• 我的程序员之路(英语的学习)


    On March 1,2017

    • If we look at the world with a love of life,the world will reveal its beauty to us.


    •Spoken English:

    You got it! 好的,没有问题,我这就去做,妥妥的。(同OK,no problem,Sure)


    A:I need to go out for a minute. Can you cover me?

    B:You got it,Go ahead!

    On March 2,2017

    •Taking an interest in what others are thinking and doing is often a much more powerful form of encouragement than praise.


    •Spoken English:

    。。。。if you want 如果你需要的话,如果你想的话。


    You sure you can handle it? I can stay if you want.

    We can take a break if you want.

    On March 3,2017

    •You've not obligated to win.You're obligated to keep trying.To the best you can do everyday! 


    •Spoken English:

    be a big fan of someting: fan名词,粉丝,这句话的意思是非常喜欢!


    He's a big fan of basketball. He plays it whenever he has time.

    I'm not a big fan of rock music.I think it's a little noisy.

    On March 4,2017

    •Be yourself. The world worships the original.做你自己,这世界崇拜原创性!

    •Spoken English:

    How was your day?  今天过的怎样?

    How was work?工作怎样啊?


    A: How was your day?

    B: Well,busy as a bee.

    On March 5, 2017


    Nice to meet you,i think I've seen you around!

    Welcome to the neighborhood! 欢迎成为邻居!

    Do you know where I can find an internet cafe around heere?

    I'll be glad to show you! 我很高兴带你去!

    If you need anything ,just let me know!

    On March 6, 2017

    •Firends show their love in times of trouble.not in happiness.

    •Spoken English:

    the last thing 最不想做的事情,最讨厌的事情。the last person:最讨厌的人!


    He is the last person I wanna see in the world!

    The last thing I would do is lie to you!

    On March 8, 2017

    Today I was fired, I am really bummed out! 我很伤心!

    you don't look so well, leave me alone! I just want some peace and quiet.

    Let me go! Are you crazy? 让我走,I'll call the police.

    What a day! 多么糟糕的一天!

    On March 9,2017

    Hello,is this Cosmo,是Cosmo吗?(电话用语)

    This is Cosmo(我是Cosmo)

    sorry,you've dialed the wrong nubmer!

    There's nobaody here named Cosmo!

    This is ridiculous! Good heavens!

    Hello,May I speak with Cosmo? It's urgent(有急事)

    You got that? 你听懂了吗?

    On March 10,2017

     •My motto is: Contented with little, yet wishing for more. 我的座右铭是:为了一点点感到满足,但希望收获更多!

    今天学习的的口语是:get to you later. 到达,接触,

    I wil get to you later/I will get back to you later.我一会再来找你!


    A: Can you check some information for me?

    B:Sorry, my hands are full right now.

    A:Ok, I will get back to you later.

    (My hands is full.我很忙!)

    On March 11,2017

    •Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand.


    •Spoken Engilish: I am all for it! 我非常支持,非常赞同!


    As a mother, I am all for creating a safe campus environment for our children.

    It sounds like a feasible plan,I am all for it.


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