• C#学习笔记(25)——用刻盘器批量从U盘删除添加文件

    说明(2017-11-17 14:46:05):

    1. 因为经常要从U盘里面删除版本,然后添加版本,每次都要几个人手动复制粘贴,费时费力,就花了一下午时间写了个程序,自动删除和添加版本。

    2. DriverInfo类可以识别插到电脑的U盘,还能识别U盘容量。

    3. 现在是先全部删除选中版本,再一个U盘一个U盘的往里拷贝,不知道用多线程是否能同时拷贝。

    4. 如果遇到有一个U盘不能读取,软件会报错,提示未检测到路径,可以加个判断,判断一下U盘路径是否存在。不过我懒得改了,用之前先用刻盘软件检查一下有没有坏盘就好了。

    5. 如果遇到里面已经存在这个版本了,目前是直接覆盖,不然会报错提示文件已存在,这里也可以判断一下是否存在这个文件,我也懒得改了。

    6. 用c#在Windows系统操作文件还是很方便的,也不用找这个库那个库,我猜想如果用python做,估计找库就得找死,而且也没什么界面。



      1 using System;
      2 using System.Collections.Generic;
      3 using System.ComponentModel;
      4 using System.Data;
      5 using System.Drawing;
      6 using System.Linq;
      7 using System.Text;
      8 using System.Windows.Forms;
      9 using System.IO;
     10 using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
     12 namespace ChangeBin
     13 {
     14     public partial class Form1 : Form
     15     {
     16         public Form1()
     17         {
     18             InitializeComponent();
     19         }
     20         //主程序
     21         private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     22         {
     23             ShowSource();
     24             List<string> UdiskNames = GetUdiskNames();
     25             //foreach (string udiskName in UdiskNames)
     26             //{
     27             //    Console.WriteLine(udiskName);
     28             //}
     30         }
     32         private string[] GetInsertFileName()
     33         {
     34             List<string> fileNames = new List<string>();
     35             string[] chineseFile = Directory.GetFiles("../../res/1_语文");
     36             string[] mathFile = Directory.GetFiles("../../res/2_数学");
     37             string[] englishFile = Directory.GetFiles("../../res/3_英语");
     40             foreach (string name in chineseFile)
     41             {
     42                 fileNames.Add(name);
     43             }
     44             foreach (string name in mathFile)
     45             {
     46                 fileNames.Add(name);
     47             }
     48             foreach (string name in englishFile)
     49             {
     50                 fileNames.Add(name);
     51             }
     52             return fileNames.ToArray();
     54         }
     55         //全选右侧
     56         private void cb7_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     57         {
     58             if (cb7.Checked)
     59             {
     60                 for (int i = 0; i < clb4.Items.Count; i++)
     61                 {
     62                     clb4.SetItemChecked(i, true);
     63                 }
     64                 for (int i = 0; i < clb5.Items.Count; i++)
     65                 {
     66                     clb5.SetItemChecked(i, true);
     67                 }
     68                 for (int i = 0; i < clb6.Items.Count; i++)
     69                 {
     70                     clb6.SetItemChecked(i, true);
     71                 }
     72             }
     73             else
     74             {
     75                 for (int i = 0; i < clb4.Items.Count; i++)
     76                 {
     77                     clb4.SetItemChecked(i, false);
     78                 }
     79                 for (int i = 0; i < clb5.Items.Count; i++)
     80                 {
     81                     clb5.SetItemChecked(i, false);
     82                 }
     83                 for (int i = 0; i < clb6.Items.Count; i++)
     84                 {
     85                     clb6.SetItemChecked(i, false);
     86                 }
     87             }
     90         }
     93         //清除左侧
     94         private void btnClear1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     95         {
     96             for (int i = 0; i < clb1.Items.Count; i++)
     97             {
     98                 clb1.SetItemChecked(i, false);
     99             }
    100             for (int i = 0; i < clb2.Items.Count; i++)
    101             {
    102                 clb2.SetItemChecked(i, false);
    103             }
    104             for (int i = 0; i < clb3.Items.Count; i++)
    105             {
    106                 clb3.SetItemChecked(i, false);
    107             }
    108         }
    110         //显示进度
    111         private void cbShowBack_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    112         {
    113             BackGround bg = new BackGround();
    114             bg.Show();
    115         }
    117         //获取U盘里的需要删除的文件路径(怎么获取U盘容量??????名字 ??)
    118         private List<string> GetUdiskNames()
    119         {
    120             List<string> diskNames = new List<string>();
    121             DriveInfo[] driveInfo = DriveInfo.GetDrives();
    122             //15711846400byte
    123             foreach (DriveInfo d in driveInfo)
    124             {
    125                 if (d.DriveType == DriveType.Removable)
    126                 {
    127                     diskNames.Add(d.Name);
    128                 }
    129             }
    130             return diskNames;
    131         }
    133         //显示主页面
    134         private void ShowSource()
    135         {
    136             //获取需要拷贝的bin包名字和路径
    137             string[] chineseFile = Directory.GetFiles("../../res/1_语文");
    138             string[] mathFile = Directory.GetFiles("../../res/2_数学");
    139             string[] englishFile = Directory.GetFiles("../../res/3_英语");
    141             List<string> chineseFileName = new List<string>();
    142             List<string> mathFileName = new List<string>();
    143             List<string> englishFileName = new List<string>();
    144             foreach (string name in chineseFile)
    145             {
    146                 chineseFileName.Add(Regex.Split(name, @"1_语文\")[1]);
    147             }
    148             foreach (string name in mathFile)
    149             {
    150                 mathFileName.Add(Regex.Split(name, @"2_数学\")[1]);
    151             }
    152             foreach (string name in englishFile)
    153             {
    154                 englishFileName.Add(Regex.Split(name, @"3_英语\")[1]);
    155             }
    156             //把需要拷贝的文件名加入选择列表
    157             clb4.Items.AddRange(chineseFileName.ToArray());
    158             clb5.Items.AddRange(mathFileName.ToArray());
    159             clb6.Items.AddRange(englishFileName.ToArray());
    160         }
    162         //获取删除列表
    163         private List<string> GetDeleteList()
    164         {
    165             List<string> UdiskNames = GetUdiskNames();
    166             List<string> delNames = new List<string>();
    167             List<string> delPaths = new List<string>();
    168             foreach (var item in clb1.CheckedItems)
    169             {
    170                 delNames.Add(item.ToString());
    171             }
    172             foreach (var item in clb2.CheckedItems)
    173             {
    174                 delNames.Add(item.ToString());
    175             }
    176             foreach (var item in clb3.CheckedItems)
    177             {
    178                 delNames.Add(item.ToString());
    179             }
    180             foreach (string udiskName in UdiskNames)
    181             {
    182                 foreach (string delName in delNames)
    183                 {
    184                     if (delName.Contains("语文"))
    185                     {
    186                         delPaths.Add(udiskName + @"RootData
    es1_语文" + delName + @".bin");
    187                     }
    188                     else if (delName.Contains("数学"))
    189                     {
    190                         delPaths.Add(udiskName + @"RootData
    es2_数学" + delName + @".bin");
    191                     }
    192                     else if (delName.Contains("英语"))
    193                     {
    194                         delPaths.Add(udiskName + @"RootData
    es3_英语" + delName + @".bin");
    195                     }
    197                 }
    198             }
    199             return delPaths;
    200         }
    201         //获取插入列表
    202         private List<string> GetInsertList()
    203         {
    204             List<string> InsertList = new List<string>();
    205             //获取需要拷贝的bin包名字和路径
    206             string[] chineseFile = Directory.GetFiles("../../res/1_语文");
    207             string[] mathFile = Directory.GetFiles("../../res/2_数学");
    208             string[] englishFile = Directory.GetFiles("../../res/3_英语");
    209             foreach (string file in chineseFile)
    210             {
    211                 InsertList.Add(file);
    212             }
    213             foreach (string file in mathFile)
    214             {
    215                 InsertList.Add(file);
    216             }
    217             foreach (string file in englishFile)
    218             {
    219                 InsertList.Add(file);
    220             }
    221             foreach (string item in InsertList)
    222             {
    223                 Console.WriteLine(item);
    224             }
    225             return InsertList;
    226         }
    228         //点击开始,开始删除,插入(要不要分开进行?????)
    229         private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    230         {
    231             //删除
    232             List<string> UdiskNames = GetUdiskNames();
    233             List<string> delPaths = GetDeleteList();
    234             if (delPaths.Count > 0)
    235             {
    236                 foreach (string delPath in delPaths)
    237                 {
    238                     //Console.WriteLine(delPath);
    240                     if (File.Exists(delPath))
    241                     {
    242                         File.Delete(delPath);
    243                         Console.WriteLine("已删除" + delPath);
    244                     }
    245                     else
    246                     {
    247                         //为啥删完还会显示不存在?循环了两次?还是delPath里面存了两遍?
    248                         Console.WriteLine(delPath + "不存在");
    249                     }
    251                 }
    252             }
    253             else
    254             {
    255                 MessageBox.Show("没有要删除的bin包");
    256             }
    257             //插入
    258             //获取需要拷贝的bin包名字和路径
    259             List<string> insertList = GetInsertList();
    260             List<string> chineseFileName = new List<string>();
    261             List<string> mathFileName = new List<string>();
    262             List<string> englishFileName = new List<string>();
    264             if (insertList.Count > 0)
    265             {
    266                 foreach (string uDiskName in UdiskNames)
    267                 {
    268                     foreach (string insertFile in insertList)
    269                     {
    270                         if (File.Exists(insertFile))
    271                         {
    272                             string desFileName = null;
    273                             string insertFileName = null;
    274                             if (insertFile.Contains("语文"))
    275                             {
    276                                 insertFileName = Regex.Split(insertFile, @"1_语文\")[1];
    277                                 desFileName = uDiskName + @"RootData
    es1_语文" + insertFileName;
    278                             }
    279                             else if (insertFile.Contains("数学"))
    280                             {
    281                                 insertFileName = Regex.Split(insertFile, @"2_数学\")[1];
    282                                 desFileName = uDiskName + @"RootData
    es2_数学" + insertFileName;
    283                             }
    284                             else if (insertFile.Contains("英语"))
    285                             {
    286                                 insertFileName = Regex.Split(insertFile, @"3_英语\")[1];
    287                                 desFileName = uDiskName + @"RootData
    es3_英语" + insertFileName;
    288                             }
    289                             if (desFileName != null)
    290                             {
    291                                 //第三个参数是否允许覆盖???
    292                                 File.Copy(insertFile, desFileName,true);
    293                                 Console.WriteLine("已插入:" + desFileName);
    294                             }
    295                         }
    296                         else
    297                         {
    298                             Console.WriteLine("插入文件:" + insertFile + "不存在");
    299                         }
    300                     }
    301                 }
    303             }
    304             MessageBox.Show("拷贝完毕!");
    305         }
    306     }
    307 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Jacklovely/p/7851861.html
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