• JQ 实现轮播图(3D旋转图片轮播效果)



    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html xmlns="/www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <link type="text/css" rel="Stylesheet" href="css/imageflow.css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/imageflow.js"></script>
    <div id="LoopDiv">
        <input id="S_Num" type="hidden" value="8" />
        <div id="starsIF" class="imageflow"> 
            <img src="images/1.png" longdesc="#" width="280" height="300" alt="Picture" /> 
            <img src="images/2.png" longdesc="#" width="280" height="300" alt="Picture" /> 
            <img src="images/1.png" longdesc="#" width="280" height="300" alt="Picture" /> 
            <img src="images/3.png" longdesc="#" width="280" height="300" alt="Picture" /> 
            <img src="images/4.png" longdesc="#" width="280" height="300" alt="Picture" /> 
            <img src="images/5.png" longdesc="#" width="280" height="300" alt="Picture" /> 
            <img src="images/6.png" longdesc="#" width="280" height="300" alt="Picture" /> 
            <img src="images/1.png" longdesc="#" width="280" height="300" alt="Picture" /> 
            <img src="images/2.png" longdesc="#" width="280" height="300" alt="Picture" /> 
            <img src="images/3.png" longdesc="#" width="280" height="300" alt="Picture" /> 
            <img src="images/4.png" longdesc="#" width="280" height="300" alt="Picture" /> 
            <img src="images/5.png" longdesc="#" width="280" height="300" alt="Picture" /> 
    <div class="clear"></div>
    <div style="text-align:center;margin:50px 0; font:normal 14px/24px 'MicroSoft YaHei';color:#ffffff">
    <p>适用浏览器:360、FireFox、Chrome、Safari、Opera、傲游、搜狗、世界之窗. 不支持IE8及以下浏览器。</p>
    imageflow.js 源码文件
    /* ImageFlow constructor */
    function ImageFlow() {
        /* Setting option defaults */
        this.defaults =
            animationSpeed: 50,             /* Animation speed in ms */
            aspectRatio: 2.3,          /* Aspect ratio of the ImageFlow container (width divided by height) */
            buttons: false,          /* Toggle navigation buttons */
            captions: false,           /* Toggle captions */
            circular: true,          /* 循环 */
            imageCursor: 'pointer',      /* Cursor type for all images - default is 'default' */
            ImageFlowID: 'imageflow',    /* Default id of the ImageFlow container */
            imageFocusM: 1.0,            /* Multiplicator for the focussed image size in percent */
            imageFocusMax: 3,              /* 左右二侧图片数量 */
            imagePath: '',             /* Path to the images relative to the reflect_.php script */
            imageScaling: true,           /* Toggle image scaling */
            imagesHeight: 0.65,           /* 高宽比例 */
            imagesM: 1.2,            /* 图片深度 */
            onClick: function () { document.location = this.url; },   /* Onclick behaviour */
            opacity: false,          /* Toggle image opacity */
            opacityArray: [10, 8, 6, 4, 2],   /* Image opacity (range: 0 to 10) first value is for the focussed image */
            percentLandscape: 118,            /* Scale landscape format */
            percentOther: 120,            /* Scale portrait and square format */
            preloadImages: true,           /* Toggles loading bar (false: requires img attributes height and width) */
            reflections: true,           /* Toggle reflections */
            reflectionGET: '',             /* Pass variables via the GET method to the reflect_.php script */
            reflectionP: 0.5,            /* Height of the reflection in percent of the source image */
            reflectionPNG: false,          /* Toggle reflect2.php or reflect3.php */
            reflectPath: '',             /* Path to the reflect_.php script */
            scrollbarP: 0.6,            /* Width of the scrollbar in percent */
            slider: true,           /* Toggle slider */
            sliderCursor: 'e-resize',     /* Slider cursor type - default is 'default' */
            sliderWidth: 14,             /* Width of the slider in px */
            slideshow: true,          /* Toggle slideshow */
            slideshowSpeed: 3000,           /* Time between slides in ms */
            slideshowAutoplay: true,          /* Toggle automatic slideshow play on startup */
            startID: 1,              /* Image ID to begin with */
            glideToStartID: true,           /* Toggle glide animation to start ID */
            startAnimation: false,          /* Animate images moving in from the right on startup */
            xStep: 90             /* Step width on the x-axis in px */
        /* Closure for this */
        var my = this;
        /* Initiate ImageFlow */
        this.init = function (options) {
            /* Evaluate options */
            for (var name in my.defaults) {
                this[name] = (options !== undefined && options[name] !== undefined) ? options[name] : my.defaults[name];
            /* Try to get ImageFlow div element */
            var ImageFlowDiv = document.getElementById(my.ImageFlowID);
            if (ImageFlowDiv) {
                /* Set it global within the ImageFlow scope */
                ImageFlowDiv.style.visibility = 'visible';
                this.ImageFlowDiv = ImageFlowDiv;
                /* Try to create XHTML structure */
                if (this.createStructure()) {
                    this.imagesDiv = document.getElementById(my.ImageFlowID + '_images');
                    this.captionDiv = document.getElementById(my.ImageFlowID + '_caption');
                    this.navigationDiv = document.getElementById(my.ImageFlowID + '_navigation');
                    this.scrollbarDiv = document.getElementById(my.ImageFlowID + '_scrollbar');
                    this.sliderDiv = document.getElementById(my.ImageFlowID + '_slider');
                    this.buttonNextDiv = document.getElementById(my.ImageFlowID + '_next');
                    this.buttonPreviousDiv = document.getElementById(my.ImageFlowID + '_previous');
                    this.buttonSlideshow = document.getElementById(my.ImageFlowID + '_slideshow');
                    this.indexArray = [];
                    this.current = 0;
                    this.imageID = 0;
                    this.target = 0;
                    this.memTarget = 0;
                    this.firstRefresh = true;
                    this.firstCheck = true;
                    this.busy = false;
                    /* Set height of the ImageFlow container and center the loading bar */
                    var width = this.ImageFlowDiv.offsetWidth;
                    var height = Math.round(width / my.aspectRatio);
                    document.getElementById(my.ImageFlowID + '_loading_txt').style.paddingTop = ((height * 0.5) - 22) + 'px';
                    ImageFlowDiv.style.height = height + 'px';
                    /* Init loading progress */
        /* Create HTML Structure */
        this.createStructure = function () {
            /* Create images div container */
            var imagesDiv = my.Helper.createDocumentElement('div', 'images');
            /* Shift all images into the images div */
            var node, version, src, imageNode;
            var max = my.ImageFlowDiv.childNodes.length;
            for (var index = 0; index < max; index++) {
                node = my.ImageFlowDiv.childNodes[index];
                if (node && node.nodeType == 1 && node.nodeName == 'IMG') {
                    /* Add 'reflect.php?img=' */
                    if (my.reflections === true) {
                        version = (my.reflectionPNG) ? '3' : '2';
                        src = my.imagePath + node.getAttribute('src', 2);
                        //src = my.reflectPath+'reflect'+version+'.php?img='+src+my.reflectionGET;
                        node.setAttribute('src', src);
                    /* Clone image nodes and append them to the images div */
                    imageNode = node.cloneNode(true);
            /* Clone some more images to make a circular animation possible */
            if (my.circular) {
                /* Create temporary elements to hold the cloned images */
                var first = my.Helper.createDocumentElement('div', 'images');
                var last = my.Helper.createDocumentElement('div', 'images');
                /* Make sure, that there are enough images to use circular mode */
                max = imagesDiv.childNodes.length;
                if (max < my.imageFocusMax) {
                    my.imageFocusMax = max;
                /* Do not clone anything if there is only one image */
                if (max > 1) {
                    /* Clone the first and last images */
                    var i;
                    for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
                        /* Number of clones on each side equals the imageFocusMax */
                        node = imagesDiv.childNodes[i];
                        if (i < my.imageFocusMax) {
                            imageNode = node.cloneNode(true);
                        if (max - i < my.imageFocusMax + 1) {
                            imageNode = node.cloneNode(true);
                    /* Sort the image nodes in the following order: last | originals | first */
                    for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
                        node = imagesDiv.childNodes[i];
                        imageNode = node.cloneNode(true);
                    for (i = 0; i < my.imageFocusMax; i++) {
                        node = first.childNodes[i];
                        imageNode = node.cloneNode(true);
                    /* Overwrite the imagesDiv with the new order */
                    imagesDiv = last;
            /* Create slideshow button div and append it to the images div */
            if (my.slideshow) {
                var slideshowButton = my.Helper.createDocumentElement('div', 'slideshow');
            /* Create loading text container */
            var loadingP = my.Helper.createDocumentElement('p', 'loading_txt');
            var loadingText = document.createTextNode(' ');
            /* Create loading div container */
            var loadingDiv = my.Helper.createDocumentElement('div', 'loading');
            /* Create loading bar div container inside the loading div */
            var loadingBarDiv = my.Helper.createDocumentElement('div', 'loading_bar');
            /* Create captions div container */
            var captionDiv = my.Helper.createDocumentElement('div', 'caption');
            /* Create slider and button div container inside the scrollbar div */
            var scrollbarDiv = my.Helper.createDocumentElement('div', 'scrollbar');
            var sliderDiv = my.Helper.createDocumentElement('div', 'slider');
            if (my.buttons) {
                var buttonPreviousDiv = my.Helper.createDocumentElement('div', 'previous', 'button');
                var buttonNextDiv = my.Helper.createDocumentElement('div', 'next', 'button');
            /* Create navigation div container beneath images div */
            var navigationDiv = my.Helper.createDocumentElement('div', 'navigation');
            /* Update document structure and return true on success */
            var success = false;
            if (my.ImageFlowDiv.appendChild(imagesDiv) &&
                my.ImageFlowDiv.appendChild(loadingP) &&
                my.ImageFlowDiv.appendChild(loadingDiv) &&
                my.ImageFlowDiv.appendChild(navigationDiv)) {
                /* Remove image nodes outside the images div */
                max = my.ImageFlowDiv.childNodes.length;
                for (index = 0; index < max; index++) {
                    node = my.ImageFlowDiv.childNodes[index];
                    if (node && node.nodeType == 1 && node.nodeName == 'IMG') {
                success = true;
            return success;
        /* Manage loading progress and call the refresh function */
        this.loadingProgress = function () {
            var p = my.loadingStatus();
            if ((p < 100 || my.firstCheck) && my.preloadImages) {
                /* Insert a short delay if the browser loads rapidly from its cache */
                if (my.firstCheck && p == 100) {
                    my.firstCheck = false;
                    window.setTimeout(my.loadingProgress, 100);
                else {
                    window.setTimeout(my.loadingProgress, 40);
            else {
                /* Hide loading elements */
                document.getElementById(my.ImageFlowID + '_loading_txt').style.display = 'none';
                document.getElementById(my.ImageFlowID + '_loading').style.display = 'none';
                /* Refresh ImageFlow on window resize - delay adding this event for the IE */
                window.setTimeout(my.Helper.addResizeEvent, 1000);
                /* Call refresh once on startup to display images */
                /* Only initialize navigation elements if there is more than one image */
                if (my.max > 1) {
                    /* Initialize mouse, touch and key support */
                    /* Toggle slideshow */
                    if (my.slideshow) {
                    /* Toggle scrollbar visibility */
                    if (my.slider) {
                        my.scrollbarDiv.style.visibility = 'visible';
        /* Return loaded images in percent, set loading bar width and loading text */
        this.loadingStatus = function () {
            var max = my.imagesDiv.childNodes.length;
            var i = 0, completed = 0;
            var image = null;
            for (var index = 0; index < max; index++) {
                image = my.imagesDiv.childNodes[index];
                if (image && image.nodeType == 1 && image.nodeName == 'IMG') {
                    if (image.complete) {
            var finished = Math.round((completed / i) * 100);
            var loadingBar = document.getElementById(my.ImageFlowID + '_loading_bar');
            loadingBar.style.width = finished + '%';
            /* Do not count the cloned images */
            if (my.circular) {
                i = i - (my.imageFocusMax * 2);
                completed = (finished < 1) ? 0 : Math.round((i / 100) * finished);
            var loadingP = document.getElementById(my.ImageFlowID + '_loading_txt');
            var loadingTxt = document.createTextNode('正在加载,请稍候 ' + completed + '/' + i);
            loadingP.replaceChild(loadingTxt, loadingP.firstChild);
            return finished;
        /* Cache EVERYTHING that only changes on refresh or resize of the window */
        this.refresh = function () {
            /* Cache global variables */
            this.imagesDivWidth = my.imagesDiv.offsetWidth + my.imagesDiv.offsetLeft;
            this.maxHeight = Math.round(my.imagesDivWidth / my.aspectRatio);
            this.maxFocus = my.imageFocusMax * my.xStep;
            this.size = my.imagesDivWidth * 0.5;
            this.sliderWidth = my.sliderWidth * 0.5;
            this.scrollbarWidth = (my.imagesDivWidth - (Math.round(my.sliderWidth) * 2)) * my.scrollbarP;
            this.imagesDivHeight = Math.round(my.maxHeight * my.imagesHeight);
            /* Change imageflow div properties */
            my.ImageFlowDiv.style.height = my.maxHeight + 'px';
            /* Change images div properties */
            my.imagesDiv.style.height = my.imagesDivHeight + 'px';
            /* Change images div properties */
            my.navigationDiv.style.height = (my.maxHeight - my.imagesDivHeight) + 'px';
            /* Change captions div properties */
            my.captionDiv.style.width = my.imagesDivWidth + 'px';
            my.captionDiv.style.paddingTop = Math.round(my.imagesDivWidth * 0.02) + 'px';
            /* Change scrollbar div properties */
            my.scrollbarDiv.style.width = my.scrollbarWidth + 'px';
            my.scrollbarDiv.style.marginTop = Math.round(my.imagesDivWidth * 0.02) + 'px';
            my.scrollbarDiv.style.marginLeft = Math.round(my.sliderWidth + ((my.imagesDivWidth - my.scrollbarWidth) / 2)) + 'px';
            /* Set slider attributes */
            my.sliderDiv.style.cursor = my.sliderCursor;
            my.sliderDiv.onmousedown = function () { my.MouseDrag.start(this); return false; };
            if (my.buttons) {
                my.buttonPreviousDiv.onclick = function () { my.MouseWheel.handle(1); };
                my.buttonNextDiv.onclick = function () { my.MouseWheel.handle(-1); };
            /* Set the reflection multiplicator */
            var multi = (my.reflections === true) ? my.reflectionP + 1 : 1;
            /* Set image attributes */
            var max = my.imagesDiv.childNodes.length;
            var i = 0;
            var image = null;
            for (var index = 0; index < max; index++) {
                image = my.imagesDiv.childNodes[index];
                if (image !== null && image.nodeType == 1 && image.nodeName == 'IMG') {
                    this.indexArray[i] = index;
                    /* Set image attributes to store values */
                    image.url = image.getAttribute('longdesc');
                    image.xPosition = (-i * my.xStep);
                    image.i = i;
                    /* Add width and height as attributes only once */
                    if (my.firstRefresh) {
                        if (image.getAttribute('width') !== null && image.getAttribute('height') !== null) {
                            image.w = image.getAttribute('width');
                            image.h = image.getAttribute('height') * multi;
                        else {
                            image.w = image.width;
                            image.h = image.height;
                    /* Check source image format. Get image height minus reflection height! */
                    if ((image.w) > (image.h / (my.reflectionP + 1))) {
                        /* Landscape format */
                        image.pc = my.percentLandscape;
                        image.pcMem = my.percentLandscape;
                    else {
                        /* Portrait and square format */
                        image.pc = my.percentOther;
                        image.pcMem = my.percentOther;
                    /* Change image positioning */
                    if (my.imageScaling === false) {
                        image.style.position = 'relative';
                        image.style.display = 'inline';
                    /* Set image cursor type */
                    image.style.cursor = my.imageCursor;
            this.max = my.indexArray.length;
            /* Override dynamic sizes based on the first image */
            if (my.imageScaling === false) {
                image = my.imagesDiv.childNodes[my.indexArray[0]];
                /* Set left padding for the first image */
                this.totalImagesWidth = image.w * my.max;
                image.style.paddingLeft = (my.imagesDivWidth / 2) + (image.w / 2) + 'px';
                /* Override images and navigation div height */
                my.imagesDiv.style.height = image.h + 'px';
                my.navigationDiv.style.height = (my.maxHeight - image.h) + 'px';
            /* Handle startID on the first refresh */
            if (my.firstRefresh) {
                /* Reset variable */
                my.firstRefresh = false;
                /* Set imageID to the startID */
                my.imageID = my.startID - 1;
                if (my.imageID < 0) {
                    my.imageID = 0;
                /* Map image id range in cicular mode (ignore the cloned images) */
                if (my.circular) {
                    my.imageID = my.imageID + my.imageFocusMax;
                /* Make sure, that the id is smaller than the image count  */
                maxId = (my.circular) ? (my.max - (my.imageFocusMax)) - 1 : my.max - 1;
                if (my.imageID > maxId) {
                    my.imageID = maxId;
                /* Toggle glide animation to start ID */
                if (my.glideToStartID === false) {
                    my.moveTo(-my.imageID * my.xStep);
                /* Animate images moving in from the right */
                if (my.startAnimation) {
            /* Only animate if there is more than one image */
            if (my.max > 1) {
            /* Display images in current order */
        /* Main animation function */
        this.moveTo = function (x)
            this.current = x;
            this.zIndex = my.max;
            /* Main loop */
            for (var index = 0; index < my.max; index++)
                var image = my.imagesDiv.childNodes[my.indexArray[index]];
                var currentImage = index * -my.xStep;
                /* Enabled image scaling */
                if (my.imageScaling)
                    /* Don't display images that are not conf_focussed */
                    if ((currentImage + my.maxFocus) < my.memTarget || (currentImage - my.maxFocus) > my.memTarget)
                            image.style.visibility = 'hidden';
                            image.style.display = 'none';
                        catch (e)
                        { }
                            var z = (Math.sqrt(10000 + x * x) + 100) * my.imagesM;
                            var xs = x / z * my.size + my.size;
                            /* Still hide images until they are processed, but set display style to block */
                            image.style.display = 'block';
                            /* Process new image height and width */
                            var newImageH = (image.h / image.w * image.pc) / z * my.size;
                            var newImageW = 0;
                            switch (newImageH > my.maxHeight)
                                case false:
                                    newImageW = image.pc / z * my.size;
                                    newImageH = my.maxHeight;
                                    newImageW = image.w * newImageH / image.h;
                            var newImageTop = (my.imagesDivHeight - newImageH) + ((newImageH / (my.reflectionP + 1)) * my.reflectionP);
                            /* Set new image properties */
                            image.style.left = xs - (image.pc / 2) / z * my.size + 'px';
                            if (newImageW && newImageH)
                                image.style.height = newImageH + 'px';
                                image.style.width = newImageW + 'px';
                                image.style.top = newImageTop + 'px';
                            image.style.visibility = 'visible';
                            /* Set image layer through zIndex */
                            switch (x < 0)
                                case true:
                                    this.zIndex = my.zIndex - 1;
                            /* Change zIndex and onclick function of the focussed image */
                            switch (image.i == my.imageID)
                                case false:
                                    image.onclick = function () { my.glideTo(this.i); };
                                    this.zIndex = my.zIndex + 1;
                                    if (image.url !== '')
                                        image.onclick = my.onClick;
                            image.style.zIndex = my.zIndex;
                        catch (e)
                        { }
                /* Disabled image scaling */
                    if ((currentImage + my.maxFocus) < my.memTarget || (currentImage - my.maxFocus) > my.memTarget)
                        image.style.visibility = 'hidden';
                        image.style.visibility = 'visible';
                        /* Change onclick function of the focussed image */
                        switch (image.i == my.imageID)
                            case false:
                                image.onclick = function () { my.glideTo(this.i); };
                                if (image.url !== '')
                                    image.onclick = my.onClick;
                    my.imagesDiv.style.marginLeft = (x - my.totalImagesWidth) + 'px';
                x += my.xStep;
        /* Initializes image gliding animation */
        this.glideTo = function (imageID)
            /* Check for jumppoints */
            var jumpTarget, clonedImageID;
            if (my.circular)
                /* Trigger left jumppoint */
                if (imageID + 1 === my.imageFocusMax)
                    /* Set jump target to the same cloned image on the right */
                    clonedImageID = my.max - my.imageFocusMax;
                    jumpTarget = -clonedImageID * my.xStep;
                    /* Set the imageID to the last image */
                    imageID = clonedImageID - 1;
                /* Trigger right jumppoint */
                if (imageID === (my.max - my.imageFocusMax))
                    /* Set jump target to the same cloned image on the left */
                    clonedImageID = my.imageFocusMax - 1;
                    jumpTarget = -clonedImageID * my.xStep;
                    /* Set the imageID to the first image */
                    imageID = clonedImageID + 1;
            /* Calculate new image position target */
            var x = -imageID * my.xStep;
            this.target = x;
            this.memTarget = x;
            this.imageID = imageID;
            /* Display new caption */
            var caption = "";
                caption = my.imagesDiv.childNodes[imageID].getAttribute('alt');
            catch (e)
            if (caption === '' || my.captions === false)
                caption = ' ';
            my.captionDiv.innerHTML = caption;
            /* Set scrollbar slider to new position */
            if (my.MouseDrag.busy === false)
                if (my.circular)
                    this.newSliderX = ((imageID - my.imageFocusMax) * my.scrollbarWidth) / (my.max - (my.imageFocusMax * 2) - 1) - my.MouseDrag.newX;
                    this.newSliderX = (imageID * my.scrollbarWidth) / (my.max - 1) - my.MouseDrag.newX;
                my.sliderDiv.style.marginLeft = (my.newSliderX - my.sliderWidth) + 'px';
            /* Only process if opacity or a multiplicator for the focussed image has been set */
            if (my.opacity === true || my.imageFocusM !== my.defaults.imageFocusM)
                /* Set opacity for centered image */
                my.Helper.setOpacity(my.imagesDiv.childNodes[imageID], my.opacityArray[0]);
                my.imagesDiv.childNodes[imageID].pc = my.imagesDiv.childNodes[imageID].pc * my.imageFocusM;
                /* Set opacity for the other images that are displayed */
                var opacityValue = 0;
                var rightID = 0;
                var leftID = 0;
                var last = my.opacityArray.length;
                for (var i = 1; i < (my.imageFocusMax + 1); i++)
                    if ((i + 1) > last)
                        opacityValue = my.opacityArray[last - 1];
                        opacityValue = my.opacityArray[i];
                    rightID = imageID + i;
                    leftID = imageID - i;
                    if (rightID < my.max)
                        my.Helper.setOpacity(my.imagesDiv.childNodes[rightID], opacityValue);
                        my.imagesDiv.childNodes[rightID].pc = my.imagesDiv.childNodes[rightID].pcMem;
                    if (leftID >= 0)
                        my.Helper.setOpacity(my.imagesDiv.childNodes[leftID], opacityValue);
                        my.imagesDiv.childNodes[leftID].pc = my.imagesDiv.childNodes[leftID].pcMem;
            /* Move the images to the jump target */
            if (jumpTarget)
            /* Animate gliding to new x position */
            if (my.busy === false)
                my.busy = true;
        /* Animates image gliding */
        this.animate = function () {
            switch (my.target < my.current - 1 || my.target > my.current + 1) {
                case true:
                    my.moveTo(my.current + (my.target - my.current) / 3);
                    window.setTimeout(my.animate, my.animationSpeed);
                    my.busy = true;
                    my.busy = false;
        /* Used by user events to call the glideTo function */
        this.glideOnEvent = function (imageID) {
            /* Interrupt slideshow on mouse wheel, keypress, touch and mouse drag */
            if (my.slideshow) {
            /* Glide to new imageID */
        /* Slideshow function */
        this.Slideshow =
            direction: 1,
            init: function () {
                /* Call start() if autoplay is enabled, stop() if it is disabled */
                (my.slideshowAutoplay) ? my.Slideshow.start() : my.Slideshow.stop();
            interrupt: function () {
                /* Remove interrupt event */
                my.Helper.removeEvent(my.ImageFlowDiv, 'click', my.Slideshow.interrupt);
                /* Interrupt the slideshow */
            addInterruptEvent: function () {
                /* A click anywhere inside the ImageFlow div interrupts the slideshow */
                my.Helper.addEvent(my.ImageFlowDiv, 'click', my.Slideshow.interrupt);
            start: function () {
                /* Set button style to pause */
                my.Helper.setClassName(my.buttonSlideshow, 'slideshow pause');
                /* Set onclick behaviour to stop */
                my.buttonSlideshow.onclick = function () { my.Slideshow.stop(); };
                /* Set slide interval */
                my.Slideshow.action = window.setInterval(my.Slideshow.slide, my.slideshowSpeed);
                /* Allow the user to always interrupt the slideshow */
                window.setTimeout(my.Slideshow.addInterruptEvent, 100);
            stop: function () {
                /* Set button style to play */
                my.Helper.setClassName(my.buttonSlideshow, 'slideshow play');
                /* Set onclick behaviour to start */
                my.buttonSlideshow.onclick = function () { my.Slideshow.start(); };
                /* Clear slide interval */
            slide: function () {
                var newImageID = my.imageID + my.Slideshow.direction;
                var reverseDirection = false;
                /* Reverse direction at the last image on the right */
                if (newImageID === my.max) {
                    my.Slideshow.direction = -1;
                    reverseDirection = true;
                /* Reverse direction at the last image on the left */
                if (newImageID < 0) {
                    my.Slideshow.direction = 1;
                    reverseDirection = true;
                /* If direction is reversed recall this method, else call the glideTo method */
                (reverseDirection) ? my.Slideshow.slide() : my.glideTo(newImageID);
        /* Mouse Wheel support */
        this.MouseWheel =
            init: function () {
                /* Init mouse wheel listener */
                if (window.addEventListener) {
                    my.ImageFlowDiv.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', my.MouseWheel.get, false);
                my.Helper.addEvent(my.ImageFlowDiv, 'mousewheel', my.MouseWheel.get);
            get: function (event) {
                var delta = 0;
                if (!event) {
                    event = window.event;
                if (event.wheelDelta) {
                    delta = event.wheelDelta / 120;
                else if (event.detail) {
                    delta = -event.detail / 3;
                if (delta) {
            handle: function (delta) {
                var change = false;
                var newImageID = 0;
                if (delta > 0) {
                    if (my.imageID >= 1) {
                        newImageID = my.imageID - 1;
                        change = true;
                else {
                    if (my.imageID < (my.max - 1)) {
                        newImageID = my.imageID + 1;
                        change = true;
                /* Glide to next (mouse wheel down) / previous (mouse wheel up) image  */
                if (change) {
        /* Mouse Dragging */
        this.MouseDrag =
            object: null,
            objectX: 0,
            mouseX: 0,
            newX: 0,
            busy: false,
            /* Init mouse event listener */
            init: function () {
                my.Helper.addEvent(my.ImageFlowDiv, 'mousemove', my.MouseDrag.drag);
                my.Helper.addEvent(my.ImageFlowDiv, 'mouseup', my.MouseDrag.stop);
                my.Helper.addEvent(document, 'mouseup', my.MouseDrag.stop);
                /* Avoid text and image selection while dragging  */
                my.ImageFlowDiv.onselectstart = function () {
                    var selection = true;
                    if (my.MouseDrag.busy) {
                        selection = false;
                    return selection;
            start: function (o) {
                my.MouseDrag.object = o;
                my.MouseDrag.objectX = my.MouseDrag.mouseX - o.offsetLeft + my.newSliderX;
            stop: function () {
                my.MouseDrag.object = null;
                my.MouseDrag.busy = false;
            drag: function (e) {
                var posx = 0;
                if (!e) {
                    e = window.event;
                if (e.pageX) {
                    posx = e.pageX;
                else if (e.clientX) {
                    posx = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
                my.MouseDrag.mouseX = posx;
                if (my.MouseDrag.object !== null) {
                    var newX = (my.MouseDrag.mouseX - my.MouseDrag.objectX) + my.sliderWidth;
                    /* Make sure, that the slider is moved in proper relation to previous movements by the glideTo function */
                    if (newX < (-my.newSliderX)) {
                        newX = -my.newSliderX;
                    if (newX > (my.scrollbarWidth - my.newSliderX)) {
                        newX = my.scrollbarWidth - my.newSliderX;
                    /* Set new slider position */
                    var step, imageID;
                    if (my.circular) {
                        step = (newX + my.newSliderX) / (my.scrollbarWidth / (my.max - (my.imageFocusMax * 2) - 1));
                        imageID = Math.round(step) + my.imageFocusMax;
                    else {
                        step = (newX + my.newSliderX) / (my.scrollbarWidth / (my.max - 1));
                        imageID = Math.round(step);
                    my.MouseDrag.newX = newX;
                    my.MouseDrag.object.style.left = newX + 'px';
                    if (my.imageID !== imageID) {
                    my.MouseDrag.busy = true;
        /* Safari touch events on the iPhone and iPod Touch */
        this.Touch =
            x: 0,
            startX: 0,
            stopX: 0,
            busy: false,
            first: true,
            /* Init touch event listener */
            init: function () {
                my.Helper.addEvent(my.navigationDiv, 'touchstart', my.Touch.start);
                my.Helper.addEvent(document, 'touchmove', my.Touch.handle);
                my.Helper.addEvent(document, 'touchend', my.Touch.stop);
            isOnNavigationDiv: function (e) {
                var state = false;
                if (e.touches) {
                    var target = e.touches[0].target;
                    if (target === my.navigationDiv || target === my.sliderDiv || target === my.scrollbarDiv) {
                        state = true;
                return state;
            getX: function (e) {
                var x = 0;
                if (e.touches) {
                    x = e.touches[0].pageX;
                return x;
            start: function (e) {
                my.Touch.startX = my.Touch.getX(e);
                my.Touch.busy = true;
            isBusy: function () {
                var busy = false;
                if (my.Touch.busy) {
                    busy = true;
                return busy;
            /* Handle touch event position within the navigation div */
            handle: function (e) {
                if (my.Touch.isBusy && my.Touch.isOnNavigationDiv(e)) {
                    var max = (my.circular) ? (my.max - (my.imageFocusMax * 2) - 1) : (my.max - 1);
                    if (my.Touch.first) {
                        my.Touch.stopX = (max - my.imageID) * (my.imagesDivWidth / max);
                        my.Touch.first = false;
                    var newX = -(my.Touch.getX(e) - my.Touch.startX - my.Touch.stopX);
                    /* Map x-axis touch coordinates in range of the ImageFlow width */
                    if (newX < 0) {
                        newX = 0;
                    if (newX > my.imagesDivWidth) {
                        newX = my.imagesDivWidth;
                    my.Touch.x = newX;
                    var imageID = Math.round(newX / (my.imagesDivWidth / max));
                    imageID = max - imageID;
                    if (my.imageID !== imageID) {
                        if (my.circular) {
                            imageID = imageID + my.imageFocusMax;
            stop: function () {
                my.Touch.stopX = my.Touch.x;
                my.Touch.busy = false;
        /* Key support */
        this.Key =
            /* Init key event listener */
            init: function () {
                document.onkeydown = function (event) { my.Key.handle(event); };
            /* Handle the arrow keys */
            handle: function (event) {
                var charCode = my.Key.get(event);
                switch (charCode) {
                    /* Right arrow key */ 
                    case 39:
                    /* Left arrow key */ 
                    case 37:
            /* Get the current keycode */
            get: function (event) {
                event = event || window.event;
                return event.keyCode;
        /* Helper functions */
        this.Helper =
            /* Add events */
            addEvent: function (obj, type, fn) {
                if (obj.addEventListener) {
                    obj.addEventListener(type, fn, false);
                else if (obj.attachEvent) {
                    obj["e" + type + fn] = fn;
                    obj[type + fn] = function () { obj["e" + type + fn](window.event); };
                    obj.attachEvent("on" + type, obj[type + fn]);
            /* Remove events */
            removeEvent: function (obj, type, fn) {
                if (obj.removeEventListener) {
                    obj.removeEventListener(type, fn, false);
                else if (obj.detachEvent) {
                    /* The IE breaks if you're trying to detach an unattached event /msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536411(VS.85).aspx */
                    if (obj[type + fn] === undefined) {
                        alert('Helper.removeEvent » Pointer to detach event is undefined - perhaps you are trying to detach an unattached event?');
                    obj.detachEvent('on' + type, obj[type + fn]);
                    obj[type + fn] = null;
                    obj['e' + type + fn] = null;
            /* Set image opacity */
            setOpacity: function (object, value) {
                if (my.opacity === true) {
                    object.style.opacity = value / 10;
                    object.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + value * 10 + ')';
            /* Create HTML elements */
            createDocumentElement: function (type, id, optionalClass) {
                var element = document.createElement(type);
                element.setAttribute('id', my.ImageFlowID + '_' + id);
                if (optionalClass !== undefined) {
                    id += ' ' + optionalClass;
                my.Helper.setClassName(element, id);
                return element;
            /* Set CSS class */
            setClassName: function (element, className) {
                if (element) {
                    element.setAttribute('class', className);
                    element.setAttribute('className', className);
            /* Suppress default browser behaviour to avoid image/text selection while dragging */
            suppressBrowserDefault: function (e) {
                if (e.preventDefault) {
                else {
                    e.returnValue = false;
                return false;
            /* Add functions to the window.onresize event - can not be done by addEvent */
            addResizeEvent: function () {
                var otherFunctions = window.onresize;
                if (typeof window.onresize != 'function') {
                    window.onresize = function () {
                else {
                    window.onresize = function () {
                        if (otherFunctions) {
    /* DOMContentLoaded event handler - by Tanny O'Haley [4] */
    var domReadyEvent =
        name: "domReadyEvent",
        /* Array of DOMContentLoaded event handlers.*/
        events: {},
        domReadyID: 1,
        bDone: false,
        DOMContentLoadedCustom: null,
        /* Function that adds DOMContentLoaded listeners to the array.*/
        add: function (handler) {
            /* Assign each event handler a unique ID. If the handler has an ID, it has already been added to the events object or been run.*/
            if (!handler.$$domReadyID) {
                handler.$$domReadyID = this.domReadyID++;
                /* If the DOMContentLoaded event has happened, run the function. */
                if (this.bDone) {
                /* store the event handler in the hash table */
                this.events[handler.$$domReadyID] = handler;
        remove: function (handler) {
            /* Delete the event handler from the hash table */
            if (handler.$$domReadyID) {
                delete this.events[handler.$$domReadyID];
        /* Function to process the DOMContentLoaded events array. */
        run: function () {
            /* quit if this function has already been called */
            if (this.bDone) {
            /* Flag this function so we don't do the same thing twice */
            this.bDone = true;
            /* iterates through array of registered functions */
            for (var i in this.events) {
        schedule: function () {
            /* Quit if the init function has already been called*/
            if (this.bDone) {
            /* First, check for Safari or KHTML.*/
            if (/KHTML|WebKit/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
                if (/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)) {
                else {
                    /* Not ready yet, wait a little more.*/
                    setTimeout(this.name + ".schedule()", 100);
            else if (document.getElementById("__ie_onload")) {
                /* Second, check for IE.*/
                return true;
            /* Check for custom developer provided function.*/
            if (typeof this.DOMContentLoadedCustom === "function") {
                /* if DOM methods are supported, and the body element exists (using a double-check
                including document.body, for the benefit of older moz builds [eg ns7.1] in which
                getElementsByTagName('body')[0] is undefined, unless this script is in the body section) */
                if (typeof document.getElementsByTagName !== 'undefined' && (document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] !== null || document.body !== null)) {
                    /* Call custom function. */
                    if (this.DOMContentLoadedCustom()) {
                    else {
                        /* Not ready yet, wait a little more. */
                        setTimeout(this.name + ".schedule()", 250);
            return true;
        init: function () {
            /* If addEventListener supports the DOMContentLoaded event.*/
            if (document.addEventListener) {
                document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { domReadyEvent.run(); }, false);
            /* Schedule to run the init function.*/
            setTimeout("domReadyEvent.schedule()", 100);
            function run() {
            /* Just in case window.onload happens first, add it to onload using an available method.*/
            if (typeof addEvent !== "undefined") {
                addEvent(window, "load", run);
            else if (document.addEventListener) {
                document.addEventListener("load", run, false);
            else if (typeof window.onload === "function") {
                var oldonload = window.onload;
                window.onload = function () {
            else {
                window.onload = run;
            /* for Internet Explorer */
            @if (@_win32 || @_win64)
            document.write("<script id=__ie_onload defer src="//:"></script>");
            var script = document.getElementById("__ie_onload");
            script.onreadystatechange = function () {
                if (this.readyState == "complete") {
                    domReadyEvent.run(); // call the onload handler
    var domReady = function (handler) { domReadyEvent.add(handler); };
    /* Create ImageFlow instances when the DOM structure has been loaded */
    domReady(function ()
        var instanceOne = new ImageFlow();
        instanceOne.init({ ImageFlowID: 'starsIF',
            captions: false,
            slider: false,
            startID: Number($("#S_Num").val()) + 1
  • 相关阅读:
    单选框 RadioButton
    1319: 同构词
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/DreamerLeaf/p/10723509.html
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