POJ4046 Sightseeing
CC and MM arrive at a beautiful city for sightseeing. They have found a map of
the city on the internet to help them find some places to have meals. They like buffet
restaurants (self-service restaurants) and there are n such restaurants and m roads. All
restaurants are numbered from 1 to n. Each road connects two different restaurants.
They know the price of every restaurant. They go by taxi and they know the taxi fee
of each road.
Now they have Q plans. In each plan, they want to start from a given restaurant,
pass none or some restaurants and stop at another given restaurant. They will have a
meal at one of those restaurants. CC does not want to lose face, so he will definitely
choose the most expensive one among the restaurants which they will pass (including
the starting one and the stopping one). But CC also wants to save money, so he want
you to help him figure out the minimum cost path for each plan.
There are multiple test cases in the input.
For each test case, the first line contains two integers, n, m(1<=n<=1000,
1<=m<=20000),meaning that there are n restaurants and m roads.
The second line contains n integers indicating the price of n restaurant. All
integers are smaller than 2× 9.
The next m lines, each contains three integers: x, y and z(1<=x, y <=n,
1<=z<=2× 9), meaning that there is a road between x and y, and the taxi fee of this
road is z.
Then a single line containing an integer Q follows, meaning that there are Q plans
The next Q lines, each contains two integers: s and t (1<=s, t <= n) indicating the
starting restaurant and stopping restaurant of each plan.
The input ends with n = 0 and m = 0.
For each plan, print the minimum cost in a line. If there is no path from the
starting restaurant to the stopping restaurant, just print -1 instead.
Print a blank line after each test case.
Sample Input
6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 1
2 3 2
3 4 3
4 5 4
1 5 5
2 5 2
1 4 3
1 4
2 3
1 5
3 5
1 6
2 1
10 20
1 2 5
Sample Output
//#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:65536000") #include <map> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <math.h> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include <deque> #include <algorithm> #define N 1005 #define M 50000 #define E #define inf 0x3f3f3f3f #define dinf 1e10 #define linf (LL)1<<60 #define LL long long #define clr(a,b) memset(a,b,sizeof(a)) using namespace std; int n,m,eid; LL pval[N]; int head[N],nxt[M],ed[M]; LL sum; LL val[M],dis[N][N],cun[N][N]; int inq[N],num[N],id[N]; deque<int>que; map<LL,int>hash; struct Node { int a,b;LL c; LL u; Node(int t1,int t2,LL t3) { a=t1;b=t2;c=t3; u=max(pval[a],pval[b]); } Node(){} bool operator<(const Node & t)const { return u<t.u; } }node[M]; bool cmp(int a,int b) { return pval[a]<pval[b]; } void addedge(int s,int e,LL v) { ed[eid]=e; val[eid]=v; nxt[eid]=head[s]; head[s]=eid++; } int relax(int s,int e,LL v,int k) { if(dis[k][s]+v<dis[k][e]) { if(inq[e])sum=sum-dis[k][e]+dis[k][s]+v; dis[k][e]=dis[k][s]+v; return 1; } return 0; } int main() { //freopen("/home/axorb/in","r",stdin); while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)==2) { if(n==0&&m==0)break; eid=0;hash.clear(); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { head[i]=-1;num[i]=i; scanf("%I64d",&pval[i]); } sort(num+1,num+1+n,cmp); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) id[num[i]]=i; for(int i=1;i<=m;i++) { int a,b;LL c; scanf("%d%d%I64d",&a,&b,&c); node[i]=Node(a,b,c); } sort(node+1,node+1+m); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) for(int j=1;j<=n;j++) { dis[i][j]=linf; cun[i][j]=-2; } int ke=1; for(int u=1;u<=n;u++) { int h=num[u]; if(!hash.count(pval[h]))hash[pval[h]]=u; for(;ke<=m;ke++) { if(node[ke].u>pval[h])break; addedge(node[ke].a,node[ke].b,node[ke].c); addedge(node[ke].b,node[ke].a,node[ke].c); } dis[h][h]=0; que.clear(); que.push_back(h);sum=0; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)inq[i]=0; while(!que.empty()) { int a=que.front(); que.pop_front(); sum-=dis[h][a]; inq[a]=0; for(int i=head[a];~i;i=nxt[i]) { int e=ed[i];LL v=val[i]; if(relax(a,e,v,h)&&!inq[e]) { inq[e]=1;sum+=dis[h][e]; if(que.empty()||dis[h][e]<=dis[h][que.front()]) que.push_front(e); else que.push_back(e); } } int si=que.size(); while(si>0&&dis[h][que.front()]*si>sum) { que.push_back(que.front()); que.pop_front(); } } } int q; scanf("%d",&q); while(q--) { int a,b; scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); if(cun[a][b]!=-2) { printf("%I64d\n",cun[a][b]); continue; } LL ans=linf; int k=hash[max(pval[a],pval[b])]; for(int i=k;i<=n;i++) { int j=num[i]; if(dis[j][a]<linf&&dis[j][b]<linf) ans=min(ans,dis[j][a]+dis[j][b]+pval[j]); } printf("%I64d\n",cun[a][b]=cun[b][a]=(ans==linf?-1:ans)); } puts(""); } return 0; }