• [React] Use React.ReactNode for the children prop in React TypeScript components and Render Props

    Because @types/react has to expose all its internal types, there can be a lot of confusion over how to type specific patterns, particularly around higher order components and render prop patterns. The widest and most recommended element type is React.ReactNode, and we build up to it by explaining the edge cases.

    For render prop:

    type ButtonProps = {
      label?: string;
      children: (b: boolean) => React.ReactNode;
    function App() {
      return (
          {isOn => (isOn ? <div> Turn off</div> : <div> Turn on</div>)}
    type ButtonProps = {
      label?: string;
      children: React.ReactNode;
    type ButtonState = {
      isOn: boolean;
    class Button extends React.Component<ButtonProps, ButtonState> {
      static defaultProps = {
        label: "Hello World!"
      state = {
        isOn: false
      toggle = () => this.setState({ isOn: !this.state.isOn });
      render() {
        const { label, children } = this.props;
        const { isOn } = this.state;
        const style = {
          backgroundColor: isOn ? "red" : "green"
        return (
          <button style={style} onClick={this.toggle}>

    For React children projection:

    type ButtonProps = {
      label?: string;
      children: React.ReactNode;
  • 相关阅读:
    Spring Boot- 用idea新建spring boot web项目
    Spring Boot- 设置拦截打印日志
    Storm- 使用Storm实现词频汇总
    Storm- 使用Storm实现累积求和的操作
    HTTP- 头部信息
    Python- 文件读写
    JQuery- JQuery学习
    Javascript- Javascript学习
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/10610597.html
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