*& Include SIMPLE_TREE_CONTROL_DEMOTOP * *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT SAPSIMPLE_TREE_CONTROL_DEMO MESSAGE-ID TREE_CONTROL_MSG. CLASS LCL_APPLICATION DEFINITION DEFERRED. CLASS CL_GUI_CFW DEFINITION LOAD. TYPES: NODE_TABLE_TYPE LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF MTREESNODE WITH DEFAULT KEY. * CAUTION: MTREESNODE is the name of the node structure which must * be defined by the programmer. DO NOT USE MTREESNODE! DATA: G_APPLICATION TYPE REF TO LCL_APPLICATION, G_CUSTOM_CONTAINER TYPE REF TO CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER, G_TREE TYPE REF TO CL_GUI_SIMPLE_TREE, G_OK_CODE TYPE SY-UCOMM. * Fields on Dynpro 100 DATA: G_EVENT(30), G_NODE_KEY TYPE TV_NODEKEY. CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_nodekey, root type tv_nodekey value 'Root', "#EC NOTEXT child1 TYPE tv_nodekey VALUE 'Child1', "#EC NOTEXT * child2 type tv_nodekey value 'Child2', "#EC NOTEXT new1 TYPE tv_nodekey VALUE 'New1', "#EC NOTEXT new2 TYPE tv_nodekey VALUE 'New2', "#EC NOTEXT * new3 type tv_nodekey value 'New3', "#EC NOTEXT * new4 type tv_nodekey value 'New4', "#EC NOTEXT END OF c_nodekey. *** INCLUDE SIMPLE_TREE_CONTROL_DEMOTOP
*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * INCLUDE SIMPLE_TREE_CONTROL_DEMOCL1 * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS LCL_APPLICATION DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: HANDLE_NODE_DOUBLE_CLICK FOR EVENT NODE_DOUBLE_CLICK OF CL_GUI_SIMPLE_TREE IMPORTING NODE_KEY, HANDLE_EXPAND_NO_CHILDREN FOR EVENT EXPAND_NO_CHILDREN OF CL_GUI_SIMPLE_TREE IMPORTING NODE_KEY. ENDCLASS. CLASS LCL_APPLICATION IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD HANDLE_NODE_DOUBLE_CLICK. " this method handles the node double click event of the tree " control instance " show the key of the double clicked node in a dynpro field G_EVENT = 'NODE_DOUBLE_CLICK'. G_NODE_KEY = NODE_KEY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD HANDLE_EXPAND_NO_CHILDREN. " this method handles the expand no children event of the tree " control instance DATA: NODE_TABLE TYPE NODE_TABLE_TYPE, NODE TYPE MTREESNODE. " show the key of the double clicked node in a dynpro field G_EVENT = 'EXPAND_NO_CHILDREN'. G_NODE_KEY = NODE_KEY. if node_key = 'Child1'. * add two nodes to the tree control (the children of 'Child1') * Node with key 'New1' CLEAR NODE. NODE-NODE_KEY = c_nodekey-New1. NODE-RELATKEY = c_nodekey-Child1. NODE-RELATSHIP = CL_GUI_SIMPLE_TREE=>RELAT_LAST_CHILD. NODE-ISFOLDER = ' '. NODE-TEXT = 'New1'(ne1). APPEND NODE TO NODE_TABLE. * Node with key 'New2' CLEAR NODE. NODE-NODE_KEY = c_nodekey-New2. NODE-RELATKEY = c_nodekey-Child1. NODE-RELATSHIP = CL_GUI_SIMPLE_TREE=>RELAT_LAST_CHILD. NODE-N_IMAGE = '@10@'. NODE-EXPANDER = ' '. NODE-TEXT = 'New2'(ne2). APPEND NODE TO NODE_TABLE. CALL METHOD G_TREE->ADD_NODES EXPORTING TABLE_STRUCTURE_NAME = 'MTREESNODE' NODE_TABLE = NODE_TABLE EXCEPTIONS FAILED = 1 ERROR_IN_NODE_TABLE = 2 DP_ERROR = 3 TABLE_STRUCTURE_NAME_NOT_FOUND = 4 OTHERS = 5. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. MESSAGE A000. ENDIF. endif. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
*------------------------------------------------------------------- ***INCLUDE simple_tree_control_demoO01 . *------------------------------------------------------------------- *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module PBO_0400 OUTPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* MODULE PBO_100 OUTPUT. SET PF-STATUS 'MAIN'. IF G_TREE IS INITIAL. " The Tree Control has not been created yet. " Create a Tree Control and insert nodes into it. PERFORM CREATE_AND_INIT_TREE. ENDIF. ENDMODULE. " PBO_0100 OUTPUT *** INCLUDE simple_tree_control_demoO01
*------------------------------------------------------------------- ***INCLUDE simple_tree_control_demoI01 . *------------------------------------------------------------------- *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module PAI_0400 INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* MODULE PAI_100 INPUT. data: return_code type i. * CL_GUI_CFW=>DISPATCH must be called if events are registered * that trigger PAI * this method calls the event handler method of an event CALL METHOD CL_GUI_CFW=>DISPATCH importing return_code = return_code. if return_code <> cl_gui_cfw=>rc_noevent. " a control event occured => exit PAI clear g_ok_code. exit. endif. CASE G_OK_CODE. when 'TEST'. call method g_tree->expand_node exporting node_key = c_nodekey-New1. WHEN 'BACK'. " Finish program IF NOT G_CUSTOM_CONTAINER IS INITIAL. " destroy tree container (detroys contained tree control, too) CALL METHOD G_CUSTOM_CONTAINER->FREE EXCEPTIONS CNTL_SYSTEM_ERROR = 1 CNTL_ERROR = 2. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. MESSAGE A000. ENDIF. CLEAR G_CUSTOM_CONTAINER. CLEAR G_TREE. ENDIF. LEAVE PROGRAM. ENDCASE. * CAUTION: clear ok code! CLEAR G_OK_CODE. ENDMODULE. " PAI_0100 INPUT *** INCLUDE simple_tree_control_demoI01
*------------------------------------------------------------------- ***INCLUDE simple_tree_control_demoF01 . *------------------------------------------------------------------- *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form CREATE_AND_INIT_TREE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM CREATE_AND_INIT_TREE. DATA: NODE_TABLE TYPE NODE_TABLE_TYPE, EVENTS TYPE CNTL_SIMPLE_EVENTS, event type cntl_simple_event. * create a container for the tree control CREATE OBJECT G_CUSTOM_CONTAINER EXPORTING " the container is linked to the custom control with the " name 'TREE_CONTAINER' on the dynpro CONTAINER_NAME = 'TREE_CONTAINER' EXCEPTIONS CNTL_ERROR = 1 CNTL_SYSTEM_ERROR = 2 CREATE_ERROR = 3 LIFETIME_ERROR = 4 LIFETIME_DYNPRO_DYNPRO_LINK = 5. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. MESSAGE A000. ENDIF. * create a tree control CREATE OBJECT G_TREE EXPORTING PARENT = G_CUSTOM_CONTAINER " single node selection is used NODE_SELECTION_MODE = CL_GUI_SIMPLE_TREE=>NODE_SEL_MODE_SINGLE EXCEPTIONS LIFETIME_ERROR = 1 CNTL_SYSTEM_ERROR = 2 CREATE_ERROR = 3 FAILED = 4 ILLEGAL_NODE_SELECTION_MODE = 5. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. MESSAGE A000. ENDIF. * define the events which will be passed to the backend " node double click event-eventid = CL_GUI_SIMPLE_TREE=>EVENTID_NODE_DOUBLE_CLICK. event-appl_event = 'X'. " process PAI if event occurs APPEND event to events. " expand no children event-eventid = CL_GUI_SIMPLE_TREE=>EVENTID_EXPAND_NO_CHILDREN. event-appl_event = 'X'. APPEND event to events. CALL METHOD G_TREE->SET_REGISTERED_EVENTS EXPORTING EVENTS = EVENTS EXCEPTIONS CNTL_ERROR = 1 CNTL_SYSTEM_ERROR = 2 ILLEGAL_EVENT_COMBINATION = 3. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. MESSAGE A000. ENDIF. * assign event handlers in the application class to each desired event SET HANDLER G_APPLICATION->HANDLE_NODE_DOUBLE_CLICK FOR G_TREE. SET HANDLER G_APPLICATION->HANDLE_EXPAND_NO_CHILDREN FOR G_TREE. * add some nodes to the tree control * NOTE: the tree control does not store data at the backend. If an * application wants to access tree data later, it must store the * tree data itself. PERFORM BUILD_NODE_TABLE USING NODE_TABLE. * node_table_structure_name = 'MTREESNODE' * A programmer using the tree control must create a structure in the * dictionary. This structure must include the structure TREEV_NODE * and must contain a character field with the name 'TEXT'. CALL METHOD G_TREE->ADD_NODES EXPORTING TABLE_STRUCTURE_NAME = 'MTREESNODE' NODE_TABLE = NODE_TABLE EXCEPTIONS FAILED = 1 ERROR_IN_NODE_TABLE = 2 DP_ERROR = 3 TABLE_STRUCTURE_NAME_NOT_FOUND = 4 OTHERS = 5. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. MESSAGE A000. ENDIF. ENDFORM. " CREATE_AND_INIT_TREE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form build_node_table *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM BUILD_NODE_TABLE USING NODE_TABLE TYPE NODE_TABLE_TYPE. DATA: NODE LIKE MTREESNODE. * Build the node table. * Caution: The nodes are inserted into the tree according to the order * in which they occur in the table. In consequence, a node must not * occur in the node table before its parent node. * Node with key 'Root' NODE-NODE_KEY = c_nodekey-Root. " Key of the node CLEAR NODE-RELATKEY. " Special case: A root node has no parent CLEAR NODE-RELATSHIP. " node. NODE-HIDDEN = ' '. " The node is visible, NODE-DISABLED = ' '. " selectable, NODE-ISFOLDER = 'X'. " a folder. CLEAR NODE-N_IMAGE. " Folder-/ Leaf-Symbol in state "closed": " use default. CLEAR NODE-EXP_IMAGE. " Folder-/ Leaf-Symbol in state "open": " use default CLEAR NODE-EXPANDER. " see below. NODE-TEXT = 'Root'(roo). APPEND NODE TO NODE_TABLE. * Node with key 'Child1' NODE-NODE_KEY = c_nodekey-Child1. " Key of the node " Node is inserted as child of the node with key 'Root'. NODE-RELATKEY = c_nodekey-Root. NODE-RELATSHIP = CL_GUI_SIMPLE_TREE=>RELAT_LAST_CHILD. NODE-HIDDEN = ' '. NODE-DISABLED = ' '. NODE-ISFOLDER = 'X'. CLEAR NODE-N_IMAGE. CLEAR NODE-EXP_IMAGE. NODE-EXPANDER = 'X'. " The node is marked with a '+', although " it has no children. When the user clicks on the " + to open the node, the event " expand_no_children is fired. The programmer can " add the children of the " node within the event handler of the " expand_no_children event " (see method handle_expand_no_children " of class lcl_application) NODE-TEXT = 'Child1'(ch1). NODE-STYLE = CL_GUI_SIMPLE_TREE=>STYLE_EMPHASIZED_POSITIVE. APPEND NODE TO NODE_TABLE. ENDFORM. " build_node_table *** INCLUDE simple_tree_control_demoF01
START-OF-SELECTION. * create the application object * this object is needed to handle the ABAP Objects Events of * Controls CREATE OBJECT G_APPLICATION. SET SCREEN 100.