• Android Getting Started

    Building Your First App

    Creating an Android Project 介绍如何Android开发环境,具体是:怎么使用Eclipse工具

                Create a Project with Eclipse

                Create a Project with Command Line Tools

    Running Your Application 介绍Android应用程序的运行和模拟器

            Run on a Real Device

                Run on the Emulator

    Building a Simple User Interface 介绍Android应用程序中的基本控件和布局

                Create a Linear Layout

                Add a Text Field

                Add String Resources

                Add a Button

                Make the Input Box Fill in the Screen Width

    Starting Another Activity 介绍Activity之间的交互,包括:Activity的创建和启动,以及数据传递

                Respond to the Send Button

                Build an Intent

                Start the Second Activity

                Create the Second Activity

                Receive the Intent

                Display the Message

    Adding the Action Bar

    Setting Up the Action Bar  介绍 Action Bar相关的支持包

            Support Android 3.0 and Above Only

                Support Android 2.1 and Above

    Adding Action Buttons 介绍如何在Android应用程序中增加 Action Bar

                Specify the Actions in XML

                Add the Actions to the Action Bar

                Respond to Action Buttons

                Add Up Button for Low-level Activities

    Styling the Action Bar 介绍如何制作出"别具一格"的Action Bar

                Use an Android Theme

                Customize the Background

                Customize the Text Color

                Customize the Tab Indicator

    Overlaying the Action Bar 介绍Action Bar的覆盖模式,包括:隐藏/显示

                Enable Overlay Mode

                    For Android 3.0 and higher only

                    For Android 2.1 and higher

                Specify Layout Top-marginSupporting Different Devices

                Supporting Different Languages 介绍Android应用程序的国际化

                Create Locale Directories and String Files

                Use the String Resources

    Supporting Different Screens 介绍Android应用程序如何适配不同的屏幕

                Create Different Layouts

                Create Different Bitmaps

    Supporting Different Platform Versions 介绍Android应用程序和SDK相关的版本

        Specify Minimum and Target API Levels

        Check System Version at Runtime

        Use Platform Styles and Themes

    Managing the Activity Lifecycle

        Starting an Activity 介绍Activity相关的基础知识

        Understand the Lifecycle Callbacks 

        Specify Your App's Launcher Activity

        Create a New Instance

        Destory the Activity

        Pausing and Resuming an Activity 介绍Activity组件的pausing/resuming状态

        Pause Your Activity

        Resume Your Activity

        Stopping and Restarting an Activity 介绍Activity组件的stop/restart状态

        Stop Your Activity

        Start/Restart Your Activity

        Recreating an Activity 介绍销毁和重建Activit实例的行为

        Save Your Activity State

        Restore Your Activity State

    Building a Dynamic UI with Fragments

    Creating a Fragment 介绍在Android应用程序中创建Fragment

    Create a Fragment Class

    Add a Fragment to an Activity using XML

    Building a Flexible UI 介绍如何在Activity中使用Fragment

    Add a Fragment to an Activity at Runtime

    Replace One Fragment with Another

    Communicating with Other Fragments 介绍Fragment之间的互动

    Define an Interface

    Implement the Interface

    Deliver a Message to Fragment

    Saving Data

    Saving Key-Value Sets 介绍在Android中如何存储键值对

    Get a Handle to a SharedPreferences

    Write to Shared Preferences

    Read from Shared Preferences

    Saving Files --> Linux file system & Java input/output APIs 介绍Android应用程序中的文件存储系统

    Choose Internal or External Storage

    Obtain Permissions for External Storage

    Sava a File on External Storage

    Query Free Space

    Delete a File

    Saving Data SQL Databases --> android.database.sqlite 介绍Android应用程序中的SQLite数据库

    Define a Schema and Contract

    Create a Database Using a SQL Helper

    Put Information into a Database

    Read Information from a Database

    Delete Information from a Database

    Update a Database

    Interacting with other Apps 

    Sending the User to Another App 介绍从一个应用程序跳转到另一个应用程序

    Build an Implicit Intent

    Verify There is an App to Receive the Intent

    Start an Activity with the Intent

    Show a App Chooser

    Getting a Result from an Activity 介绍如何从一个应用程序中获取返回值

    Start the Activity

    Receive the Result

    Bonus: Read the contact data

    Allowing Other Apps to Start Your Activity 介绍如何让应用程序被其他程序打开

    Add an Intent Filter

    Handle the Intent in Your Activity

    Return a Result

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/CVstyle/p/6399351.html
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