• [Cycle.js] Generalizing run() function for more types of sources

    Our application was able to produce write effects, through sinks, and was able to receive read effects, through the DOM sources. However, the main function only gets the DOMSource as input. This lessons shows how we can generalize main to receive an object of sources, containing all kinds of read effects that we can use.

    Code to be chagned:

    function run(mainFn, drivers) {
      const proxyDOMSource = new Rx.Subject();
      const sinks = mainFn(proxyDOMSource);
      const DOMSource = drivers.DOM(sinks.DOM);
      DOMSource.subscribe(click => proxyDOMSource.onNext(click));
    //   Object.keys(drivers).forEach(key => {
    //     drivers[key](sinks[key]);
    //   });

    This is hard code now, make it more fixable:

    function run(mainFn, drivers) {
      const proxySource = {};
      //For each driver, we need to proxySource
      Object.keys(drivers).forEach( (key)=>{
        proxySource[key] =  new Rx.Subject();
      } );
      //Get sinks (output effect)
      const sinks = mainFn(proxySource);
      Object.keys(drivers).forEach( (key)=>{
        //for each drive, create a source for that
        const Source = drivers[key](sinks[key]);
        Source.subscribe( x => proxySource[key].onNext(x) );
      } );



    // Logic (functional)
    function main(Sources) {
      const click$ = Sources.DOM;
      return {
        DOM: click$
          .flatMapLatest(() => 
            Rx.Observable.timer(0, 1000)
             .map(i => `Seconds elapsed ${i}`)           
        Log: Rx.Observable.timer(0, 2000).map(i => 2*i),
    const drivers = {
      DOM: DOMDriver,
      Log: consoleLogDriver,
    // bProxy = ...
    // a = f(bProxy)
    // b = g(a)
    // bProxy.imitate(b)
    function run(mainFn, drivers) {
      const proxySource = {};
      Object.keys(drivers).forEach( (key)=>{
        proxySource[key] =  new Rx.Subject();
      } );
      const sinks = mainFn(proxySource);
      Object.keys(drivers).forEach( (key)=>{
        const Source = drivers[key](sinks[key]);
        Source.subscribe( x => proxySource[key].onNext(x) );
      } );
    run(main, drivers);
    // source: input (read) effects
    // sink: output (write) effects
    // Effects (imperative)
    function DOMDriver(text$) {
      text$.subscribe(text => {
        const container = document.querySelector('#app');
        container.textContent = text;
      const DOMSource = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document, 'click');
      return DOMSource;
    function consoleLogDriver(msg$) {
      msg$.subscribe(msg => console.log(msg));
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/5182094.html
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