如果现在需要在多处加锁大于等于2的时候 因为计算机比较笨,当他锁上一把锁的时候又所理一把锁,等他来开锁的时候他不知道用哪把钥匙来开锁,
import threading import time local = threading.RLock() # 迭代加锁首先生成实例 def run(name): global num local.acquire() # 上锁 num += 1 run2(num) local.release() # 解锁 print(threading.active_count()) def run2(num): local.acquire() num += 1 run3(num) local.release() def run3(num): local.acquire() num+=1 local.release() num = 0 py_res = [] for i in range(50): t = threading.Thread(target=run,args=('t%s'%i,)) py_res.append(t) t.start() for i in py_res: i.join() print("num : %s"% num)
import threading import time senm = threading.BoundedSemaphore(5) def run(num): senm.acquire() # 上锁 time.sleep(2) print('run the thread %s' % num) senm.release() # 解锁 for i in range(50): t = threading.Thread(target=run, args=('%s' % i,)) t.start() print(threading.active_count()) while threading.active_count() != 1: pass else: print('is done')
标志位 :set,设置标志位 clear 设置标志位,wait 等带标志位,is_set 判断是否设置了标志
import threading import time event = threading.Event() # red is have flag or no def light(): count = 0 while True: if count > 5 and count <= 10: print('red') event.set() elif count > 10: print('green') event.clear() count = 0 else: print('in the else') time.sleep(1) count += 1 def car(name): while True: if event.is_set(): print('the %s is runing...' % name) time.sleep(1) else: print('%s is wait...' % name) event.wait() t1 = threading.Thread(target=light) t1.start() t2 = threading.Thread(target=car, args=('tesla', )) t2.start()