• oracle分区表


     但是,从应用程序的角度来看,分区后的表与非分区表完全相同,使用 SQL DML 命令访问分区后的表时,无需任何修改。
      分区表相关:已经存在的表没有方法可以直接转化为分区表。不过 Oracle 提供了在线重定义表的功能。
      4.1 范围分区:
     1、每一个分区都必须有一个VALUES LESS THEN子句,它指定了一个不包括在该分区中的上限值。
               也可以理解为高于任何分区中指定的VALUE LESS THEN的值,同时包括空值。
     create table customer
         customer_id number not null primary key,
         first_name  varchar2(30) not null,
         last_name   varchar2(30) not null,
         phone        varchar2(15) not null,
         email        varchar2(80),
         status       char(1)
     partition by range (customer_id)
         partition cus_part1 values less than (100000) tablespace cus_ts01,
         partition cus_part2 values less than (200000) tablespace cus_ts02
     create table order_activities
         order_id      number(7) not null,
         order_date    date,
         total_amount number,
         custotmer_id number(7),
         paid           char(1)
     partition by range (order_date)
       partition ord_act_part01 values less than (to_date('01-1-2003','dd-mm-yyyy')) tablespace ord_ts01,
       partition ord_act_part02 values less than (to_date('01-2-2003','dd-mm-yyyy')) tablespace ord_ts02,
       partition ord_act_part02 values less than (to_date('01-3-2003','dd-mm-yyyy')) tablespace ord_ts03
     create table rangetable
       idd   int primary key ,
       iname varchar(10),
       grade int 
     partition  by  range (grade)
           partition  part1 values  less  then (1000) tablespace  part1_tb,
           partition  part2 values  less  then (maxvalue) tablespace  part2_tb
      4.2 列表分区:
     create table problem_tickets
         problem_id   number(7) not null primary key,
         description  varchar2(2000),
         customer_id  number(7) not null,
         date_entered date not null,
         status       varchar2(20)
     partition by list (status)
           partition prob_active   values ('active') tablespace prob_ts01,
           partition prob_inactive values ('inactive') tablespace prob_ts02
     create  table  listtable
         id    int  primary  key ,
         name  varchar (20),
         area  varchar (10)
     partition  by  list (area)
         partition  part1 values ('guangdong','beijing') tablespace  part1_tb,
         partition  part2 values ('shanghai','nanjing')  tablespace  part2_tb

      4.3 散列分区:
     create table hash_table
       col number(8),
       inf varchar2(100)
     partition by hash (col)
       partition part01 tablespace hash_ts01,
       partition part02 tablespace hash_ts02,
       partition part03 tablespace hash_ts03
     create table emp
         empno number (4),
         ename varchar2 (30),
         sal   number
     partition by  hash (empno) partitions 8
     store in (emp1,emp2,emp3,emp4,emp5,emp6,emp7,emp8);
      4.4 组合范围散列分区:(范围+列表分区)
     create table sales
     product_id varchar2(5),
     sales_date date,
     sales_cost number(10),
     status varchar2(20)
     partition by range(sales_date) subpartition by list (status)
        partition p1 values less than(to_date('2003-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd'))tablespace rptfact2009
                   subpartition p1sub1 values ('active') tablespace rptfact2009,
                   subpartition p1sub2 values ('inactive') tablespace rptfact2009
        partition p2 values less than (to_date('2003-03-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace rptfact2009
                   subpartition p2sub1 values ('active') tablespace rptfact2009,
                   subpartition p2sub2 values ('inactive') tablespace rptfact2009
      4.5 复合范围散列分区:(范围+散列分区)
     create table dinya_test
      transaction_id number primary key,
      item_id number(8) not null,
      item_description varchar2(300),
      transaction_date date
      partition by range(transaction_date) subpartition by hash(transaction_id)  subpartitions 3 store in (dinya_space01,dinya_space02,dinya_space03)
          partition part_01 values less than(to_date(‘2006-01-01’,’yyyy-mm-dd’)),
          partition part_02 values less than(to_date(‘2010-01-01’,’yyyy-mm-dd’)),
          partition part_03 values less than(maxvalue)
      5.1 添加分区
     alter table sales add partition p3 values less than(to_date('2003-06-01','yyyy-mm-dd'));
     alter table sales modify partition p3 add subpartition p3sub1 values('complete');
      5.2 删除分区
     alter table sales drop partition p3;
     alter table sales drop subpartition p4sub1;
      5.3 截断分区
     alter table sales truncate partition p2;
     alter table sales truncate subpartition p2sub2;
      5.4 合并分区
     合并分区是将相邻的分区合并成一个分区,结果分区将采用较高分区的界限,值得注意的是,不能将分区合并到界限较低的分区。以下代码实现了p1 p2分区的合并:
     alter table sales merge partitions p1,p2 into partition p2;
      5.5 拆分分区
     alter table sales sblit partition p2 at(to_date('2003-02-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) into (partition p21,partition p22);
      5.6 接合分区(coalesca)
     alter table sales coalesca partition;
      5.7 重命名表分区
     alter table sales rename partition p21 to p2;
      5.8 相关查询
     select sum( *) from
      (select count(*) cn from t_table_ss partition (p200709_1)
      union all
      select count(*) cn from t_table_ss partition (p200709_2)
     select * from user_tab_partitions where table_name='tablename';
     select object_name,object_type,tablespace_name,sum(value)
       from v$segment_statistics
       where statistic_name IN ('physical reads','physical write','logical reads') and object_type='INDEX'
      group by object_name,object_type,tablespace_name
      order by 4 desc   
      create or replace view sys.v_$segment_statistics as
        select "owner","object_name","subobject_name","tablespace_name","ts#","obj#","dataobj#","object_type","statistic_name","statistic#","value"
          from v$segment_statistics;
     select * from dba_part_tables;
     select * from all_part_tables;
     select * from user_part_tables;
     select * from dba_tab_partitions
     select * from all_tab_partitions
     select * from user_tab_partitions
     select * from dba_tab_subpartitions
     select * from all_tab_subpartitions
     select * from user_tab_subpartitions
     select * from dba_part_key_columns
     select * from all_part_key_columns
     select * from user_part_key_columns
     select * from dba_subpart_key_columns
     select * from all_subpart_key_columns
     select * from user_subpart_key_columns
     select * from user_tables a where a.partitioned='YES'
     truncate table table_name;
     alter table table_name truncate partition p5;

  • 相关阅读:
    SSH 不分配远程主机tty
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/BradMiller/p/2026322.html
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