• /dev、/sys/dev 和/sys/devices 和udev的关系



    这是内核设备按总线类型分层放置的目录结构, devices 中的所有设备都是连接于某种总线之下,在这里的每一种具体总线之下可以

    找到每一个具体设备的符号链接,它也是构成 Linux 统一设备模型的一部分;







    sysfs is amechanism for representing kernel objects, their attributes, and theirrelationships

    with each other.

    It provides twocomponents: a kernel programming interface for exporting these items via sysfs,and a user interface to view and manipulate these items that maps back to thekernel objects which they represent.

    The table belowshows the mapping between internel (kernel) constructs and their external

    (userspace) sysfsmappings.


    |Internal             | External      |


    |KernelObjects       | Directories   |


    |ObjectAttributes    | Regular Files |


    |ObjectRelationships | Symbolic Links|





    Contains twodirectories char/ and block/. Inside these two directories there are symlinksnamed <major>:<minor>. These symlinks point to the sysfs directoryfor the given device. /sys/dev provides a quick way to lookup the sysfsinterface for a device from the result of a stat(2) operation.


    root@AuxLinux:/sys#ls -l dev/block/8:1

    lrwxrwxrwx 1 rootroot 0 2011-08-26 10:13 dev/block/8:1 ->../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:10.0/host2/target2:0:0/2:0:0:0/block/sda/sda1

    root@AuxLinux:/sys#stat /dev/sda1

      File: `/dev/sda1'

      Size: 0               Blocks: 0          IO Block: 4096   block special file

    Device: 5h/5d   Inode: 5484        Links: 1     Device type: 8,1

    Access:(0660/brw-rw----)  Uid: (    0/   root)   Gid: (    6/   disk)

    Access: 2011-08-2418:25:02.902025252 +0800

    Modify: 2011-08-1815:14:17.281472005 +0800

    Change: 2011-08-1815:14:17.281472005 +0800



    Contains afilesystem representation of the device tree. It maps directly to the internalkernel device tree, which is a hierarchy of struct device.



    udev is a devicemanagement framework that replaced the devfs facility in the Linux 2.6 kernel.It is composed of some kernel services and the udevd daemon. The kernel informsthe udevd daemon when certain events happen. The udevd daemon is configured torespond to some events with actions. Always, it means adding/removing devicefile under /dev dynamically.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/LoongEmbedded/p/5298366.html
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