• 链表的实现


    // 双向线性链表容器及其迭代器和泛型算法
    #include <cstring>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <stdexcept>
    using namespace std;
    // 双向线性链表容器
    template<typename T>
    class List {
        // 构造、析构、拷贝构造、拷贝赋值
        List (void) : m_head (NULL),
            m_tail (NULL) {}
        ~List (void) {
            clear ();
        List (List const& that) :
            m_head (NULL), m_tail (NULL) {
            for (Node* node = that.m_head;
                node; node = node->m_next)
                push_back (node->m_data);
        List& operator= (List const& that) {
            if (&that != this) {
                List list = that;
                swap (m_head, list.m_head);
                swap (m_tail, list.m_tail);
            return *this;
        // 获取首元素
        T& front (void) {
            if (empty ())
                throw underflow_error (
            return m_head->m_data;
        T const& front (void) const {
            return const_cast<List*> (this)->
                front ();
        // 向首部压入
        void push_front (T const& data) {
            m_head = new Node (data, NULL,
            if (m_head->m_next)
                m_head->m_next->m_prev =
                m_tail = m_head;
        // 从首部弹出
        void pop_front (void) {
            if (empty ())
                throw underflow_error (
            Node* next = m_head->m_next;
            delete m_head;
            m_head = next;
            if (m_head)
                m_head->m_prev = NULL;
                m_tail = NULL;
        // 获取尾元素
        T& back (void) {
            if (empty ())
                throw underflow_error (
            return m_tail->m_data;
        T const& back (void) const {
            return const_cast<List*> (this)->
                back ();
        // 向尾部压入
        void push_back (T const& data) {
            m_tail = new Node (data, m_tail);
            if (m_tail->m_prev)
                m_tail->m_prev->m_next =
                m_head = m_tail;
        // 从尾部弹出
        void pop_back (void) {
            if (empty ())
                throw underflow_error (
            Node* prev = m_tail->m_prev;
            delete m_tail;
            m_tail = prev;
            if (m_tail)
                m_tail->m_next = NULL;
                m_head = NULL;
        // 删除所有匹配元素
        void remove (T const& data) {
            for (Node* node = m_head, *next;
                node; node = next) {
                next = node->m_next;
                if (equal (node->m_data,
                    data)) {
                    if (node->m_prev)
                        m_head =
                    if (node->m_next)
                        m_tail =
                    delete node;
        // 清空
        void clear (void) {
            while (! empty ())
                pop_front ();
        // 判空
        bool empty (void) const {
            return ! m_head && ! m_tail;
        // 大小
        size_t size (void) const {
            size_t nodes = 0;
            for (Node* node = m_head;
                node; node = node->m_next)
            return nodes;
        // 随机访问
        // O(N)
        T& operator[] (size_t i) {
            for (Node* node = m_head; node;
                node = node->m_next)
                if (! i--)
                    return node->m_data;
            throw out_of_range("下标越界!");
        T const& operator[] (size_t i) const{
            return const_cast<List&> (
        // 插入输出流
        friend ostream& operator<< (
            ostream& os, List const& list) {
            for (Node* node = list.m_head;
                node; node = node->m_next)
                os << *node;
            return os;
        // 节点
        class Node {
            Node (T const& data,
                Node* prev = NULL,
                Node* next = NULL) :
                m_data (data), m_prev (prev),
                m_next (next) {}
            friend ostream& operator<< (
                ostream& os,
                Node const& node) {
                return os << '('
                    << node.m_data << ')';
            T     m_data; // 数据
            Node* m_prev; // 前指针
            Node* m_next; // 后指针
        // 判等函数的通用版本
        bool equal (T const& a,
            T const& b) const {
            return a == b;
        Node* m_head; // 头指针
        Node* m_tail; // 尾指针
        // 正向顺序可写迭代器
        // 正向:增向尾,减向首
        // 顺序:一次只能迭代一个元素
        // 可写:目标元素可被修改
        class Iterator {
            Iterator (Node* head = NULL,
                Node* tail = NULL,
                Node* node = NULL) :
                m_head (head), m_tail (tail),
                m_node (node) {}
            bool operator== (
                Iterator const& it) const {
                return m_node == it.m_node;
            bool operator!= (
                Iterator const& it) const {
                return ! (*this == it);
            Iterator& operator++ (void) {
                if (m_node)
                    m_node = m_node->m_next;
                    m_node = m_head;
                return *this;
            Iterator const operator++ (int) {
                Iterator old = *this;
                return old;
            Iterator& operator-- (void) {
                if (m_node)
                    m_node = m_node->m_prev;
                    m_node = m_tail;
                return *this;
            Iterator const operator-- (int) {
                Iterator old = *this;
                return old;
            T& operator* (void) const {
                return m_node->m_data;
            T* operator-> (void) const {
                return &**this;
            Node* m_head;
            Node* m_tail;
            Node* m_node;
            friend class List;
        // 获取起始迭代器
        // 指向首元素
        Iterator begin (void) {
            return Iterator (m_head, m_tail,
        // 获取终止迭代器
        // 指向尾元素之后
        Iterator end (void) {
            return Iterator (m_head, m_tail);
        // 插入
        // 在loc迭代器的目标元素之前插入data
        // 返回指向新插入元素的迭代器
        Iterator insert (Iterator loc,
            T const& data) {
            if (loc == end ()) {
                push_back (data);
                return Iterator (m_head,
                    m_tail, m_tail);
            else {
                Node* node = new Node (data,
                if (node->m_prev)
                    node->m_prev->m_next =
                    m_head = node;
                node->m_next->m_prev = node;
                return Iterator (m_head,
                    m_tail, node);
        // 删除
        // 删除loc迭代器的目标元素
        // 返回指向被删元素下一个位置的迭代器
        Iterator erase (Iterator loc) {
            if (loc == end ())
                throw invalid_argument (
            if (loc.m_node->m_prev)
                loc.m_node->m_prev->m_next =
                m_head = loc.m_node->m_next;
            if (loc.m_node->m_next)
                loc.m_node->m_next->m_prev =
                m_tail = loc.m_node->m_prev;
            Node* next = loc.m_node->m_next;
            delete loc.m_node;
            return Iterator (m_head, m_tail,
    // 判等函数针对char const*类型的特化版本
    bool List<char const*>::equal (
        char const* const& a,
        char const* const& b) const {
        return ! strcmp (a, b);
    // 线性查找
    int find (int data[], int size, int key){
        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
            if (data[i] == key)
                return i;
        return -1;
    int* find (int* begin, int* end,int key){
        int* it;
        for (it = begin; it != end; ++it)
            if (*it == key)
        return it;
    template<typename IT, typename KEY>
    IT find (IT begin,IT end,KEY const& key){
        IT it;
        for (it = begin; it != end; ++it)
            if (*it == key)
        return it;
    // 测试用例
    void test1 (void) {
        List<int> list;
        list.push_front (40);
        list.push_front (30);
        list.push_front (20);
        list.push_front (10);
        list.push_front (0);
        cout << list << endl;
        // 0 10 20 30 40
        list.front () = 5;
        cout << list << endl;
        // 5 10 20 30 40
        List<int> const& cr = list;
    //    ++cr.front ();
        cout << cr.front () << endl; // 5
        list.pop_front ();
        cout << list << endl;
        // 10 20 30 40
        list.push_back (50);
        list.push_back (60);
        list.push_back (70);
        list.push_back (80);
        list.push_back (90);
        cout << list << endl;
        // 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
        list.back () += 5;
        cout << list << endl;
        // 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 95
        List<int> const* cp = &list;
    //    cp->back ()--;
        cout << cp->back () << endl; // 95
        list.pop_back ();
        cout << list << endl;
        // 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
        list.push_front (50);
        list.push_front (50);
        list.push_back (50);
        list.push_back (50);
        cout << list << endl;
        // 50 50 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 50
        // 50
        list.remove (50);
        cout << list << endl;
        // 10 20 30 40 60 70 80
        cout << boolalpha << list.empty ()
            << ' ' << list.size () << endl;
        // false 7
        list.clear ();
        cout << list.empty () << ' '
            << list.size () << endl;
        // true 0
        try {
            list.pop_front ();
        catch (exception& ex) {
            cout << ex.what () << endl;
    void test2 (void) {
        List<int> l1;
        l1.push_back (100);
        l1.push_back (200);
        l1.push_back (300);
        l1.push_back (400);
        l1.push_back (500);
        List<int> l2 = l1; // 拷贝构造
        cout << "l1: " << l1 << endl;
        cout << "l2: " << l2 << endl;
        ++l1.front ();
        --l2.back ();
        cout << "l1: " << l1 << endl;
        cout << "l2: " << l2 << endl;
        l2 = l1; // 拷贝赋值
        cout << "l1: " << l1 << endl;
        cout << "l2: " << l2 << endl;
        l1.pop_front ();
        l2.pop_back ();
        cout << "l1: " << l1 << endl;
        cout << "l2: " << l2 << endl;
    void test3 (void) {
        char sa[][256] = {"北京", "上海",
            "北京", "广州", "北京"};
    //    char const* sa[] = {"北京", "上海",
    //        "北京", "广州", "北京"};
    //    List<string> ls;
        List<char const*> ls;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof (sa) /
            sizeof (sa[0]); ++i)
            ls.push_back (sa[i]);
        cout << ls << endl;
        ls.remove ("北京");
        cout << ls << endl;
    void test4 (void) {
        List<int> list;
        for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i)
            list.push_back (i);
        cout << list << endl;
        // O(N^2)
        size_t size = list.size ();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
            list[i] *= list[i];
        // O(N)
        for (List<int>::Iterator it =
            list.begin (); it != list.end ();
            *it *= *it;
        cout << list << endl;
    void test5 (void) {
        List<int> list;
        list.insert (list.end (), 10);
        list.insert (list.end (), 50);
        list.insert (list.end (), 90);
        cout << list << endl;
        // 10 50 90
        List<int>::Iterator loc =
            list.begin ();
        list.insert (
            list.insert (
                list.insert (
                    ++loc, 40), 30), 20);
        cout << list << endl;
        // 10 20 30 40 50 90
        loc = list.end ();
        list.insert (
            list.insert (
                list.insert (
                    --loc, 80), 70), 60);
        cout << list << endl;
        // 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
        loc = list.begin ();
        list.erase (
            list.erase (
                list.erase (++++++loc)));
        cout << list << endl;
        // 10 20 30 70 80 90
    void test6 (void) {
        int ai[] = {13, 27, 19, 33, 51};
        size_t size = sizeof (ai ) /
            sizeof (ai[0]);
        int* pi = find (ai, ai + size, 33);
    //    int* pi = find (ai, ai + size, 32);
        if (pi == ai + size)
            cout << "没找到!" << endl;
            cout << "找到了:" << *pi <<endl;
        List<string> ls;
        ls.push_back ("济南");
        ls.push_back ("菏泽");
        ls.push_back ("潍坊");
        ls.push_back ("滨州");
        ls.push_back ("临沂");
        List<string>::Iterator it = find (
            ls.begin (), ls.end (), "滨州");
    //    List<string>::Iterator it = find (
    //        ls.begin (), ls.end (), "淄博");
        if (it == ls.end ())
            cout << "没找到!" << endl;
            cout << "找到了:" << *it <<endl;
    // 进程入口
    int main (void) {
    //    test1 ();
    //    test2 ();
    //    test3 ();
    //    test4 ();
    //    test5 ();
        test6 ();
        return 0;
    #include <iostream>
    #include <list>
    #include <algorithm>
    using namespace std;
    void print (list<int> const& li) {
        for (list<int>::const_iterator it =
            li.begin (); it != li.end ();
            cout << *it << ' ';
        cout << endl;
    class IntCmp {
        IntCmp (bool raise = true) :
            m_raise (raise) {}
        bool operator() (int a, int b) const{
            if (m_raise)
                return a < b;
                return a > b;
        bool m_raise;
    int main (void) {
        int ai[] = {10,10,20,20,10,20,30,20,
        list<int> l1 (ai, ai + sizeof (ai) /
            sizeof (ai[0]));
        print (l1);
    //    sort (l1.begin (), l1.end ());
        l1.sort (IntCmp ());
        print (l1);
        l1.sort (IntCmp (false));
        print (l1);
        l1.unique ();
        cout << "l1: ";
        print (l1);
        list<int> l2;
        l2.push_back (1000);
        l2.push_back (2000);
        l2.push_back (3000);
        l2.push_back (4000);
        l2.push_back (5000);
        cout << "l2: ";
        print (l2);
        list<int>::iterator pos = l1.begin();
        l1.splice (++pos, l2);
        list<int>::iterator del = l2.begin();
        l1.splice (++pos, l2, ++++del);
        list<int>::iterator begin =
            l2.begin (), end = l2.end ();
        l1.splice (++pos, l2, ++begin,
        cout << "l1: ";
        print (l1);
        cout << "l2: ";
        print (l2);
        l1.clear ();
        l1.push_back (100);
        l1.push_back (500);
        l1.push_back (700);
        l2.clear ();
        l2.push_back (200);
        l2.push_back (300);
        l2.push_back (600);
        l2.push_back (800);
        l2.push_back (900);
        cout << "l1: ";
        print (l1);
        cout << "l2: ";
        print (l2);
        l1.merge (l2);
        cout << "l1: ";
        print (l1);
        cout << "l2: ";
        print (l2);
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/LuckCoder/p/8668393.html
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