• MSSQL 数据页查询使他 DBCC PAGE 详细说明

    --dbcc page内容解释

    dbcc page ( {'dbname' | dbid}, filenum, pagenum [, printopt={0|1|2|3} ])

    The printopt parameter has the following meanings:

    • 0 - print just the page header
    • 1 - page header plus per-row hex dumps and a dump of the page slot array (unless its a page that doesn't have one, like allocation bitmaps)
    • 2 - page header plus whole page hex dump
    • 3 - page header plus detailed per-row interpretation
    dbcc traceon(3604)
    dbcc page(northwind,1,100,1)
    数据文件的页面结构(管理页面 比较重要)
    0 文件头页面 1 PFS 页 面 2 GAM 页面 3 SGAM 页面 6 DCM 页面 7 BCM 页面
    一个GAM 和一个SGAM 可以管理4GB 的数据空间
    DBCC 执行完毕。如果 DBCC 输出了错误信息,请与系统管理员联系。
    PAGE: (1:100)
    BUF @0x19217B80-- 内存中页号 
    bpage = 0x19A3C000 (对应物理 页面 )  bhash = 0x00000000 (hash ) bpageno = (1:100) (对应物理文件的页面号 )
    bdbid = 6 ( 对应的数据库ID )               breferences = 0           bstat = 0x9
    bspin = 0                          bnext = 0x00000000       
    页头:96 字节 
    Page @0x19A3C000
    m_pageId = (1:100) (页号 )   m_headerVersion = 1                       m_type = 1 (数据页类型,1:堆表和聚集索引的叶子节点数据
    m_typeFlagBits = 0x0         m_level = 0 (索引级别 )                  m_flagBits = 0x8000
    m_objId = 2041058307 (对应表ID )  m_indexId = 0                        m_prevPage = (0:0)
    m_nextPage = (0:0)           pminlen = 8                               m_slotCnt = 8 (页面中数据的行数,八行 )
    m_freeCnt = 7504 (空余空间 )  m_freeData = 672 (空余空间偏 移量,已用空间数 )       m_reservedCnt = 0
    m_lsn = (4:270:16)           m_xactReserved = 0                        m_xdesId = (0:0)
    m_ghostRecCnt = 0            m_tornBits = 1           
    Allocation Status
    GAM (1:2) = ALLOCATED (管理盘区位于第三个页面编号2 )    SGAM (1:3) = ALLOCATED (管理混合盘区位于第四个页面编号是三  )
    PFS (1:1) = 0x60 MIXED_EXT ALLOCATED   0_PCT_FULL   DIFF (1:6) = CHANGED
    ML (1:7) = NOT MIN_LOGGED
    Slot 0, Offset 0x60
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD                        
    Record Attributes =  NULL_BITMAP VARIABLE_COLUMNS   
    19a3c060:  00080030  00000001  03000004  35002500 0............%.5
    19a3c070:  42804580  76006500  72006500  67006100 .E.B.e.v.e.r.a.g
    19a3c080:  73006500  87000000  00000000  00005f00 .e.s........._..
    19a3c090:  01000100  88000000  00000000  00005f00 ............._..
    19a3c0a0:  03000100        00                     .....
    Slot 1, Offset 0xa5
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD                        
    Record Attributes =  NULL_BITMAP VARIABLE_COLUMNS   
    19a3c0a5:  00080030  00000002  03000004  37002700 0............'.7
    19a3c0b5:  43804780  6e006f00  69006400  65006d00 .G.C.o.n.d.i.m.e
    19a3c0c5:  74006e00  00007300  00008900  5f000000 .n.t.s........._
    19a3c0d5:  01000000  00000500  00008a00  5f000000 ..............._
    19a3c0e5:  01000000    000700                     .......
    Slot 2, Offset 0xec
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD                        
    Record Attributes =  NULL_BITMAP VARIABLE_COLUMNS   
    19a3c0ec:  00080030  00000003  03000004  39002900 0............).9
    19a3c0fc:  43804980  6e006f00  65006600  74006300 .I.C.o.n.f.e.c.t
    19a3c10c:  6f006900  73006e00  8b000000  00000000 .i.o.n.s........
    19a3c11c:  00005f00  09000100  8c000000  00000000 ._..............
    19a3c12c:  00006900  01000100        00           .i.......
    Slot 3, Offset 0x135
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD                        
    Record Attributes =  NULL_BITMAP VARIABLE_COLUMNS   
    19a3c135:  00080030  00000004  03000004  3f002f00 0............/.?
    19a3c145:  44804f80  69006100  79007200  50002000 .O.D.a.i.r.y. .P
    19a3c155:  6f007200  75006400  74006300  00007300 .r.o.d.u.c.t.s..
    19a3c165:  00008d00  5f000000  01000000  00000a00 ......._........
    19a3c175:  00008e00  5f000000  01000000    000b00 ......._.......
    Slot 4, Offset 0x184
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD                        
    Record Attributes =  NULL_BITMAP VARIABLE_COLUMNS   
    19a3c184:  00080030  00000005  03000004  3f002f00 0............/.?
    19a3c194:  47804f80  61007200  6e006900  2f007300 .O.G.r.a.i.n.s./
    19a3c1a4:  65004300  65007200  6c006100  00007300 .C.e.r.e.a.l.s..
    19a3c1b4:  00008f00  5f000000  01000000  00000c00 ......._........
    19a3c1c4:  00009000  6c000000  01000000    000100 .......l.......
    Slot 5, Offset 0x1d3
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD                        
    Record Attributes =  NULL_BITMAP VARIABLE_COLUMNS   
    19a3c1d3:  00080030  00000006  03000004  3b002b00 0............+.;
    19a3c1e3:  4d804b80  61006500  2f007400  6f005000 .K.M.e.a.t./.P.o
    19a3c1f3:  6c007500  72007400  00007900  00009100 .u.l.t.r.y......
    19a3c203:  69000000  01000000  00000400  00009200 ...i............
    19a3c213:  69000000  01000000    000500           ...i.......
    Slot 6, Offset 0x21e
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD                        
    Record Attributes =  NULL_BITMAP VARIABLE_COLUMNS   
    19a3c21e:  00080030  00000007  03000004  31002100 0............!.1
    19a3c22e:  50804180  6f007200  75006400  65006300 .A.P.r.o.d.u.c.e
    19a3c23e:  93000000  00000000  00006900  06000100 .........i......
    19a3c24e:  94000000  00000000  00007200  01000100 .........r......
    19a3c25e:        00                               .
    Slot 7, Offset 0x25f
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD                        
    Record Attributes =  NULL_BITMAP VARIABLE_COLUMNS   
    19a3c25f:  00080030  00000008  03000004  31002100 0............!.1
    19a3c26f:  53804180  61006500  6f006600  64006f00 .A.S.e.a.f.o.o.d
    19a3c27f:  95000000  00000000  00006900  07000100 .........i......
    19a3c28f:  96000000  00000000  00006900  08000100 .........i......
    19a3c29f:        00                               .
    Row - Offset   96 (页头)+ (672-96 )(数据空间)+7504 (空余空间)+16 (行偏移指针数组)=8192 (页面大小)
    8190-8191 slot0
    ...   行偏移数组
    8176-8177 slot7
    672-8175 空余空间          
    7 (0x7) - 607 (0x25f) 607-671    
    6 (0x6) - 542 (0x21e) 542-606    
    5 (0x5) - 467 (0x1d3) 467-541    
    4 (0x4) - 388 (0x184) 388-466    
    3 (0x3) - 309 (0x135) 309-387    
    2 (0x2) - 236 (0xec)  236-308
    1 (0x1) - 165 (0xa5)  165-235    
    0 (0x0) - 96 (0x60)   96-164
    0-95 pageheader
    DBCC 执行完毕。如果 DBCC 输出了错误信息,请与系统管理员联系。
    create table demodb1..table10(
    id int not null,
    name char(5) not null,
    address char(10) null)
    select * from demodb1..sysindexes
    where id=object_id('demodb1..table10')
    id          status      first          indid  root           minlen keycnt groupid dpages      reserved    used        rowcnt               rowmodctr   reserved3 reserved4 xmaxlen maxirow OrigFillFactor StatVersion reserved2   FirstIAM       impid  lockflags pgmodctr    keys                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               name                                                                                                                             statblob                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         maxlen      rows        
    ----------- ----------- -------------- ------ -------------- ------ 
    1977058079  0           0x000000000000 0      0x000000000000 23     0      1       0           0           0           0                    0           0         0         40      0       0              0           0           0x000000000000 -1     0         0           NULL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               table10                                                                                                                          NULL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             8000        0
    无数据 first 为指向第一列或者根页的指针。
    insert into demodb1..table10(id,name,address)values(1,'abcde','suzhou')
    id          status      first          indid  root           minlen keycnt groupid dpages      reserved    used        rowcnt               rowmodctr   reserved3 reserved4 xmaxlen maxirow OrigFillFactor StatVersion reserved2   FirstIAM       impid  lockflags pgmodctr    keys                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               name                                                                                                                             statblob                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         maxlen      rows        
    ----------- ----------- -------------- ------ -------------- ------ ------  
    1977058079  0           0x0F0000000100 0      0x0F0000000100 23     0      1       1           2           2           1                    1           0         0         40      0       0              0           0           0x190000000100 -1     0         0           NULL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               table10                                                                                                                          NULL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             8000        1
    first 0x0F 编号十五页
    create table table11(id int,name text)
    select * from demodb1..sysindexes
    where id=object_id('demodb1..table11')
    insert into demodb1..table11 values(1,'boyi55')
    id          status      first          indid  root           minlen keycnt groupid dpages      reserved    used        rowcnt               rowmodctr   reserved3 reserved4 xmaxlen maxirow OrigFillFactor StatVersion reserved2   FirstIAM       impid  lockflags pgmodctr    keys                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               name                                                                                                                             statblob                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         maxlen      rows        
    ----------- ----------- -------------- ------ -------------- ------  
    1993058136  0           0x1E0000000100 0      0x1E0000000100 8      0      1       1           2           2           1                    1           0         0         43      0       0              0           0           0x1F0000000100 -1     0         0           NULL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               table11                                                                                                                          NULL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             8000        1
    1993058136  2           0x1C0000000100 255    0x1C0000000100 0      0      1       0           2           2           0                    0           0         0         0       0       0              0           0           0x1D0000000100 -1     0         0           NULL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ttable11                                                                                                                         NULL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             8000        0
    first 0x1E 编号三十页
    first 0x1C 编号二十八页

    DBCC 执行完毕。如果 DBCC 输出了错误信息,请与系统管理员联系。
    PAGE: (1:30)
    BUF @0x192192C0
    bpage = 0x19AF6000        bhash = 0x00000000        bpageno = (1:30)
    bdbid = 7                 breferences = 1           bstat = 0xb
    bspin = 0                 bnext = 0x00000000       
    Page @0x19AF6000
    m_pageId = (1:30)         m_headerVersion = 1       m_type = 1
    m_typeFlagBits = 0x0      m_level = 0               m_flagBits = 0x8000
    m_objId = 1993058136      m_indexId = 0             m_prevPage = (0:0)
    m_nextPage = (0:0)        pminlen = 8               m_slotCnt = 1
    m_freeCnt = 8063          m_freeData = 127          m_reservedCnt = 0
    m_lsn = (5:49:1)          m_xactReserved = 0        m_xdesId = (0:0)
    m_ghostRecCnt = 0         m_tornBits = 0           
    Allocation Status
    GAM (1:2) = ALLOCATED     SGAM (1:3) = ALLOCATED    
    PFS (1:1) = 0x61 MIXED_EXT ALLOCATED  50_PCT_FULL   DIFF (1:6) = CHANGED
    ML (1:7) = NOT MIN_LOGGED
    Slot 0 Offset 0x60
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD                        
    Record Attributes =  NULL_BITMAP VARIABLE_COLUMNS   
    19af6060:  00080030  00000001  01000002  00801f00 0...............
    19af6070:  0000c900  1c000000  01000000    000000 ...............
    id                               = 1               
    name                             = [TextPointer]
    TextTimeStamp = 13172736  RowId = (1:28:0) 
    DBCC 执行完毕。如果 DBCC 输出了错误信息,请与系统管理员联系。
    sp_tableoption table11,'text in row',1000
    update table11 set name='boyi55555' where id =1
    DBCC 执行完毕。如果 DBCC 输出了错误信息,请与系统管理员联系。
    PAGE: (1:30)
    BUF @0x192192C0
    bpage = 0x19AF6000        bhash = 0x00000000        bpageno = (1:30)
    bdbid = 7                 breferences = 4           bstat = 0xb
    bspin = 0                 bnext = 0x00000000       
    Page @0x19AF6000
    m_pageId = (1:30)         m_headerVersion = 1       m_type = 1
    m_typeFlagBits = 0x0      m_level = 0               m_flagBits = 0x8000
    m_objId = 1993058136      m_indexId = 0             m_prevPage = (0:0)
    m_nextPage = (0:0)        pminlen = 8               m_slotCnt = 1
    m_freeCnt = 8070          m_freeData = 127          m_reservedCnt = 7
    m_lsn = (5:52:5)          m_xactReserved = 7        m_xdesId = (0:188)
    m_ghostRecCnt = 0         m_tornBits = 0           
    Allocation Status
    GAM (1:2) = ALLOCATED     SGAM (1:3) = ALLOCATED    
    PFS (1:1) = 0x61 MIXED_EXT ALLOCATED  50_PCT_FULL   DIFF (1:6) = CHANGED
    ML (1:7) = NOT MIN_LOGGED
    Slot 0 Offset 0x60
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD                        
    Record Attributes =  NULL_BITMAP VARIABLE_COLUMNS   
    19af6060:  00080030  00000001  01000002  62001800 0..............b
    19af6070:  3569796f  35353535                     oyi55555
    id                               = 1                
    name                             = [BLOB Inline Data]
    19af606f:  69796f62  35353535        35           boyi55555 
    DBCC 执行完毕。如果 DBCC 输出了错误信息,请与系统管理员联系。
    DBCC EXTENTINFO 得到属于一个对象的所有盘区的列表
    dbcc traceon(3604)
    dbcc extentinfo(northwind,categories)

    DBCC 执行完毕。如果 DBCC 输出了错误信息,请与系统管理员联系。
    file_id     page_id     pg_alloc    ext_size    obj_id      index_id    pfs_bytes          
    ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------------ 
    1           98          1           1           2041058307  1           0x6000000000000000
    1           100         1           1           2041058307  1           0x6000000000000000
    1           389         1           1           2041058307  2           0x6000000000000000
    1           95          1           1           2041058307  255         0x6200000000000000
    1           97          1           1           2041058307  255         0x6400000000000000
    1           103         1           1           2041058307  255         0x6400000000000000
    1           104         1           1           2041058307  255         0x6400000000000000
    1           105         1           1           2041058307  255         0x6200000000000000
    1           106         1           1           2041058307  255         0x6400000000000000
    1           107         1           1           2041058307  255         0x6400000000000000
    1           108         1           1           2041058307  255         0x6200000000000000
    1           112         4           8           2041058307  255         0x4444424400000000
    (所影响的行数为 12 行)
    DBCC 执行完毕。如果 DBCC 输出了错误信息,请与系统管理员联系。
    page_id 对应于obj_id

    dbcc traceon(3604)
    dbcc extentinfo(northwind)
    用法:DBCC EXTENTINFO(dbname,tablename,indexid)

    from csdn http://blog.csdn.net/laohan8848/archive/2010/05/25/5622166.aspx

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    (转)让ADO.NET Entity Framework支持Oracle数据库
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Amaranthus/p/2035497.html
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