• IDA断点和搜索




    Edit breakpoint

    Action    name: BreakpointEdit


      This IDC expression will be evaluated each time the breakpoint
      is reached. If the expression returns true, the debugger will execute the
      selected actions. Please note that you can use the register names in the
      IDC scripts when the debugger is active. Tests like this would be ok,
      for example: EAX == EBX+5 or Dword(ESP+0x10) == 34


      This IDC expression will be evaluated each time the breakpoint
      is reached. If the expression returns true (non-zero), the debugger will execute the
      selected actions. Please note that you can use the register names in the
      IDC scripts when the debugger is active. Tests like this are allowed,
      for example: EAX == EBX+5 or Dword(ESP+0x10) == 34
      You can also use the "..." button to enter a multiline condition, or specify
      another scripting language to use. See here for
      more info.

    Breakpoint conditions

    You can use the "Condition" field of the breakpoint properties to enter an expression which is evaluated when the breakpoint is hit. It can be either an actual condition or just any valid code in IDC or another supported scripting language syntax. By using the "..." button, you can open a multi-line editor for the condtition and switch the scripting language used for evaluating it.


      If you enter an expression, the result will be used to determine whether
      the selected actions are exectuted. Some examples of IDC expressions:
      Check if EAX is equal to 5:
      Check if the first argument to the function is 1:
      Interpret the second argument to the function as a pointer to Unicode string, print it,
      and return 0 (so that the execution continues immediately):
        Message("Filename: %s
    ", GetString(Dword(ESP+4), -1, ASCSTR_UNICODE)), 0
      Set EAX to 0 and continue:
      You can enter several statements in the multi-line editor. If the last one is a 'return' statement,
      it is used as the result of the condition. Otherwise the condition is assumed to return 0.


    表达式1,表达式2,表达式3,...... ,表达式n
    (1) 逗号表达式的运算过程为:从左往右逐个计算表达式。
    (2) 逗号表达式作为一个整体,它的值为最后一个表达式(也即表达式n)的值。
    (3) 逗号运算符的优先级别在所有运算符中最低。


    Multiline breakpoint conditions

    Python users will love this: now it is possible to write a multiline condition right in the 'edit breakpoint' dialog box. IDA even accepts function definitions there!

    Multiline breakpoint conditions in IDA6.6



    参考:自带文档,调试菜单(Debugger submenu)-断点子菜单(Breakpoints submenu)-编辑断点(Edit breakpoint)章节和IDC之表达式(IDC: Expressions)一章



      This IDC expression will be evaluated each time the breakpoint
      is reached. If the expression returns true, the debugger will execute the
      selected actions. Please note that you can use the register names in the
      IDC scripts when the debugger is active. Tests like this would be ok,
      for example: EAX == EBX+5 or Dword(ESP+0x10) == 34


    Alphabetical list of IDC functions

    The following conventions are used in the function descriptions:

      'ea' is a linear address
      'success' is 0 if a function fails, 1 otherwise
      'void' means that function returns no meaningful value (always 0)
      'anyvalue' means that function may return value of any type

    一个永远返回假的条件表达式:0 * Message("%s = %d ", atoa(Dword(R2+0x10)), R2+0x20)



    'c' == DbgByte(DbgDword(R2+0x10)) && 'r' == DbgByte(1+DbgDword(R2+0x10)) && 'a' == DbgByte(2+DbgDword(R2+0x10)) && 'c' == DbgByte(3+DbgDword(R2+0x10)) && 'k' == DbgByte(4+DbgDword(R2+0x10))


    CODE:00234EC8 loc_234EC8:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_234DD8+CB↑j
    CODE:00234EC8 mov     eax, edi
    CODE:00234ECA call    sub_193ED4
    CODE:00234ECF push    eax                             ; hWnd
    CODE:00234ED0 call    GetWindowTextLengthW
    CODE:00234ED5 mov     edx, eax
    CODE:00234ED7 inc     edx
    CODE:00234ED8 mov     eax, esi
    CODE:00234EDA call    sub_E48AC
    CODE:00234EDF mov     eax, [esi]
    CODE:00234EE1 call    sub_E4544
    CODE:00234EE6 push    eax                             ; nMaxCount
    CODE:00234EE7 mov     eax, [esi]
    CODE:00234EE9 call    sub_E4534
    CODE:00234EEE push    eax                             ; lpString 压入第二参数,缓冲区指针地址,可利用条件断点保存EAX值
    CODE:00234EEF mov     eax, edi
    CODE:00234EF1 call    sub_193ED4
    CODE:00234EF6 push    eax                             ; hWnd
    CODE:00234EF7 call    GetWindowTextW
    CODE:00234EFC mov     eax, [esi]                      ; 执行完GetWindowTextW后在这里利用条件断点查看缓冲区
    CODE:00234EFE call    sub_E4544
    CODE:00234F03 mov     edx, eax
    CODE:00234F05 dec     edx
    CODE:00234F06 mov     eax, esi
    CODE:00234F08 call    sub_E48AC



    1、在IDA底部的IDC命令行声明一个全局变量:extern lpString;

    2、在CODE:00234EEE处下表达式始终为假的条件断点:0 * (lpString = EAX) || 0 * Message("EAX = %x, lpString = %x ", EAX, lpString)

    3、在CODE:00234EFC处下条件断点,表达式为:0 * Message("GetString(Address_%x)=%s ", lpString, GetString(Dword(lpString),-1, ASCSTR_UNICODE))


    EAX = 7d71a5c, lpString = 7d71a5c


    EAX = 7d5ebb4, lpString = 7d5ebb4




    131460020. 7D5EBB4h 765365664o 00000111110101011110101110110100b '措'


    0 * Message("GetString(%x)=%s ", lpString, GetString(lpString,-1, ASCSTR_UNICODE))

    EAX = 7d71a5c, lpString = 7d71a5c


    EAX = 1377e64, lpString = 1377e64

    GetString(1377e64)=Incomplete or Invalid Registration Key

    EAX = 7d71a5c, lpString = 7d71a5c



    断点地址 User32.dll BOOL SetWindowText(HWND hwnd,LPCTSTR lpString);

    断点条件 0*Message("wchar(%x)=%s ", Dword(ESP+8), GetString(Dword(ESP+8),-1, ASCSTR_UNICODE)) || GetString(Dword(ESP+8),-1, ASCSTR_UNICODE) == "Incomplete or Invalid Registration Key"



    见文档Breakpoint handling functions一章

    // Set breakpoint condition
    //      address  - any address in the breakpoint range
    //      cnd      - breakpoint condition
    //      is_lowcnd- 0:regular condition,1:low level condition
    // Returns: success
    success SetBptCndEx(long ea, string cnd, long is_lowcnd);
    #define SetBptCnd(ea, cnd) SetBptCndEx(ea, cnd, 0)

    Debugger: control

    Execute one instruction in the current thread.
    Other threads are kept suspended.
      You must call GetDebuggerEvent() after this call
      in order to find out what happened. Normally you will
      get the STEP event but other events are possible (for example,
      an exception might occur or the process might exit).
      This remark applies to all execution control functions.
      The event codes depend on the issued command.
    returns: success

    success StepInto(void);

          IDA 5.2持调试器除了支持以往的事件的模型,还允许设计一个顺序
    执行(线性模型)的IDC 脚本来控制调试器。以往的基于事件的模型依然可用,同时也可通过使
    用 get_debugger_event()这个函数来支持简单的线性模型。这个函数暂停插件(或脚本)

    #include <idc.idc> 
    static main() 
        auto code, bptea_some_addrese;   
        AppBpt(bptea_some_addrese); // 在某地址下断点 
        StartDebugger("","",""); // 调试start debugger with default params  
        code = GetDebuggerEvent(WFNE_SUSP, -1);  // 等待断点发生... and wait for bpt 
        if ( code <= 0 )
            return Failed(code); 
        Message ("Stopped at %a, event code is %x
    ", GetEventEA(), GetEventId());  // 打印消息
        StepInto();                      // 扮演跟进行动 request a single step 
        GetDebuggerEvent(WFNE_SUSP, -1); // ... and wait for app to execute 
        StepInto();                       // request a single step 
        GetDebuggerEvent(WFNE_SUSP, -1); // ... and wait for app to execute
    // Print an failure message 
    static Failed(code) 
        Warning("Failed, sorry (code %d)", code); 
        return 0; 

     UUNP 解压器插件的核心功能


    #include <idc.idc> 
    static main() 
      auto ea, bptea, tea1, tea2, code, minea, maxea; 
      auto r_esp, r_eip, caller, funcname; 
      // Calculate the target IP range. It is the first segment. 
      // As soon as the EIP register points to this range, we assume that 
      // the unpacker has finished its work. 
      tea1 = FirstSeg(); 
      tea2 = SegEnd(tea1); 
      // Calculate the current module boundaries. Any calls to GetProcAddress 
      // outside of these boundaries will be ignored. 
      minea = MinEA(); 
      maxea = MaxEA(); 
      // Launch the debugger and run until the entry point 
      if ( !RunTo(BeginEA()) ) 
        return Failed(-1); 
      // Wait for the process to stop at the entry point 
      code = GetDebuggerEvent(WFNE_SUSP, -1); 
      if ( code <= 0 ) 
        return Failed(code); 
      // Set a breakpoint at GetProcAddress 
      bptea = LocByName("kernel32_GetProcAddress"); 
      if ( bptea == BADADDR ) 
        return Warning("Could not locate GetProcAddress"); 
      while ( 1 ) 
        // resume the execution and wait until the unpacker calls GetProcAddress 
        code = GetDebuggerEvent(WFNE_SUSP|WFNE_CONT, -1); 
        if ( code <= 0 ) 
          return Failed(code); 
        // check the caller, it must be from our module 
         r_esp = GetRegValue("ESP"); 
        caller = Dword(r_esp);
    if ( caller < minea || caller >= maxea ) 
        // if the function name passed to GetProcAddress is not in the ignore-list, 
        // then switch to the trace mode 
        funcname = GetString(Dword(r_esp+8), -1, ASCSTR_C); 
        // ignore some api calls because they might be used by the unpacker 
        if ( funcname == "VirtualAlloc" ) 
        if ( funcname == "VirtualFree" ) 
        // A call to GetProcAddress() probably means that the program has been 
        // unpacked in the memory and now is setting up its import table 
      // trace the program in the single step mode until we jump to 
      // the area with the original entry point. 
      EnableTracing(TRACE_STEP, 1); 
      for ( code = GetDebuggerEvent(WFNE_ANY|WFNE_CONT, -1); // resume 
            code > 0; 
            code = GetDebuggerEvent(WFNE_ANY, -1) ) 
        r_eip = GetEventEa(); 
        if ( r_eip >= tea1 && r_eip < tea2 ) 
      if ( code <= 0 ) 
        return Failed(code); 
      // as soon as the current ip belongs OEP area, suspend the execution and 
      // inform the user 
      code = GetDebuggerEvent(WFNE_SUSP, -1); 
      if ( code <= 0 ) 
        return Failed(code); 
      EnableTracing(TRACE_STEP, 0); 
      // Clean up the disassembly so it looks nicer 
      MakeUnknown(tea1, tea2-tea1, DOUNK_EXPAND|DOUNK_DELNAMES); 
    AutoMark2(tea1, tea2, AU_USED); 
      AutoMark2(tea1, tea2, AU_FINAL); 
      MakeName(r_eip, "real_start"); 
      Warning("Successfully traced to the completion of the unpacker code
              "Please rebuild the import table using renimp.idc
              "before stopping the debugger"); 
    // Print an failure message 
    static Failed(code) 
      Warning("Failed to unpack the file, sorry (code %d)", code); 
      return 0; 


    addr = FindBinary(0, SEARCH_DOWN, "31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39");
    #ea =  FindText(ea, SEARCH_NEXT | SEARCH_REGEX, 0, 0, "test *[a-zA-Z]*, +[a-zA-Z]*")
    MinEA() 等价于 GetLongPrm(INF_MIN_EA) 
    而INF_MIN_EA // int32; The lowest address used // in the program
    IDC>auto ea_result = FindText(MinEA() ,SEARCH_DOWN|SEARCH_NEXT, 0, 0, "478467622");  Message("%s %x
    ", BADADDR == ea_result ? "bad" : "ok",  ea_result); 
    bad ffffffff
    //查找mov     dword ptr [eax+1Ch], offset sub_11010类似这种形式的指令
    IDC>auto ea = 0; ea = FindText(ea,  SEARCH_DOWN |SEARCH_NEXT | SEARCH_REGEX, 0, 0, "mov +dword ptr \[[a-zA-Z]+\+[a-zA-Z0-9_ ]+h\],[a-zA-Z0-9_ ]*"); Message("Find in %x
    ", ea); if(BADADDR != ea) {auto op2_addr = GetOperandValue(ea,1); Message("op2 address is %x
    ", op2_addr);}
    Find in 30801855  //双击这里自动定位代码
    op2 address is 24
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Fang3s/p/4367588.html
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