• [洛谷P4291][HAOI2008]排名系统


    1. $+Name;Socore:$上传最新得分记录,把以前的记录删除。
    2. $?Name:$ 查询玩家排名。如果两个玩家的得分相同,则先得到该得分的玩家排在前面。
    3. $?Index:$ 返回自第$Index$名开始的最多$10$名玩家名字。



    C++ Code:

    #include <cstdio>
    #include <map>
    #include <iostream>
    #define maxn 250010
    std::map<std::string, int> name;
    int n, namenum;
    struct node {
    	int v, p;
    	inline node(int __v = 0, int __p = 0) {v = __v, p = __p;}
    	inline friend bool operator > (const node &lhs, const node &rhs) {
    		if (lhs.v == rhs.v) return lhs.p < rhs.p;
    		return lhs.v > rhs.v;
    	inline friend bool operator == (const node &lhs, const node &rhs) {return lhs.v == rhs.v && lhs.p == rhs.p;}
    	inline friend bool operator >= (const node &lhs, const node &rhs) {return lhs > rhs || lhs == rhs;}
    namespace Treap {
    	int lc[maxn], rc[maxn], num[maxn], sz[maxn];
    	node val[maxn];
    	int root, idx;
    	int ta, tb, tmp, res;
    	int seed = 20040826;
    	inline int rand() {return seed *= 48271;}
    	inline int update(int rt) {
    		sz[rt] = sz[lc[rt]] + sz[rc[rt]] + 1;
    		return rt;
    	inline int nw(node x) {
    		val[++idx] = x;
    		num[idx] = rand();
    		sz[idx] = 1;
    		return idx;
    	void split(int rt, node k, int &x, int &y) {
    		if (!rt) x = y = 0;
    		else {
    			if (val[rt] >= k) split(rc[rt], k, rc[rt], y), x = update(rt);
    			else split(lc[rt], k, x, lc[rt]), y = update(rt);
    	void split(int rt, int k, int &x, int &y) {
    		if (!rt) x = y = 0;
    		else {
    			if (sz[lc[rt]] < k) split(rc[rt], k - sz[lc[rt]] - 1, rc[rt], y), x = update(rt);
    			else split(lc[rt], k, x, lc[rt]), y = update(rt);
    	int merge(int x, int y) {
    		if (!x || !y) return x | y;
    		if (num[x] < num[y]) {rc[x] = merge(rc[x], y); return update(x);}
    		else {lc[y] = merge(x, lc[y]); return update(y);}
    	inline int gtrnk(node x) {
    		split(root, x, ta, tb);
    		res = sz[ta];
    		root = merge(ta, tb);
    		return res;
    	inline node gtkth(int k) {
    		tmp = root;
    		while (true) {
    			if (sz[lc[tmp]] >= k) tmp = lc[tmp];
    			else {
    				if (sz[lc[tmp]] + 1 == k) return val[tmp];
    				else k -= sz[lc[tmp]] + 1, tmp = rc[tmp];
    	void insert(node x) {
    		if (!root) root = nw(x);
    		else {
    			split(root, x, ta, tb);
    			root = merge(merge(ta, nw(x)), tb);
    	void erase(node x) {
    		split(root, x, ta, tb);
    		split(ta, sz[ta] - 1, ta, tmp);
    		root = merge(ta, tb);
    int val[maxn];
    std::string retname[maxn];
    int main() {
    	scanf("%d", &n);
    	for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    		char op;
    		std::string s;
    		std::cin >> op >> s;
    		if (op == '+') {
    			int x;
    			std::cin >> x;
    			if (name.count(s)) {
    				int pos = name[s];
    				Treap::erase(node(val[pos], pos));
    			name[s] = i;
    			retname[i] = s;
    			val[i] = x;
    			Treap::insert(node(x, i));
    		} else if (isdigit(s[0])) {
    			int pos = 0, posend;
    			for (std::string::iterator it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); it++) pos = pos * 10 + (*it & 15);
    			posend = std::min(pos + 9, namenum);
    			for (int i = pos; i <= posend; i++) {
    				std::cout << retname[Treap::gtkth(i).p];
    				putchar(i == posend ? '
    ' : ' ');
    		} else {
    			int pos = name[s];
    			std::cout << Treap::gtrnk(node(val[pos], pos)) << std::endl;
    	return 0;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Memory-of-winter/p/9866876.html
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