• #12:开学焦虑——4


     1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
     2 #define ll long long
     3 using namespace std;
     5 int m;
     6 ll D, last;
     7 ll q[200005];
     8 int id[200005], tail, t;
    10 inline void add(ll x) {
    11     while (tail && q[tail] <= x)
    12         tail--;
    13     q[++tail] = x;
    14     id[tail] = ++t;
    15 }
    17 inline ll query(ll x) {
    18     ll k = t - x + 1;
    19     int pos = lower_bound(id+1, id+1+tail, k) - id;
    20     return q[pos];
    21 }
    23 int main() {
    24     cin >> m >> D;
    25     while (m--) {
    26         char ch[3];
    27         ll a;
    28         scanf("%s%lld", ch, &a);
    29         if (ch[0] == 'A') {
    30             add((a + last) % D);
    31         } else {
    32             printf("%lld
    ", last = query(a));
    33         }
    34     }
    35     return 0;
    36 }
     1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
     2 using namespace std;
     4 const int maxm = 200005;
     5 int M, D, last, n;
     6 struct Seg {
     7     int l, r, maxx;
     8 }t[maxm << 2];
    10 void build(int l, int r, int p) {
    11     t[p].l = l, t[p].r = r;
    12     if (l == r) {
    13         t[p].maxx = 0;
    14         return;
    15     }
    16     int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
    17     int ls = p << 1, rs = p << 1 | 1;
    18     build(l, mid, ls);
    19     build(mid+1, r, rs);
    20     t[p].maxx = max(t[ls].maxx, t[rs].maxx);
    21 }
    23 void Add(int l, int k, int p) {
    24     if (t[p].l == t[p].r) {
    25         t[p].maxx = k;
    26         return;
    27     }
    28     int mid = (t[p].l + t[p].r) >> 1;
    29     int ls = p << 1, rs = p << 1 | 1;
    30     if (l <= mid)    Add(l, k, ls);
    31     else    Add(l, k, rs);
    32     t[p].maxx = max(t[ls].maxx, t[rs].maxx);
    33 }
    35 int Query(int l, int r, int p) {
    36     if (l <= t[p].l && t[p].r <= r) {
    37         return t[p].maxx;
    38     }
    39     int mid = (t[p].l + t[p].r) >> 1;
    40     int ls = p << 1, rs = p << 1 | 1;
    41     int ret = 0;
    42     if (l <= mid)    ret = max(ret, Query(l, r, ls));
    43     if (mid < r)    ret = max(ret, Query(l, r, rs));
    44     return ret;
    45 }
    47 int main() {
    48     scanf("%d%d", &M, &D);
    49     build(1, M, 1);
    50     while (M--) {
    51         char ch[3];
    52         int x;
    53         scanf("%s%d", ch, &x);
    54         if (ch[0] == 'A') {
    55             ++n;
    56             Add(n, (x+last)%D, 1);
    57         } else {
    58             printf("%d
    ", last = Query(n-x+1, n, 1));
    59         }
    60     }
    61 }


     1 #include <cstdio>
     2 #include <cstring>
     3 #include <cmath>
     4 #include <cctype>
     5 #include <iostream>
     6 #include <algorithm>
     7 #include <vector>
     8 #include <map>
     9 #define ri readint()
    10 #define gc getchar()
    11 #define rep(i, l, r) for (int i = l; i <= r; i++)
    12 using namespace std;
    14 inline int readint() {
    15     int x = 0, s = 1, c = gc;
    16     while (c <= 32)    c = gc;
    17     if (c == '-')    s = -1, c = gc;
    18     for (; isdigit(c); c = gc)
    19         x = x * 10 + c - 48;
    20     return x * s;
    21 }
    23 const int maxn = 4e4 + 5;
    24 int n, m, T, last;
    25 int a[maxn], val[maxn], id;
    26 map<int, int> mp;
    27 vector<int> v[maxn];
    28 int block[maxn], f[205][205];
    30 void pre(int x) {
    31     int cnt[maxn];
    32     memset(cnt, 0, sizeof(cnt));
    33     int maxx = 0, k = 0;
    34     rep(i, (x - 1) * T + 1, n) {
    35         int t = a[i];
    36         cnt[t]++;
    37         if (cnt[t] > maxx || (cnt[t] == maxx && val[t] < val[k])) {
    38             maxx = cnt[k = t];
    39         }
    40         f[x][block[i]] = k;
    41     }
    42 }
    44 int Query(int ql, int qr, int k) {
    45     return upper_bound(v[k].begin(), v[k].end(), qr) - lower_bound(v[k].begin(), v[k].end(), ql);
    46 }
    48 int Query(int ql, int qr) {
    49     int res = f[block[ql]+1][block[qr]-1];
    50     int maxx = Query(ql, qr, res);
    51     rep(i, ql, min(block[ql]*T, qr)) {
    52         int t = Query(ql, qr, a[i]);
    53         if (t > maxx || (t == maxx && val[a[i]] < val[res])) {
    54             maxx = t;
    55             res = a[i];
    56         }
    57     }
    58     if (block[ql] != block[qr]) {
    59         rep(i, (block[qr]-1) * T + 1, qr) {
    60             int t = Query(ql, qr, a[i]);
    61             if (t > maxx || (t == maxx && val[a[i]] < val[res])) {
    62                 maxx = t;
    63                 res = a[i];
    64             }
    65         }
    66     }
    67     return val[res];
    68 }
    70 int main() {
    71     n = ri, m = ri;
    72     T = 300;
    74     rep(i, 1, n){
    75         a[i] = ri;
    76         if (!mp[a[i]]) {
    77             val[++id] = a[i];
    78             mp[a[i]] = id;
    79         }
    80         v[mp[a[i]]].push_back(i);
    81         a[i] = mp[a[i]];
    82     }
    83     rep(i, 1, n)    block[i] = (i-1) / T + 1;
    84     rep(i, 1, block[n])    pre(i);
    86     while (m--) {
    87         int ql = ri, qr = ri;
    88         ql = (ql + last - 1) % n + 1;
    89         qr = (qr + last - 1) % n + 1;
    90         if (ql > qr)    swap(ql, qr);
    91         printf("%d
    ", last = Query(ql, qr));
    92     }
    93     return 0;
    94 }
    View Code


      1 #include <cstdio>
      2 #include <cstring>
      3 #include <cmath>
      4 #include <cctype>
      5 #include <iostream>
      6 #include <algorithm>
      7 #define ll long long
      8 #define ri readint()
      9 #define gc getchar()
     10 #define rep(i, l, r) for (int i = l; i <= r; i++)
     11 using namespace std;
     13 const int N = 25 * 1e4 + 5;
     14 struct Stone {
     15     ll x, y, m, p, r, d;
     16 }q[N], st[N];
     17 int L[N], R[N], M[N];
     18 int n, T, block;
     19 bool mark[N];
     21 inline int readint() {
     22     int x = 0, s = 1, c = gc;
     23     while (c <= 32)    c = gc;
     24     if (c == '-')    s = -1, c = gc;
     25     for (; isdigit(c); c = gc)
     26         x = x * 10 + c - 48;
     27     return x * s;
     28 }
     30 inline ll sqr(ll x) {
     31     return x * x;
     32 }
     34 inline bool cmp1(const Stone &a, const Stone &b) {
     35     return a.m < b.m;
     36 }
     38 inline bool cmp2(const Stone &a, const Stone &b) {
     39     return a.d < b.d;
     40 }
     42 void READ() {
     43     q[0].x = ri, q[0].y = ri, q[0].p = ri, q[0].r = ri;
     44     n = ri;
     45     T = sqrt(n);
     46     rep(i, 1, n) {
     47         st[i].x = ri;
     48         st[i].y = ri;
     49         st[i].m = ri;
     50         st[i].p = ri;
     51         st[i].r = ri;
     52         st[i].d = sqr(st[i].x - q[0].x) + sqr(st[i].y - q[0].y);
     53     }
     54 }
     56 void BLOCK() {
     57     sort(st+1, st+1+n, cmp1);
     58     block = (n - 1) / T + 1;
     59     rep(i, 1, block) {
     60         L[i] = (i - 1) * T + 1;
     61         R[i] = min(i * T, n);
     62         M[i] = st[R[i]].m;
     63         sort(st+L[i], st+R[i]+1, cmp2);
     64     }
     65 }
     67 int BFS() {
     68     int l = 0, r = 1;
     69     while (l < r) {
     70         int k = 0;
     71         rep(i, 1, block) {
     72             if (M[i] > q[l].p)
     73                 break;
     74             k = i;
     75         }
     77         rep(i, 1, k) {
     78             while (L[i] <= R[i] && st[L[i]].d <= sqr(q[l].r)) {
     79                 if (!mark[L[i]]) {
     80                     mark[L[i]] = true;
     81                     q[r++] = st[L[i]];
     82                 }
     83                 ++L[i];
     84             }
     85         }
     86         if (block != k++) {
     87             rep(i, L[k], R[k]) {
     88                 if (!mark[i] && st[i].m <= q[l].p && st[i].d <= sqr(q[l].r)) {
     89                     mark[i] = true;
     90                     q[r++] = st[i];
     91                 }
     92             }
     93         }
     95         ++l;
     96     }
     97     return r - 1;
     98 }
    100 int main() {
    101     READ();
    102     BLOCK();
    103     cout << BFS() << endl;
    104     return 0;
    105 }
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     1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
     2 #define ll long long
     3 using namespace std;
     5 const int N = 1e5 + 5;
     6 int n, m, col[N];
     7 int T, block[N];
     8 ll ans, sum[N];
     9 struct Mo {
    10     int l, r, id;
    11     ll A, B;
    12 }q[N];
    14 bool cmp1(Mo a, Mo b) {
    15     return block[a.l] == block[b.l] ? a.r < b.r : a.l < b.l;
    16 }
    18 bool cmp2(Mo a, Mo b) {
    19     return a.id < b.id;
    20 }
    22 ll sqr(ll x) {
    23     return x * x;
    24 }
    26 void change(int x, int add) {
    27     ans -= sqr(sum[col[x]]);
    28     sum[col[x]] += add;
    29     ans += sqr(sum[col[x]]);
    30 }
    32 int main() {
    33     cin >> n >> m;
    34     T = sqrt(n);
    35     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    36         scanf("%d", &col[i]);
    37         block[i] = (i - 1) / T + 1;
    38     }
    39     for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
    40         scanf("%d%d", &q[i].l, &q[i].r);
    41         q[i].id = i;
    42     }
    43     sort(q+1, q+1+m, cmp1);
    45     int l = 1, r = 0;
    46     for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
    47         while (l < q[i].l)    change(l++, -1);
    48         while (l > q[i].l)    change(--l, 1);
    49         while (r < q[i].r)    change(++r, 1);
    50         while (r > q[i].r)    change(r--, -1);
    52         if (q[i].l == q[i].r) {
    53             q[i].A = 0ll;
    54             q[i].B = 1ll;
    55             continue;
    56         }
    57         ll t = q[i].r - q[i].l + 1;
    58         q[i].A = ans - t;
    59         q[i].B = sqr(t) - t;
    60         ll gcd = __gcd(q[i].A, q[i].B);
    61         if (!gcd)    q[i].B = 1ll;
    62         else    q[i].A /= gcd, q[i].B /= gcd;
    63     }
    65     sort(q+1, q+1+m, cmp2);
    66     for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++)
    67         printf("%lld/%lld
    ", q[i].A, q[i].B);
    69     return 0;
    70 }
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