• jinja2 使用教程




    sw-office-lon-01 is an iterable: True
    sw-office-lon-01 is a sequence: True
    sw-office-lon-01 is a string: True
    4.22 is a number: True
    4.22 is an integer: False
    4.22 is a float: True
    65001 is a number: True
    65001 is an integer: True
    65001 is a float: False
    {'Ethernet1': 'Uplink to core'} is an iterable: True
    {'Ethernet1': 'Uplink to core'} is a sequence: True
    {'Ethernet1': 'Uplink to core'} is a mapping: True
    ['', '', ''] is an iterable: True
    ['', '', ''] is a sequence: True
    ['', '', ''] is a mapping: False


    So what all of this means? Well, I suggest the following tests for each type of variable:

    Number, Float, Integer - these work just as expected, so choose whatever fits your use case.

    Strings - it's enough to use string test:

    {{ my_string is string }}

    Dictionary - using mapping test is sufficient:
    {{ my_dict is mapping }}

    Lists - this is a tough one, full check should tests if variable is a sequence but at the same time it cannot be a mapping or a string:
    {{ my_list is sequence and my list is not mapping and my list is not string }}

    In some cases we know dictionary, or a string, is unlikely to appear so we can shorten the check by getting rid of mapping or string test:

    {{ my_list is sequence and my list is not string }}
    {{ my_list is sequence and my list is not mapping }}

    For the full list of available tests follow the link in References.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/LuoboLiam/p/15098288.html
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