1 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 2 *& Report RSDEMO_HTML_VIEWER * 3 *& * 4 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 5 *& * 6 *& * 7 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 8 9 REPORT rsdemo_html_viewer . 10 DATA container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container. 11 DATA html_viewer TYPE REF TO cl_gui_html_viewer. 12 13 DATA ok_code TYPE sy-ucomm. 14 DATA init. 15 DATA save_ok TYPE sy-ucomm. 16 DATA url(255) VALUE 'HTTP://WWW.SAP-AG.DE'. 17 DATA frame(255). 18 DATA align TYPE i. 19 DATA document_id(255) VALUE 'HTMLCNTL_TESTEVNT_HOME'. 20 DATA document_textpool TYPE sy-repid. 21 DATA document_url(255). 22 DATA assigned_url(255). 23 DATA merge_table TYPE swww_t_merge_table. 24 DATA object_id(255) VALUE 'HTMLCNTL_TESTHTM2_SAPLOGO'. 25 DATA object_url(255) VALUE 'SAPLOGO.GIF'. 26 DATA type(4) VALUE 'text'. 27 DATA subtype(4) VALUE 'html'. 28 DATA size TYPE i. 29 DATA data_table TYPE c OCCURS 0. 30 31 SET SCREEN 100. 32 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 33 *& Module STATUS_0100 OUTPUT 34 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 35 * text 36 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 37 MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT. 38 SET PF-STATUS 'STATUS'. 39 IF init is initial. 40 CREATE OBJECT container 41 EXPORTING container_name = 'CUSTOM'. 42 CREATE OBJECT html_viewer 43 EXPORTING parent = container 44 EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 45 cntl_install_error = 2 46 dp_install_error = 3 47 dp_error = 4. 48 IF sy-subrc ne 0. 49 * Fehlerbehandlung 50 ENDIF. 51 CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>flush 52 EXCEPTIONS cntl_system_error = 1 53 cntl_error = 2. 54 IF sy-subrc ne 0. 55 * Fehlerbehandlung 56 ENDIF. 57 init = 'X'. 58 ENDIF. 59 ENDMODULE. " STATUS_0100 OUTPUT 60 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 61 *& Module USER_COMMAND_0100 INPUT 62 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 63 * text 64 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 65 MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT. 66 save_ok = ok_code. 67 CLEAR ok_code. 68 CASE save_ok. 69 WHEN 'SHOW_URL'. 70 CALL METHOD html_viewer->show_url 71 EXPORTING url = url 72 frame = frame 73 EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1. 74 WHEN 'STOP'. 75 CALL METHOD html_viewer->stop 76 EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1. 77 WHEN 'GO_BACK'. 78 CALL METHOD html_viewer->go_back 79 EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1. 80 WHEN 'GO_FORWARD'. 81 CALL METHOD html_viewer->go_forward 82 EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1. 83 WHEN 'GO_HOME'. 84 CALL METHOD html_viewer->go_home 85 EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1. 86 WHEN 'DO_REFRESH'. 87 CALL METHOD html_viewer->do_refresh 88 EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1. 89 WHEN 'GET_CURRENT_URL'. 90 CALL METHOD html_viewer->get_current_url 91 IMPORTING url = url 92 EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1. 93 call method cl_gui_cfw=>flush 94 exceptions cntl_error = 1 95 cntl_system_error = 2. 96 WHEN 'LOAD_DATABASE'. 97 CALL METHOD html_viewer->load_html_document 98 EXPORTING document_id = 'HTMLCNTL_TESTHTM2_FRAME1' 99 * document_textpool = document_textpool 100 document_url = 'HTMLFrame1.htm' 101 * IMPORTING assigned_url = assigned_url 102 * CHANGING merge_table = merge_table 103 EXCEPTIONS document_not_found = 1 104 dp_error_general = 2 105 dp_invalid_parameter = 3. 106 CALL METHOD html_viewer->load_html_document 107 EXPORTING document_id = 'HTMLCNTL_TESTEVNT_HOME' 108 * document_textpool = document_textpool 109 document_url = 'HTMLFrame2.htm' 110 * IMPORTING assigned_url = assigned_url 111 * CHANGING merge_table = merge_table 112 EXCEPTIONS document_not_found = 1 113 dp_error_general = 2 114 dp_invalid_parameter = 3. 115 CALL METHOD html_viewer->load_html_document 116 EXPORTING document_id = 'HTMLCNTL_TESTHTM2_FRAMESET' 117 * document_textpool = document_textpool 118 * document_url = document_url 119 IMPORTING assigned_url = assigned_url 120 * CHANGING merge_table = merge_table 121 EXCEPTIONS document_not_found = 1 122 dp_error_general = 2 123 dp_invalid_parameter = 3. 124 CALL METHOD html_viewer->load_mime_object 125 EXPORTING 126 object_id = 'HTMLCNTL_TESTHTM2_SAPLOGO' 127 object_url = 'SAPLOGO.GIF' 128 * IMPORTING assigned_url = assigned_url 129 EXCEPTIONS object_not_found = 1 130 dp_error_general = 2 131 dp_invalid_parameter = 3. 132 CALL METHOD html_viewer->load_mime_object 133 EXPORTING 134 object_id = 'HTMLCNTL_TESTHTM2_SAP_AG' 135 object_url = 'SAP_AG.GIF' 136 * IMPORTING assigned_url = assigned_url 137 EXCEPTIONS object_not_found = 1 138 dp_error_general = 2 139 dp_invalid_parameter = 3. 140 CALL METHOD html_viewer->load_mime_object 141 EXPORTING 142 object_id = 'HTMLCNTL_TESTHTM2_BACKGROUND' 143 object_url = 'HOME_BACKGROUND.GIF' 144 * IMPORTING assigned_url = assigned_url 145 EXCEPTIONS object_not_found = 1 146 dp_error_general = 2 147 dp_invalid_parameter = 3. 148 149 CALL METHOD html_viewer->show_data 150 EXPORTING url = assigned_url 151 * frame = frame 152 EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1. 153 154 ENDCASE. 155 ENDMODULE. " USER_COMMAND_0100 INPUT 156 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 157 *& Module EXIT INPUT 158 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 159 * text 160 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 161 MODULE exit INPUT. 162 CALL METHOD html_viewer->free. 163 CALL METHOD container->free. 164 FREE html_viewer. 165 FREE container. 166 LEAVE PROGRAM. 167 ENDMODULE. " EXIT INPUT