '北京', '沈阳'); INSERT INTO `temp` VALUES ('8', '张三', '3', '沈阳', '哈尔滨'); INSERT INTO `temp` VALUES ('9', '李四', '1', '保定', '天津'); INSERT INTO `temp` VALUES ('10', '李四', '2', '天津', '东莞'); INSERT INTO `temp` VALUES ('11', '李四', '3', '东莞', '广州'); INSERT INTO `temp` VALUES ('12', '王五', '1', '保定', '石家庄'); INSERT INTO `temp` VALUES ('13', '王五', '2', '石家庄', '宁晋');
这里是分段的,需要将姓名是“张三” 的第二,第三段合成一个 记录,也就是 “张三” “北京” “哈尔滨”
物流司机可能是 1,2段,可能是1,2,3段,可能是2,3段所以在这里写一个存储过程,将合并后的结果放到另一个表中,
BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE _name varchar(64); declare _maxType varchar(32); declare _minType varchar(32); declare _type varchar(64); declare _sendCity varchar(64); declare _getCity varchar(64); #declare _tempName varchar(64); declare _tempSend varchar(64); declare _tempGet varchar(64); DECLARE cursorOuter CURSOR for select name, max(type) maxType, min(type) minType from temp group by name; DECLARE cursorInner CURSOR for select type, sendCity, getCity from temp where name=_name; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = 1; #循环终止的标志,游标中如果没有数据就设置done为1 #select now(); OPEN cursorOuter; FETCH cursorOuter INTO _name, _maxType, _minType; WHILE (done=0) DO begin open cursorInner; fetch cursorInner into _type, _sendCity, _getCity; while (done=0) DO if _type = _maxType then set _tempGet = _getCity; elseif _type = _minType then set _tempSend = _sendCity; end if; FETCH cursorInner into _type, _sendCity, _getCity; end while; close cursorInner; end; INSERT into temp1(name, type, sendCity, getCity) values(_name, _type, _tempSend, _tempGet); SET done = 0; ## 赋值下一个游标 FETCH cursorOuter INTO _name, _maxType, _minType; END WHILE; ## 关闭 CLOSE cursorOuter; END
最后的 temp1 表结构和数据是这样的:
-- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `temp1` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `temp1`; CREATE TABLE `temp1` ( `id` int(16) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `type` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `sendCity` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `getCity` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=22 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of temp1 -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `temp1` VALUES ('19', '张三', '3', '北京', '哈尔滨'); INSERT INTO `temp1` VALUES ('20', '李四', '3', '保定', '广州'); INSERT INTO `temp1` VALUES ('21', '王五', '2', '保定', '宁晋');
1、存储过成总是提示 nodata,查询后 添加
DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = 1; #循环终止的标志,游标中如果没有数据就设置done为1
SET done = 0;
while循环以WHILE (done=0) DO 作为判断。