• English Lessson-(Culture)

    In lesson ,the teacher take a homework ---Culture ,we don't kown how to define it. First of all ,i think "the product of people‘s conducts by infulented  diffrent area ‘’

    this week ,we end the progression(I hope spell  not error)

    The Summary of my teacher:

    Cuture is a way of life (daily activities, manners,social relations, self-expression ,language holidays,artistic expressions,music ,paintings,movies,drama,poems,literature) most of all .Culture is colllective appreciation of beauty and pursuit of happiness that binds a particular group of people together. It's enducation philosophy, religion.

    lt's what cultivate life in return reshaped how we live.

    Culter as big as small: for human ,it 's big aspect ;but for a person ,it always about the daily life.

    Me opoin :

    China has vast culture and long history, it is inevitable that there will be some "random" things, including the good and the bad. There are always things in nature that are randomly generated for some reason, inexplicably grown by adapting to the environment, just as we do not know what is going on in our body. So every culture is inevitably a bad thing, can not be deliberate to define a culture of good and bad, there is a strong side to survive.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Adaisme/p/7880091.html
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