• Virtualbox下从Windows 10(host)拖放文件到Ubuntu(vm)-桥接网卡 混杂模式 全部允许


    20.4 桌面无法拖放


    How does VirtualBox drag and drop work in Ubuntu

    Step 1: Turn on the VirtualMachine

    Here we are using the Windows 10 as Host operating system on which the Ubuntu 18.04/1810 has been installed as Virtual operating system using the VirtualBox. It could be different in your case. However, the procedure to enable the VirtualBox drag and drop will be the same for all Ubuntu installed Virtual machines on any VirtualBox. Even for the earlier Ubuntu version such as 17.04/17.10;16.04/16.10… So turned on your Ubuntu virtual machine and login into it.

    Step 2: Install VirtualBox guest additions CD or files

    Once the Ubuntu VirtualMachine gets up and running. Click on the Devices option given in the Menu of the VirtualBox and then on the Insert Guest Additions CD image…

    Insert Guest additional CD image

    Step 3: VirtualBox Guest Additions installation

    When you click on the Insert guest additions option it will automatically open the Command terminal to install the additional packages for VirtualBox. In case it not, then you will find a VBox_GAS_xx named CD icon on the Ubuntu Desktop double click on that and then on Run Software option. After installation, you will ask to press Enter button which will exit the command terminal. Do that.

    Successfully installed oracle virtualbox guest addtions packages

    Step 4: Install standard Ubuntu desktop build packages for VirtualBox

    Again open the Command Terminal (shortcut key CTRL+ALT+T) and use the below-given commands to download and install some additional packages.

    sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms 
    sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-utils
    sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ext-pack

    Step 5: Enable Drag and Drop option of VirtualBox

    After installing additional packages using the above-given commands; now enable the Drag and Drop option. Just click on the Devices and select the option according to your choice;


    Host to Guest– This will enable the copying of files or their dragging and dropping from Host to guest operating system.

    Guest to Host: It does the same as the Host to Guest function but conversely, means from Guest to Host. For example, if Ubuntu on VirtualBox and Windows 10 is your host OS then from Ubuntu to Windows 10 only.

    Bidirectional: From both sides of the OS, means guest to host and vice versa.

    Drag and drop virtualbox

    Step 5: Enable Shared Clipboard option of VirtualBox

    Just like the drag and drop also enable the Shared Clipboard option too.

    shared clipboard Ubuntu virtualbox

    Step 6: Reboot Ubuntu

    Once you performed all above given steps reboot the Ubuntu virtual machine to get the changes into effect.

    Step 7: Copy the files

    Now you can simply drag and copy the files from the host machine to your Ubuntu virtual machine on VirtualBox.

    drag and copy the files from windows to ubuntu VM virtualbox

    您是否曾经遇到过在VirtualBox上安装的虚拟操作系统之间共享文件或其他数据的问题?我对其他人一无所知,但是当您必须将某些文本从Virtual Host复制到Guest操作系统或共享一些文件时,这确实很痛苦。如果您有相同的感觉,那么有关VirtualBox拖放以及共享剪贴板功能的本教程非常适合您。

    是的,如果您不了解它,那么现在您将知道。这是一个简单的功能,但是如果没有安装Oracle VirtualBox团队提供的某些外部软件包,默认情况下将不容易工作。但是,您在网上找到的大多数文章只告诉您必须安装Virtualbox来宾添加CD才能启用这些功能,但是很遗憾地说这不能单独使用。我多次做自己的事,但是直到找到解决这个问题的解决方案时,我才获得成功。因此,让我们看看如何在使用剪贴板的方式上在Ubuntu上启用Virtualbox拖放。

    内容 展示 



    在这里,我们使用Windows 10作为主机操作系统已使用VirtualBoxUbuntu 18.04 / 1810安装为虚拟操作系统。您的情况可能有所不同。但是, 对于任何VirtualBox上所有Ubuntu安装的虚拟机,启用VirtualBox拖放的过程都是相同的。即使对于较早的Ubuntu版本,例如17.04 / 17.10; 16.04 / 16.1 0…,也请打开您的Ubuntu虚拟机并登录。


    一旦Ubuntu VirtualMachine启动并运行。单击VirtualBox菜单中提供Devices(设备)选项,然后单击Insert Guest Additions CD映像…


    步骤3:VirtualBox Guest Additions安装

    单击“插入来宾添加项”选项时,它将自动打开“命令”终端以安装VirtualBox的其他软件包。如果没有,那么您将在Ubuntu桌面上找到一个名为CD图标VBox_GAS_xx,双击它,然后在 “运行软件”选项上。安装后,您将要求按Enter按钮,这将退出命令终端。去做。

    成功安装了Oracle VirtualBox Guest Additions软件包


    再次打开命令终端(快捷键CTRL + ALT + T),然后使用下面给出的命令下载并安装一些其他软件包。

    须藤apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms 
    须藤apt-get install virtualbox-guest-utils
    须藤apt-get install virtualbox-ext-pack





    来宾到主机:它与“主机到来宾”功能相同,但是相反,它表示从来宾到主机。例如,如果VirtualBox和Windows 10上的Ubuntu是您的主机操作系统,则仅从Ubuntu到Windows 10。





    共享剪贴板Ubuntu virtualbox





    将文件从Windows拖放并复制到ubuntu VM virtualbox





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Chary/p/14570905.html
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