• English trip V1

    In this lesson you will learn to describe what people can do. 在本课中,您将学习如何描述人们可以做什么。


    drive a car  驾驶汽车

    read music 读乐谱

    run fast  跑得快

    ride a bicycle  骑自行车

    swim 100 meters  游100米

    cook well  下厨;容易煮

    play chess 玩西洋棋

    play the violin 拉小提琴

    speak a foreign language  说一门外语

    write with your left hand  用左手写字

    I can drive./ I can run fast. /I can


    He can run 100 meters in ten seconds  他可以在十秒内跑完100米

    He's only ten, but he can play chess really well.  他只有10岁,但是他的西洋棋下的很好

    She can play the guitar well, but she can't read music.

    A new baby can see 

    A new baby can hear

    A new baby can't sit up

    A new baby can't stand   # 新生儿不能站立,: can't stand 也表示"不能忍受"的意思

    A new baby can't eat food

    a seven-year-old child can usually swim

    a seven-year-old child can often  use a computer

    a seven-year-old child can't usually play chess

    a seven-year-old child can ride a bicycle 

    a three-year-old child can walk

    a three-year-old child can't read

    a three-year-old child can talk

    a three-year-old child can run

    a three-year-old child can't usually write

    Find three things that you can do, but your tutor can't do. 寻找三件事你能做,但是你老师不能做的

    1)I can play more games,but my tutor can't

    2)I can write code ,but my tutor can't usually 

    3)I can often Six o'clock get up,but my tutor can't


    a centimeter  1厘米

    a meter 1米

    a kilomter 1千米

    a second

    a minute

    an hour   # :  使用an or a 不是根据后面单词的首字母是否为原因,而是根据它的首音节   hour ['aʊr] 的h并没有发音,所以使用an

    a day

    one-percent 百分之一  注:如果后面跟名词就需要加"-",如果没有名词就不需要加

    twenty-five percent  百分之二十五

    eighty percent  百分之八十

    one hundred percent  百分之百

    In the Olympics, men run the 400-meter dash in about 45 seconds. 在奥运会上,男子在大约45秒钟内跑完400米短跑。

    An average two-year-old boy is 91 centimeter tall.   平均2岁大的孩子身高是91厘米

    Most people sleep for eight hours every night.         很多人每晚睡觉8小时

    A new baby weighs about three or four kilos.         一个新生儿大概3~4斤重

    It's about 8,100 kilometers from Rome to beijing.  罗马到北京差不多有8100 公里

    In general, there are 365 day in year.  通常来讲365天是一年

    We buy milk and water in liters.   我们以升为单位购买牛奶和水。

    can and can't  

    I/you/he/she/we/they        can speak English.

    I/you/he/she/we/they         can't play chess.

    (can't = can not)

    Can you drive?

    Yes,I can./No.Ican't

    I can ride a bicycle, but I can't swim.  我会骑自行车,但是我不会游泳

    Can you play chess?  你会下西洋棋吗?

    Maggie is always late for work because she can't get up early.   麦姬 总是在上班的时候迟到,因为他不能起的很早

    Can your husband cook? 你的丈夫会做饭吗?

    Can you speak any foreign languages?  # 你可以讲其他外语吗?  注: any 一般出现在否定句或疑问句

    Word list 

    amazing   英 [ə'meɪzɪŋ]   美 [ə'mezɪŋ]

    • adj. 令人惊异的
    • v. 使吃惊(amaze的ing形式)

    average  英 ['æv(ə)rɪdʒ]   美 ['ævərɪdʒ]

    • n. 平均;平均数;海损
    • adj. 平均的;普通的;通常的
    • vt. 算出…的平均数;将…平均分配;使…平衡
    • vi. 平均为;呈中间色

    buy  英 [baɪ]  美 [baɪ]

    • vt. 购买;获得;贿赂
    • vi. 买,采购
    • n. 购买,买卖;所购的物品
    • n. (Buy)人名;(法)比伊

    centimeter  英 [ˈsentɪmiːtə(r)]  美 ['sɛntə,mitɚ]

    • n. [计量] 厘米;[计量] 公分

    foreign  英 ['fɒrɪn]  美 ['fɔrən]

    • adj. 外国的;外交的;异质的;不相关的

    kilometer   英 [kɪˈlɒmɪtə]  美 [ˈkɪləˌmitɚ; kəˈlɑmətɚ]

    • n. [计量] 公里;[计量] 千米(等于kilometre)

    meter  英 [ˈmi:tə(r)]  美 [mitɚ]

    • n. 米;仪表;[计量] 公尺;韵律
    • vt. 用仪表测量
    • vi. 用表计量
    • n. (Meter)人名;(英)米特;(塞)梅特

    milk  英 [mɪlk]  美 [mɪlk]

    • n. 牛奶;乳状物
    • vt. 榨取;挤…的奶
    • vi. 挤奶
    • n. (Milk)人名;(英)米尔克

    second ['sek(ə)nd]  美 ['sɛkənd]

    • n. 秒;第二名;瞬间;二等品
    • vt. 支持
    • adj. 第二的;次要的;附加的
    • num. 第二
    • adv. 第二;其次;居第二位
    • n. (Second)人名;(法)塞孔

    weigh  英 [weɪ]  美 [weɪ]

    • vt. 权衡;考虑;称…重量
    • vi. 重量为…;具有重要性;成为…的重荷;起锚
    • n. 权衡;称重量

    play chess  下棋

    paly the violin 拉小提琴

    read music 读乐谱


    1. He can run 100 meters in then seconds 

    2.He's only ten,but he can play really well.

    3.Can you drive?


    make an international phone call  打一通国际电话

    manage a company  管理一个公司

    make a poster  制作海报

    remember 1,000 English words  记1000个英语单词

    use a camera  使用照相机

    fun 1,000 meters  跑1000米

    cook fish   烹饪鱼

    speak Japanese  讲日语

    play volleyball  打排球

    grow flowers  种花


    Can you turn on the light? I can't open it.

    Can you speak more slowly? I can't understand you.

    Can you look for my kesy?I can't see

    Can you help me with this window? I can't find them.

    Can you hurry.please? I can't wait

    Can you tell me your name again? I can't remember it.


    I Can't See Anything at All    我什么都看不见了

    After supper, a young boy's parents were busy playing mah-jong with the guests.


    Suddenly, the mother thought of something,and said to her son who was watching TV,"Honey,please can you go and see if the kitchen light is on or not?"


    After a while, her son returned and said,"Ma, the kitchen is so dark that I can's see anything at all."


    Extra Vocabulary

    1. paly mah-jong  打麻将

    2.think of something 想起什么事情

    3. kitchen 厨房

    4. return 返回,回来

    5. not an all 一点也不

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Cong0ks/p/9969121.html
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