• LeetCode 1023. Camelcase Matching



    A query word matches a given pattern if we can insert lowercase letters to the pattern word so that it equals the query. (We may insert each character at any position, and may insert 0 characters.)

    Given a list of queries, and a pattern, return an answer list of booleans, where answer[i] is true if and only if queries[i] matches the pattern.

    Example 1:

    Input: queries = ["FooBar","FooBarTest","FootBall","FrameBuffer","ForceFeedBack"], pattern = "FB"
    Output: [true,false,true,true,false]
    "FooBar" can be generated like this "F" + "oo" + "B" + "ar".
    "FootBall" can be generated like this "F" + "oot" + "B" + "all".
    "FrameBuffer" can be generated like this "F" + "rame" + "B" + "uffer".

    Example 2:

    Input: queries = ["FooBar","FooBarTest","FootBall","FrameBuffer","ForceFeedBack"], pattern = "FoBa"
    Output: [true,false,true,false,false]
    "FooBar" can be generated like this "Fo" + "o" + "Ba" + "r".
    "FootBall" can be generated like this "Fo" + "ot" + "Ba" + "ll".

    Example 3:

    Input: queries = ["FooBar","FooBarTest","FootBall","FrameBuffer","ForceFeedBack"], pattern = "FoBaT"
    Output: [false,true,false,false,false]
    "FooBarTest" can be generated like this "Fo" + "o" + "Ba" + "r" + "T" + "est".


    1. 1 <= queries.length <= 100
    2. 1 <= queries[i].length <= 100
    3. 1 <= pattern.length <= 100
    4. All strings consists only of lower and upper case English letters.


    For each query, use two points to check if this query matches pattern.

    For each char c in query, if it equals current i pointing char in pattern, move the pointer.

    If not equal and c is uppercase, then either current i pointing char is lower case or uppercase, pattern can't insert any lowercase letter to match it. return false.

    Check if i could comes to the end of pattern.

    Time Complexity: O(n*m). n = queries.length. m is average length of queries and pattern.

    Space: O(1). regardless res.

    AC Java: 

     1 class Solution {
     2     public List<Boolean> camelMatch(String[] queries, String pattern) {
     3         List<Boolean> res = new ArrayList<>();
     4         for(String query : queries){
     5             res.add(isMatch(query, pattern));
     6         }
     8         return res;
     9     }
    11     private boolean isMatch(String s, String p){
    12         int i = 0;
    13         for(char c : s.toCharArray()){
    14             if(i<p.length() && p.charAt(i) == c){
    15                 i++;
    16             }else if(c>='A' && c<='Z'){
    17                 return false;
    18             }
    19         }
    21         return i == p.length();
    22     }
    23 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Dylan-Java-NYC/p/11856023.html
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