• Spring Session





    Adding Spring Session to your build 在Build中添加Spring Session

    Using the BOM with Maven 与Maven一起使用BOM


        Spring Session provides an API and implementations for managing a user’s session information.

        Spring Session提供了用于管理用户会话信息的API和实现。


        Spring Session makes it trivial to support clustered sessions without being tied to an application container specific solution.

        It also provides transparent integration with:

        Spring Session使支持集群session会话变得非常简单,无需绑定到特定于应用程序容器的解决方案。

    • HttpSession - allows replacing the HttpSession in an application container (i.e. Tomcat) neutral way, with support for providing session IDs in headers to work with RESTful APIs

            HttpSession - 允许以中立的方式替换应用程序容器(即Tomcat)中的HttpSession,并支持在头文件中提供会话ID来使用RESTful API

    • WebSocket - provides the ability to keep the HttpSession alive when receiving WebSocket messages

            WebSocket - 提供在接收WebSocket消息时保持HttpSession活动的能力

    • WebSession - allows replacing the Spring WebFlux’s WebSession in an application container neutral way

            WebSocket - 允许以与应用程序容器无关的方式替换Spring WebFlux的WebSession


        Spring Session consists of the following modules:

        Spring Session由以下模块组成:

    • Spring Session Core - provides core Spring Session functionalities and APIs

            Spring Session Core - 提供核心的Spring会话功能和api

    • Spring Session Data Redis - provides SessionRepository and ReactiveSessionRepository implementation backed by Redis and configuration support

            Spring Session Data Redis - 提供SessionRepository和ReactiveSessionRepository实现,支持Redis和配置

    • Spring Session JDBC - provides SessionRepository implementation backed by a relational database and configuration support

            Spring Session JDBC - 提供由关系数据库和配置支持所支持的SessionRepository实现

    • Spring Session Hazelcast - provides SessionRepository implementation backed by Hazelcast and configuration support

            Spring Session Hazelcast - 提供由Hazelcast和配置支持所支持的SessionRepository实现

    Adding Spring Session to your build 在Build中添加Spring Session

        This project uses a Maven BOM (Bill of Materials) and a release train to coordinate versions, e.g. Apple-SR8Bean-SR3, etc.

         该项目使用Maven BOM(物料清单)和火车发版来协调版本,如Apple-SR8、Bean-SR3等。

    Using the BOM with Maven 与Maven一起使用BOM

     With Maven, you need to import the BOM first:













    • This example is using Bean-SR8, but you plug in the release train version you need.

    • 本例使用的是Bean-SR8,但是您需要插入您需要的发布培训版本。
    • Notice the use of the <dependencyManagement> section and the import scope.

    • 请注意<dependencyManagement>部分和导入范围的使用。

         Next, add your dependencies to the project without a <version>:








        Using the BOM with Gradle


        Since Gradle has no first-class support for Maven BOMs, you can use Spring’s Dependency management plugin.

        因为Gradle对Maven BOMs没有一流的支持,所以你可以使用Spring的依赖管理插件。

        Apply the plugin from Gradle Plugin Portal (update the version if needed):

        应用来自Gradle plugin Portal的插件(如果需要更新版本):

    plugins {

      id 'io.spring.dependency-management' version '1.0.6.RELEASE'



        Then use it to import the BOM:


    dependencyManagement {

      imports {

        mavenBom 'org.springframework.session:spring-session-bom:Bean-SR8'




        Finally, add a dependency to the project without a version:



     dependencies {

      compile 'org.springframework.session:spring-session-data-redis'


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/LinQingYang/p/12506289.html
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