• Weex命令


    $ git clone https://github.com/alibaba/weex.git


    $ brew install node

    //通过node安装 weex-toolkit
    $ npm install -g weex-toolkit

    //安装iOS包管理工具 cocoapods
    $ sudo gem install cocoapods


    $ npm install

    $ ./start



    $ weex init //创建项目的文件
    $ npm install //依赖安装 package.json文件
    $ npm run dev //项目编译
    $ npm run serve //启动轻量服务器
    $ npm install babel-core


    • npm run build:browser: build HTML5 renderer to dist/browser.js.
    • npm run build:native: build JS framework for native renderer to dist/native.js.
    • npm run build:examples: build all js bundles from examples/ to examples/build/.
    • npm run build:test: build all js bundles from test/ to test/build/.
    • npm run build: build all above.
    • npm run dev:browsernpm run dev:nativenpm run dev:examplesnpm run dev:test are the watcher mode for all build scripts, any file changes will automatically be built.
    • npm run serve: run a http server so you can access all examples in browser through http://localhost:12580/.note: you must run npm run build first to prepare all the built files.
    • npm run clean:examples: clean examples/build/.
    • npm run clean:test: clean test/build/.
    • npm run clean: clean both examples/build/ and test/build/.
    • npm run copy: copy JS framework and examples into Android project.
    • npm run lintnpm run testnpm run cover and npm run ci are something quality assurance.
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    Vue-selller 饿了吗
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Jsonlu/p/5994908.html
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