• 微软职位内部推荐-Senior SDE


    Senior Software Development Engineer/NLP Scientist (Microsoft China – Suzhou)

    Location: Suzhou, one of the most vibrant cities in the world. Come to experience the Chinese culture, explosive growth, great shopping and amazing food. The city is very international and easy to live in.


    Do you want to change the way the world interacts with computers? Do you want to be part of a team that pushes the Natural User Experience to the next level? Do you want to challenge yourself by innovating in an area that is new to Microsoft yet is an important strategic bet? Do you want to make Microsoft products not only accessible, but highly-functional and natural to use?  

    Image a world in which you interact with your TV and entertainment system using your voice and gesture instead of a collection of remote controls. In addition, instead of achieving your tasks by performing multiple searches on the internet followed by a number of user actions, you can accomplish the same tasks simply by interacting with a personal assistance running on your computer or mobile device through your own voice.

    As both computational horsepower and storage capacity reach unprecedented levels, the human race is getting closer and closer to that dream of the natural user interface. Each day we are stepping closer toward being able to interact with computers the same way we interact with another human being. To bring these experiences to the world, we need to leverage various technologies throughout the stack which includes Speech Recognition, Natural Language Understanding, Dialog modeling, Natural Language Generation and Speech Synthesis, among others.

    The Search Technology Center Asia group is looking for self-motivated Scientists/Engineers with a strong background in one or more of the following areas:

    •      Natural language understanding and processing.

    •      Machine learning

    •      Conversation Understanding

    •      Human dialog modeling.

    •      Natural Language generation.

    Additional qualifications include

    1.      MSc or PhD in CS/EE (with focus in one or more of NUI Applications) or equivalent experience.

    2.      Minimum of 2 years experiences working in the domain

    3.      Effective communication skills and ability to work in a collaborative environment

    4.      Full understanding of the tradeoffs for decisions made in an NUI system.

    5.      Software development skills, aptitude for developing good quality system.

    6.      Ability to program in scripting, C++ or C# programming language.

    Microsoft is an equal opportunity company and support workforce diversity.


    软件开发工程师/研究科学家 (微软中国 - - 苏州)

    你想改变人类与计算机进行交互的方式吗?你想要为全世界的用户提供强大的自然用户界面(NUI) 引擎吗?您想要加入到这一项对微软很重要的创新技术的研发吗?

    想象一下这个场景, 你可以用语音,手势和你的手机,平板电脑,电视和游戏终端进行交互, 不再需要遥控器,而且你不用绞尽脑汁思考使用什么关键字去搜索你想要的信息,只要对设备里面的个人助手说出你想要完成的事情,它就能智能理解你的意图,给出建议,并且自动帮你完成任务并产生自然的反馈。这一切就如同和一个真人助手交互。

    如今计算机的计算能力和存储容量达到前所未有的水平,人类越来越接近自然用户界面的梦想。每一天我们都更接近自然人机交互的目标。为了实现这样的产品,我们需要利用很多语音和语言处理的技术,包括语音识别、 自然语言理解,对话建模、 自然语言生成和语音合成。


    •      自然语言理解和处理。

    •      机器学习

    •      机器翻译

    •      对话建模

    •      自然语言生成


    1.      拥有计算机硕士/博士学位或相关NUI领域的专业知识

    2.      最少2 年相关领域的工作经验

    3.      有效的沟通和协作能力

    4.      充分了解NUI系统并能做出适当的技术决策

    5.      擅长软件开发,能够开发高质量的软件

    6.      熟练掌握脚本,C++ 或 C# 编程语言

    Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer and supports workforce diversity.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/DotNetNuke/p/4294061.html
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