• 一个端口操作类PortHelper

      此操作类主要使用了系统命令行来实现的,详细的命令可参照微软文档《如何使用"netsh advfirewall firewall"上下文而非“netsh firewall”上下文来控制 Windows Server 2008 和 Windows Vista 中的 Windows 防火墙行为》,而检查端口部分则利用Socket判断端口是否被占用,但是在也会有判断失灵的时候。

      1     public static class PortHelper
      2     {
      3         #region 命令原型
      4         //netsh firewall delete allowedprogram [AppPath]
      6         //netsh firewall add allowedprogram [appPath] [portName] ENABLE 
      8         //netsh firewall add portopening [ALL|TCP|UDP] [portID] [portName]
     10         //netsh firewall delete portopening [ALL|TCP|UDP] [portID]
     11         #endregion
     13         /// <summary>
     14         /// 判定指定端口号有否被占用
     15         /// </summary>
     16         /// <param name="portId">端口号</param>
     17         /// <returns></returns>
     18         public static bool IsAvaliable(int portId)
     19         {
     20             bool result;
     21             IPEndPoint point = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), portId);
     22             Socket socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
     23             try
     24             {
     25                 socket.Bind(point);
     26                 result = true;
     27             }
     28             catch (Exception ex)
     29             {
     30                 result = false;
     31             }
     32             finally
     33             {
     34                 socket.Close();
     35                 socket.Dispose();
     36                 socket = null;
     37             }
     38             return result;
     39         }
     41         #region 指定端口号
     43         /// <summary>
     44         /// 开放指定端口
     45         /// </summary>
     46         /// <param name="portName">端口名称</param>
     47         /// <param name="portId">端口号</param>
     48         /// <param name="type">协议类型</param>
     49         /// <returns></returns>
     50         public static bool OpenPortByID(string portName, int portId,ProtocolTypeName type)
     51         {
     52             string arg = string.Format("firewall add portopening {0} {1} {2}", type, portId, portName);
     53             string cmdResult = RunCMD("netsh", arg);
     54             if (cmdResult.Contains("确定"))
     55                 return true;
     56             return false;
     57         }
     59         /// <summary>
     60         /// 开放指定的所有类型端口
     61         /// </summary>
     62         /// <param name="portName">端口名称</param>
     63         /// <param name="portId">端口号</param>
     64         /// <returns></returns>
     65         public static bool OpenPortByID(string portName, int portId)
     66         {
     67             return OpenPortByID(portName, portId, ProtocolTypeName.ALL);
     68         }
     70         /// <summary>
     71         /// 删除指定的所有类型端口
     72         /// </summary>
     73         /// <param name="portId">端口号</param>
     74         /// <returns></returns>
     75         public static bool DeletePortByID(int portId)
     76         {
     77             return DeletePortByID(portId, ProtocolTypeName.ALL);
     78         }
     80         /// <summary>
     81         /// 删除指定的端口
     82         /// </summary>
     83         /// <param name="portId">端口号</param>
     84         /// <param name="type">协议类型</param>
     85         /// <returns></returns>
     86         public static bool DeletePortByID(int portId, ProtocolTypeName type)
     87         {
     88             string arg = string.Format("firewall delete portopening {0} {1}", type, portId);
     89             string cmdResult = RunCMD("netsh", arg);
     90             if (cmdResult.Contains("确定"))
     91                 return true;
     92             return false;
     93         }
     95         #endregion
     97         #region 指定应用程序
     99         /// <summary>
    100         /// 为指定应用程序开放端口
    101         /// </summary>
    102         /// <param name="appPath">应用程序路径</param>
    103         /// <param name="portName">端口名称</param>
    104         /// <returns></returns>
    105         public static bool OpenPortAppName(string appPath,string portName)
    106         {
    107             string arg = string.Format("firewall add allowedprogram {0} {1} ENABLE",appPath,portName);
    108             string cmdResult = RunCMD("netsh", arg);
    109             if (cmdResult.Contains("确定"))
    110                 return true;
    111             return false;
    112         }
    114         /// <summary>
    115         /// 删除指定应用程序的端口
    116         /// </summary>
    117         /// <param name="appPath">应用程序路径</param>
    118         /// <returns></returns>
    119         public static bool DeletePortByAppName(string appPath)
    120         {
    121             string arg = string.Format("firewall delete allowedprogram {0}",appPath);
    122             string cmdResult = RunCMD("netsh", arg);
    123             if (cmdResult.Contains("确定"))
    124                 return true;
    125             return false;
    126         }
    128         #endregion
    130         /// <summary>
    131         /// 执行命令
    132         /// </summary>
    133         /// <param name="cmd">命令名称</param>
    134         /// <param name="arg">参数</param>
    135         /// <returns></returns>
    136         private static string RunCMD(string cmd, string arg)
    137         {
    138             Process pro = new Process();
    139             pro.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(cmd, arg);
    140             pro.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
    141             pro.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
    142             pro.Start();
    143             pro.WaitForExit();
    144             string outputText = pro.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
    145             return outputText;
    146         }
    147     }
    149     public enum ProtocolTypeName
    150     { 
    151         ALL,
    152         TCP,
    153         UDP
    154     }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/HopeGi/p/3155199.html
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