• Vue学习笔记

    1. 入门

      1. data:用于定义属性
      2. methods用于定义的函数
      3. {{}}用于输出对象的属性和函数的返回值
      4. 当vue实例被创建时,它向vue的响应式系统中加入其data对象中能找到的所以属性当这些属性值发生改变时,html视图也会发生相应的变化
    2. 模板语法

      1. 文本:{{}}

          <!DOCTYPE html>
                  <meta charset="utf-8" />
              <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/vue/2.2.2/vue.min.js"></script>
                  <div id="app">
                      <p> {{test()}} </p>
                  <div id="vue_app">
                      <p> {{message2}} </p>
                  new Vue({
                      el: "#app",
                      data: {
                          message: "Hello World",
                      methods: {
                          test: function() {
                              return this.message;
                  var data = {
                      message2: "Hello Vue"
                  var vue = new Vue({
                      el: "#vue_app",
                      data: data
                  document.write(data.message2 == vue.message2); //true
                document.write(vue.$data == data); //true
                  data.message2 = "HELLO VUE";
      2. Html: v-html

      3. 属性: v-bind:url,v-html:target,v-bind:class,v-bind:id

      4. js表达式

      5. if语句

      6. 过滤器

       <!DOCTYPE html>
               <meta charset="utf-8">
               <title> vue</title>
               <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/vue/2.2.2/vue.min.js"></script>
                   background-color: aqua;
                   font-size: larger;
               <div id="app">
                   <!-- v-html使用 -->
                   <p v-html="message"></p>
                   <!-- v-model与v-bind使用 -->
                   <input type="checkbox" v-model="test" />
                   <p v-bind:class="{class1:test}">Test</p>
                   <!-- vue对于js表达式的支持 -->
                   <!-- v- 标签使用 -->
                   <button v-on:click="a">点击切换</button>
                   <p v-if="seen">you can see me</p>
                   <a v-bind:href="url" v-bind:target="target">百度一下</a>
                   <br />
                   <!-- 双向数据绑定 -->
                   <input type="text" v-model="message1" />
                   <p v-html="message1"></p>
                   <input type="text" v-model="message2" />
                   <button v-on:click="reverse">点击反转</button>
                   <br />
                   <!-- 过滤器 -->
                   <span>原始数据:</span><input type="text" v-model="message3" />
                   <span> {{message3 | format("2131")}} </span>
               var vue = new Vue({
                   el: "#app",
                   data: {
                       message: "Hello World",
                       test: false,
                       flag: true,
                       name: "Jamin",
                       seen: false,
                       url: "http://www.baidu.com",
                       target: "_blank",
                       message1: "测试",
                       message2: "123",
                       message3: ""
                   methods: {
                       a: function() {
                           if (this.seen == true) {
                               this.seen = false;
                           } else {
                               this.seen = true;
                       reverse: function() {
                           this.message2 = this.message2.split('').reverse().join('');
                   filters: {
                       format: function(value, a) {
                           return value.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + value.slice(1) + a;
    3. 条件语句与循环语句

       <!DOCTYPE html>
       <!-- 循环判断 -->
               <meta charset="utf-8">
               <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/vue/2.2.2/vue.min.js"></script>
               <div id="app">
                   <h1 v-if="ok">Hello Vue</h1>
                   <input type="text" v-model="grade">
                   <p v-if="grade>=90">优秀</p>
                   <p v-else-if="grade>=60">及格</p>
                   <p v-else>不及格</p>
                   <p v-show="show">123</p>
                       <li v-for="(value,key,index) in object">{{index}}:{{key}}:{{value}}</li>
                       <li v-for="n in 10">{{n}}</li>
                       <li v-for="people in   sites ">{{people.name}}</li>
               <div v-for="m in 9">
              <b v-for="n in m">
           new Vue({
               el: "#app",
               data: {
                   ok: true,
                   grade: "",
                   show: 213,
                   object: {
                       name: "张三",
                       age: 12,
                       sex: "男"
                   sites: [{
                       name: "张三",
                       age: 12
                   }, {
                       name: "李四",
                       age: 16
                   }, {
                       name: "王五",
                       age: 18
        1. v-show与v-if区别
            1. v-show在dom树中显示等同与display:none v-if直接不显示
            2. v-show消耗更高的初始渲染 v-if更多小号切换渲染
            3. v-show中定义的值为0、null、undefined、false 时为假其余为真
    1. 计算属性computed

           <!DOCTYPE html>
               <meta charset="utf-8">
               <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/vue/2.2.2/vue.min.js"></script>
               <div id="app">
                   var i = 1;
                   new Vue({
                       el: "#app",
                       data: {
                           message: "Vue"
                       computed: {
                           reversedMessage: function() {
                               i += 1;
                               return this.message.split("").reverse().join("") + i;
                       methods: {
                           resver: function() {
                               i += 1;
                               return this.message.split("").reverse().join("") + i;

      1.computed 与method的区别

      • computed依赖缓存
    2. 监听属性

       <!DOCTYPE html>
               <meta charset="utf-8">
               <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/vue/2.2.2/vue.min.js"></script>
               <div id="app">
                   <p> {{counter}} </p>
                   <button @click="counter++">点击增加</button>
                   <br />
                   <span>千米:</span><input v-model="kilometers" type="text" />
                   <span>米:</span><input v-model="meters" type="text" />
                   <p id="info"></p>
                   vue = new Vue({
                       el: "#app",
                       data: {
                           counter: 1,
                           kilometers: 0,
                           meters: 0
                       watch: {
                           kilometers: function(value) {
                               this.kilometers = value;
                               this.meters = this.kilometers * 1000;
                           meters: function(value) {
                               this.kilometers = value / 1000;
                               this.meters = value;
                   vue.$watch("counter", function(nval, oval) {
                       alert("以前的值" + oval + "现在变成了" + nval);
                   vue.$watch("kilometers", function(newValue, oldValue) {
                       document.getElementById("info").innerHTML = "以前的值" + oldValue + "现在变成了" + newValue;
    3. Vue表单

       <!DOCTYPE html>
               <meta charset="utf-8">
               <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/vue/2.2.2/vue.min.js"></script>
               <div id="app">
                   <input type="text" v-model="message" />
                   <p> 输入的内容为:{{message}}</p>
                   <br />
                   <input type="checkbox" id="test" v-model="checked" value="测试" /><label for="test">测试</label>
                   <input type="checkbox" id="test1" v-model="check" value="测试1" /><label for="test1">测试1</label>
                   <input type="checkbox" id="test2" v-model="check" value="测试2" /> <label for="test2">测试2</label>
                   <input type="checkbox" id="test3" v-model="check" value="测试3" /><label for="test3">测试3</label>
                   <input type="radio" v-model="test4" value="测试4" id="test4" /><label for="test4">测试4</label>
                   <input type="radio" v-model="test4" value="测试5" id="test5" /><label for="test5">测试5</label>
                   <select v-model="select">
                       <option value="测试1">1</option>
                       <option value="测试2">2</option>
                   <h3>全选 1</h3>
                   <input type="checkbox" v-model="allChecked" id="allChecked" @change="checkedAll" /><label for="allChecked">全选</label>
                   <br />
                   <input type="checkbox" value="Test6" v-model="checkName" id="test6" /><label for="test6">Test6</label>
                   <input type="checkbox" value="Test7" v-model="checkName" id="test7" /><label for="test7">Test7</label>
                   <input type="checkbox" value="Test8" v-model="checkName" id="test8" /><label for="test8">Test8</label>
                   <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox" v-model="checkAll" @change="allchecked" /><label for="checkbox">全选</label>
                   <label v-for="list in checkList"><input type="checkbox" v-model="checkListOn" v-bind:value="list.name" />{{list.name}}</label>
               var vue = new Vue({
                   el: "#app",
                   data: {
                       message: "测试",
                       check: [],
                       checked: false,
                       test4: "",
                       select: "",
                       checkName: [],
                       checkArray: ["Test6", "Test7", "Test8"],
                       allChecked: false,
                       checkList: [{
                           name: "测试1"
                       }, {
                           name: "测试2"
                       }, {
                           name: "测试3"
                       checkListOn: [],
                       checkAll: false
                   methods: {
                       checkedAll: function() {
                           if (this.allChecked) {
                               this.checkName = this.checkArray;
                           } else {
                               this.checkName = [];
                       allchecked: function() {
                           if (this.checkAll) {
                               var checkArray = [];
                               for (var i = 0; i < this.checkList.length; i++) {
                               this.checkListOn = checkArray;
                           } else {
                               this.checkListOn = [];
                   watch: {
                       "checkName": function() {
                           if (this.checkName.length == 3) {
                               this.allChecked = true;
                           } else {
                               this.allChecked = false;
                       "checkListOn": function() {
                           if (this.checkListOn.length == this.checkList.length) {
                               this.checkAll = true;
                           } else {
                               this.checkAll = false;


      1. .lazy: 默认情况下v-model是双向同步的,但你可以添加.lazy转变为在change事件中同步
      2. .number:自动将用户的输入值转为number类型,如果原值的转换结果为NaN则返回原值
      3. .trim:自动过滤首尾空格
    4. 组件:封装可重用的代码

    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <meta charset="utf-8">
            <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@2.6.10/dist/vue.js"></script>
            <div id="app">
                <child message="Hello Vue"></child>
                <!-- 动态绑定 -->
                <child v-bind:message="message1"></child>
                <br />
                <test3 v-on:increment="incrementTotal"></test3>
                <br />
                <test3 v-on:increment="incrementTotal"></test3>
            // 全局组件
            Vue.component("test", {
                template: "<h1>测试</h1>"
            var Child = {
                template: "<h3>测试2</h3>"
            Vue.component("child", {
                props: ["message"],
                template: "<h5>{{message}}</h5>"
            Vue.component("test3", {
                template: '<div><button v-on:click="incrementHandler(1)">-</button>{{count}}<button v-on:click="incrementHandler(2)">+</button></div>',
                data: function() {
                    return {
                        count: 0
                methods: {
                    incrementHandler: function(value) {
                        if (value == 1) {
                            this.count -= 1;
                            this.$emit('increment', value);
                        } else {
                            this.count += 1;
                            this.$emit('increment', value);
            Vue.component("check1", {
                props: {
                    age: {
                        type: [Number, Boolean],
                        required: true,
                        default: 100,
                template: "<h6>测试props验证{{age}}</h6>"
            new Vue({
                el: "#app",
                components: {
                    "test2": Child
                data: {
                    message1: "Hello",
                    total: 0
                methods: {
                    incrementTotal: function(value) {
                        if (value == 1) {
                        } else {
            /* prop是单项绑定的,当父组件的值发生变化时会传递到子组件但不会反过来 */
    1. 自定义指令
      1. 钩子
        1. 钩子函数
          • bind:第一次绑定到元素时调用
          • insterted:被绑定的元素插入到父节点时调用
          • update:被绑定元素所在的模板更新时调用
          • comppantUpdated:被绑定元素所在模板完成一次更新周期时调用
          • unbind:只调用一次,指令与元素解绑时调用
        2. 钩子参数
          • el:指定所绑定的元素,可以直接用来操作DOM
          • binding:一个对象
            • name:指令名,不包括v-前缀
            • oldValue:指令绑定的前一个值,仅在update和compantUpdated钩子中可用
            • expreession: 绑定值的表达式或变量名
            • arg:转给指令的参数
            • modifiers:一个包含修饰符的对象
          • vnode:Vue编译出的虚拟节点
          • oldVnode:上一个虚拟节点,仅在update和compantUpdated钩子中可用
    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <meta charset="utf-8">
            <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/vue/2.2.2/vue.min.js"></script>
            <div id="app">
                <input type="text" v-focus />
                <p v-test="{color:'red',text:'测试'}"></p>
            Vue.directive("focus", {
                inserted: function(el) {
            new Vue({
                el: "#app",
                directives: {
                    test: {
                        inserted: function(el, binding) {
                            el.innerHTML = binding.value.text;
                            el.style.backgroundColor = binding.value.color;
    1. Vue路由
    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <meta charset="utf-8">
            <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/vue/2.2.2/vue.min.js"></script>
            <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/vue-router/2.7.0/vue-router.min.js"></script>
                ._active {
                    background-color: blue;
            <div id="app">
                    <!-- to属性 -->
                    <!-- 字符串 -->
                    <router-link to="foo">Go to Foo1</router-link>
                    <!--  使用v-bind的JS表达式 -->
                    <router-link v-bind:to="'foo'">Go to Foo2</router-link>
                    <!--不写bind -->
                    <router-link :to="'foo'">Go to foo3</router-link>
                    <!--  使用path -->
                    <router-link :to="{path:'foo'}">path</router-link>
                    <!-- 命名路由 -->
                    <router-link :to="{name:'user',params:{userId:123},path:'foo'}">命名路由</router-link>
                    <!-- 带参数查询 "/foo?test=test1"-->
                    <router-link :to="{path:'foo',query:{test:'test1'}}">带参数查询</router-link>
                    <!--  replace-->
                    <router-link :to="{path:'foo'}" replace>replace</router-link>
                    <!-- 在当前路径下追加foo 而不是跳转到foo -->
                    <router-link :to="'foo'" append>append</router-link>
                    <router-link to="foo" tag="li">li标签</router-link>
                    <!-- 激活后的样式 -->
                    <router-link to="foo" active-class="_active">active-class</router-link>
                    <!--  当链接被精准匹配时-->
                    <router-link to="foo" exact-active-class="_active">当链接被精准匹配时</router-link>
                <!-- active-class与exact-active-class的区别 router-link默认为模糊匹配,
                当设置<router-link to="foo/1" exact-active-class> 与<router-link to="foo/1" active-class>
                当用户 点击foo时会触发active-class而不会触发exact-active-class
                    <!-- event事件 -->
                    <router-link to="foo" event="mouseover">事件-当鼠标移动到这里时</router-link>
                    <router-link to="/bar">Go to Bar</router-link>
            //  定义路由组件
            const Foo = {
                template: '<div>foo</div>'
            const Bar = {
                template: '<div>bar</div>'
            const routes = [{
                    path: '/foo',
                    component: Foo
                    path: '/bar',
                    component: Bar
            const router = new VueRouter({
            const app = new Vue({
    1. vue过渡动画
      1. 过渡
        1. enter:定义进入过渡时的开始状态,在元素插入之前生效,在元素被插入之后的下一帧移除
        2. v-enter-active:定义进入过渡生效时的状态,在元素插入之前生效,在过渡动画完成之后移除
        3. v-enter-to:定义进入过渡的结束状态,在元素被插入之后,在元素被插入之后下一帧生效,在过渡/动画完成之后移除
        4. v-leave-active:定义离开过渡生效时的状态,在离开过渡时立即触发,在过渡完成之后移除
        5. v-leave-to:在离开过渡之后的下一帧生效,在过渡完成之后移除
      2. 自定义类名
        1. enter-class
        2. enter-active-class
        3. enter-to-class
        4. leave-class
        5. leave-active-class
        6. leave-to-class
      3. 显性过渡持续时间
        <transition :duration="1000">...</transition>
        <transition :duration="{enter:500,leave:800}" </transition>
    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <meta charset="utf-8">
            <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/vue/2.2.2/vue.min.js"></script>
            <link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/animate.css@3.5.1" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
                transition: opacity 2s
                opacity: 0
                animation:test-in .5s;
                    animation: test-in .5s reverse;
                @keyframes test-in{
                        transform: scale(0);
                        transform: scale(1.5);
                        transform: scale(1);
            <div id="app">
                <input type="button" v-on:click="show=!show" value="点击" />
                <transition name=" fade">
                    <p v-show="show" v-bind:style="styleobj">{{message}}</p>
                <transition name="test">
                    <p v-show="show">菜鸟教程 -- 学的不仅是技术,更是梦想!!!</p>
                <transition name="test1" enter-active-class="animated tada" leave-active-class="animated bounceOutRight">
                    <p v-show="show">测试1-测试2-测试3</p>
            new Vue({
                el: "#app",
                data: {
                    message: "动画实例",
                    show: true,
                    styleobj: {
                        color: 'red',
                        fontsize: '30px'
    1. Vue混入
    2. ajax
    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <meta charset="utf-8">
            <title>Vue 测试实例 - 菜鸟教程(runoob.com)</title>
            <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/vue/2.4.2/vue.min.js"></script>
            <script src="https://cdn.staticfile.org/axios/0.18.0/axios.min.js"></script>
            <div id="app">info
                <div id=""></div>
                {{ info }}
            <script type="text/javascript">
                var vue = new Vue({
                    el: '#app',
                    data: {
                        info: null
                var url = "http://how2j.cn/study/json.txt";
                axios.get(url).then(function(response) {
                    var jsonObject = response.data;
                    var jsonString = JSON.stringify(jsonObject);
                    document.getElementById(info).innerHTML = " 数据:" + jsonString;
    1. vue-cli
      1. 安装
        1. 安装node.jshttps://nodejs.org/zh-cn/
        2. 检测是否安装成功node --version
        3. 安装vue的脚手架npm install @vue/cli -g
        4. 创建vue项目vue create 项目名
        5. 安装路由模块npm install vue-router
        6. 安装axiosnpm install axios
        7. 启动npm run serve
      2. 目录结构
        • node-modules:模块包
        • public:存放html与title图标
        • src:用户自定义文件,assets静态文件,components自定义组件,App.vue主模块,main.js节点挂载和创建路由的实例
    作者: JaminYe
    版权声明:本文原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明。
  • 相关阅读:
    第7章 类
    Promise.all 出现异常时候处理
    [Vue warn]: Failed to mount component: template or render function not defined.
    电脑缺少配置 输入命令解决
    Vue packages version mismatch
    数组里 对象去重
    hexo 创建博客
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/JaminYe/p/11381161.html
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