public class EnumerationDataProvider : ObjectDataProvider { public Type EnumerationType { get; set; } public string NoneValue { get; set; } public string NoneDisplayValue { get; set; } public EnumerationDataProvider() { this.MethodName = "GetEnumerations"; this.ObjectType = typeof(EnumerationHelper); } protected override void EndInit() { this.MethodParameters.Clear(); this.MethodParameters.Add(this.EnumerationType); this.MethodParameters.Add(this.NoneValue); this.MethodParameters.Add(this.NoneDisplayValue); base.EndInit(); } private static class EnumerationHelper { private const string NoneDefaultValue = "None"; private const string NoneDisplayDefaultValue = ""; public static IDictionary<object, string> GetEnumerations( Type enumType, string noneValue, string noneDisplayValue) { // Setup defaults if none exists. if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(noneValue)) noneValue = NoneDefaultValue; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(noneDisplayValue)) noneDisplayValue = NoneDisplayDefaultValue; IDictionary<object, string> items = new Dictionary<object, string>(); // Find the None enumeration value. string noneStringValue = (from n in Enum.GetNames(enumType) where string.Compare(n, noneValue, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 select n).FirstOrDefault(); bool hasNoneValue = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(noneStringValue); object noneEnumerationValue = null; if (hasNoneValue) { // Parse the None value if it exists and add it as the first item. noneEnumerationValue = Enum.Parse(enumType, noneStringValue, true); items.Add(noneEnumerationValue, noneDisplayValue); } // Select all enumeration values where not equal to the None value and order by // the enumeration value name. var orderedEnums = from v in Enum.GetValues(enumType).Cast<object>() where !v.Equals(noneEnumerationValue) orderby Convert.ToString(v) select v; foreach (var value in orderedEnums) items.Add(value, Convert.ToString(value)); return items; } } }