1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 # Author:Monarch-T 3 import getpass 4 #密文 模块在pycharm中不好使 5 ''' 6 username = input("username:") 7 userpasswd = getpass.getpass("passwd:") 8 print(username, userpasswd) 9 ''' 10 #if-else流程语句 11 #python 强制缩进 12 #GTT不加引号是变量 单引号和双引号是一样的在python中 13 ''' 14 _name = 'GTT' 15 _passwd = '1234' 16 username = input("username:") 17 userpasswd = input("passwd:") 18 19 if username == _name and _passwd == userpasswd: 20 print("Welcome user {name} login...".format(name=username)) 21 else: 22 print("Invaild username or userpasswd!") 23 ''' 24 25 guess = int(input("guess age:")) 26 age = 56 27 if age == guess: 28 print("you got it!") 29 elif guess > age: 30 print("think smaller!") 31 else: 32 print("think bigger!") 33 34 #while循环 35 ''' 36 count = 0 37 while True: 38 print("count:",count) 39 count = count + 1 40 ''' 41 count = 3 42 while count>0: 43 guess = int(input("guess age:")) 44 age = 56 45 if age == guess: 46 print("you got it!") 47 break 48 elif guess > age: 49 print("think smaller!") 50 else: 51 print("think bigger!") 52 count -= 1 53 else: 54 print("you have tried too many times!....fuck off")