window wsl相关配置
PS C:> wslconfig /l
适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统:
Ubuntu (默认)
PS C:> ubuntu /h
Launches or configures a Linux distribution.
<no args>
Launches the user's default shell in the user's home directory.
install [--root]
Install the distribuiton and do not launch the shell when complete.
Do not create a user account and leave the default user set to root.
run <command line>
Run the provided command line in the current working directory. If no
command line is provided, the default shell is launched.
config [setting [value]]
Configure settings for this distribution.
--default-user <username>
Sets the default user to <username>. This must be an existing user.
Print usage information.
PS C:> ubuntu config --default-user root
PS C:> wsl
root@universe:/mnt/c# passwd
Enter new UNIX password: