• [Cpp primer] Library string Type

    In order to use string type, we need to include the following code

    using std::string;


    1. Defining and initializing strings

    string s1; //Default initialization; s1 is the empty string
    string s2(s1); //s2 is a copy of s1.
    string s2 = s1; //Equivalent to s2(s1), s2 is a copy of s1.
    string s3("value"); //Direct initialization, s3 is a copy of the string literal, not including the null
    string s3 = "value"; //Equivalent to s3("value"), s3 is a copy of the string literal.
    string s4(n, 'c'); //s4="cccc...ccc", n c


    2. Operations on strings

    os << s; //Write s onto output stream os. Return os. ex: cout<<s;
    is >> s; //Reads whitespace-separeted(if it comes across a whitespace, it stops reading) string from is into s. Rreturn is. ex: cin>>s;
    getline(is, s); //Reads a line of input from is to s. Return is. is can be 'cin' and other types. 
    //getline(cin, s) This function can read a total line, including whitespace. If it comes across the end-of-line, it stops reading.
    s.size(); //Returns the number of characters in s. If s has whitespace, it still counts. Null character is not included in this size.
    size() doesn't return a int type value.
    However, it returns a string::size_type value.
    size_type is a companion type of string.
    It's an unsigned type.
    We should be aware that we'd better not to mix int with size_type.
    s1 == s2;
    s1 != s2;
    >, <, <=, >=
    //We can use the strategy as a(case-sensitive) dictionary to compare twos strings.
    s1 + s2;
    s1 += s2;
    adding two strings together
    It won't add a whitespace automatically.
    s1 = "666", s2 = "777"
    s3 = s1+s2 = "666777"
    string s1 = "mdzz";
    s1 = s1 + "haha";  //1
    s1 = "haha" + s1; //2
    String literals are not standard library strings.
    Hence, string literals can not be the left-hand operand.
    2 is wrong.
    1 is ok.


    3. Dealing with the Characters in a string

    //Using this header, we can use many functions to deal with the characters in a string.
    isalnum(c); //True: c is a letter or a digit
    isalpha(c); //True: c is a letter
    iscntrl(c); //True: c is a control character
    isdigit(c); //True: c is a digit
    isgraph(c); //True: c is not a space but is printable
    islower(c); //True: c is a lowercase letter
    isprint(c); //True: c is a printable character
    ispunct(c); //True: c is a punctuation character
    isspace(c); //True: c is a whitespace
    isxdigit(c); //True: c is a hexadecimal digit
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