Johnny is a brilliant mathematics student. He loves mathematics since he was a child, now he is working on his PhD thesis. He faces a small mathematical problem, he has a n digit integer number (let us call it s) , he wants to find how many substring of s are divisible by a prime number p.
His supervisor professor is on vacation now, so can you play his role and help him with that?
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #define INF 30000000 #define MOD 1000000007 #define mem(a,b) memset((a),b,sizeof(a)) #define TS printf("!!! ") #define pb push_back #define pai pair<int,int> #define ref(i,x,y)for(int i=x;i<=y;++i) #define def(i,x,y)for(int i=x;i>=y;--i) //std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false); using namespace std; //priority_queue<int,vector<int>,greater<int>> que; typedef long long ll; typedef unsigned long long ull; typedef pair<int,int> pai1; const double EPS=1e-8; const double PI=acos(-1); //next_permutation int T,n,p,number[1000001],s[1000001],t[201]; unsigned long long a,b; int main() { scanf("%d",&T); ref(i,1,T) { //freopen("input.txt","r",stdin); //freopen("out.txt","w",stdout); cin>> a >> b >> n >> p; ref(i,1,n) { number[i]=a*10/b; a=a*10; a%=b; } if(p==2||p==5||p==10) { long long ans=0; ref(i,1,n)if(number[i]%p==0)ans+=i; cout<< ans<< endl; continue; } int tmp=1; s[n+1]=0; def(i,n,1) { s[i]=(s[i+1]+tmp*number[i])%p; tmp=tmp*10%p; } ref(i,0,p)t[i]=0; def(i,n+1,1)t[s[i]]++; long long ans=0; ref(i,0,p-1) if(t[i]>1)ans+=1LL*t[i]*(t[i]-1)/2; cout<< ans<< endl; } }