• 第30章中的新单词(1)

    1. decade /'dekeid/ n. a period of ten years; 十年;十年期间;

    2. exponential /,ekspə'nenʃə/ adj. technical using a sign that shows how many times a number is to be multiplied by itself. (术语)指数的;含有指数的;

    3. compelling /kəm'peliŋ/ adj. extremely  interesting or exciting; 极为有趣的;令人激动的;

    4. dissemination /disemiə'neiʃən/ n. formal to spread information, ideas etc to as many people  as possible, especially in order to influence them (正式)(尤指为了影响他人而)散布,广泛传播(消息,观点等);

    5. delivery /di'livəri/ n. the act or process of bringing  goods, letters etc to the person or place they have been sent to 送货;送信;交付;

    6. ubiquitous/ju:'bikwiətəs/ adj. formal or humorous seeming to be everywhere  (正式或幽默) 普遍存在的,无处不在的;

    7. potential /pə'tenʃəl/ n. the possibility that something will develop in a certain way, or have a particular effect. 可能性;潜在的;

    8. deploy/di'plɔi/ vt. to organize people or things, especially soldiers, military equipment etc, so that they are in the right place and ready to be used. 部署, 调动(尤指士兵、军事装备)

    9. innovative /'inə,veitiv/ adj. @ an innovative process, method, plan etc is new, different, and better than those that existed before (程序、方法、计划)新颖的,有创新精神的。 @ using clever new ideas and method 运用新观念和新方法的;

    10. strategic /strə'ti:dʒik/ adj. done as part of a plane, especially in a military, bussinesss, or political situation 战略上的;策略上的;

    11. trancend /træn'send/ v. formal to go above or beyond the limits of thing. (正式)超越;越过;超出;

    12. root /ru:t/ n. = cause of problem 问题的起因= the main cause of a problem. (问题的根源和起因);

    13. medium /'midiəm/ adj.   a way of communicating information and news to people. 传播媒件(如报纸、电视等);

    14. pace /peis/ n.  keep pace (with) to move or chang  as fast as someone or something else. 与...并驾齐驱;齐头并进;跟上;

    15. unprecedented /ʌn'presiədentiəd/ adj. never having happening before, or never having so much 空前的,前所未有的;

    16. formidable /'fɔ:miədəl/ adj.@ a formidable person etc. is one that you feel respect for because they are very powerful, or impressive, 令人敬畏的;令人惊叹的;杰出的;@ difficult to deal with and needing a lot of effert or skill 难对付的;

    17. stem /steim/ vt. stem from (T to progressive 不用于进行时态) to develop as a result of something else. 源由...; 来自...;由...发生;

    18. synchronize /siŋkənaiz/ v. to arrange for two or more actions to happen at exactly the same time 使同步的;使同时发生;

    19. enormous /i'nɔməs/ adj. 巨大的;庞大的;

    20. flavour /'fleivə/ n. a quality or feature that makes something have a particular style or character. 特点;特色;

    21. cite /sait/ v. to give the exact words of something that has been written in order to support an opinion or prove an idea. 引用;引述;

    22 . defer /'difæ/ v. to delay something until a later date. 延期的;推迟;

    23. collaboration /kəlæbəreiʃən/ n. the act of working together with another person or group to achieve something especially in science or art. (尤指在科学或艺术方面的)合作;协作;

    24. conference/kɔnfərəns/ n. a large formal meeting where a lot of people discuss important matters such as business or politics, especially for several day 会议(指很多人参加讨论重要事宜的大型正式会议,尤指历时数天的会议)

    25. experiential /ik,spiəri'enʃə/ adj. based on or connected with experience 由经验得来的;与经验有关的;

    26. investigate / in 'vestiəgeit /  v. to try to find out the truth about something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem. 调查;审查;

    27. defence /di'fens/  n. all the armies and weapons that are available to defend a place 防御力量;

    28.outage /'autidʒ/ n. a period when a service such as the electricity supply is not provided. (电力等的)断电期;

    29. withstand /wið'stænd/ v. to be strong enough to remain unharmed by something such as great heat or cold, great pressure etc. 耐得住(酷热、严寒、高压等)承受住。

    30.partial /pa:ʃəl/  adj. = not complete 部分的;不完全的;

    31. forge /fɔ:dʒ/ vt. forge a relationship / alliance / links etc. to develop a strong relationship, with other group or other countries (与其它国家或团体)建立关系/结盟/建立联系;

    32. backbone /'bækbəun/ n. the backbone of = the most important part of an organization, set of ideas etc. 骨干, 支柱,主力,中坚;

    32. aegis /i:dʒiəs/ n. under the aegis of formal with the protection or support of a person or organization. (正式) 在...支持下(保护下);

    33. liken/laikən/ v. liken sb. /sth. to do sb./ sth. [T  usually passive 一般用被动态] formal to describe something or someone as being similar to another person or thing. (正式)将某人或某物比作另一个人或物。

    34. gallery /'gæləri/ n. a large building where people can see famous piece of art. 美术馆;

    35. metaphor /'metəfə/ n. something in book, painting, film etc that is intended to represent a more general idea or quality; symbol (书画,电影等中的)象征(+for);

    36. prototype /'prəutətaip/ n. the first from that a new design of a car, machine etc. has (新型汽车、机器等的) 原型,雏形;

    37. funding /'fʌndiŋ/ n. an amount of money used for a specific purpose. 专款;拨款;

    38. domestic /də'mestik/ adj. = about family and home = concerning family relationships and life in home. 涉及家庭关系和生活的;家事的;

    39. spring up = to suddenly appear or start to exist. 突然出现, 开始存在;

    40. revise estimate = a calculation that has been changed to make it more accurate. 修正的估计;

    41。 incredibly /in' krediəbli/ adv. a way that is hard to believe. 难以置信的;

    42. impose/impəuz/ v. to force someone to have the same ideas or beliefs as you.(将想法、信仰)强加于某人,impose sth.on sb.

    43. external /ik'stænl/ adj. connected with the outside of a surface or body. 外面的;外部的;

    44. forbidden/fə'bidn/ adj. not allowed, especially because of an official rule. (尤指官方规定而)被禁止的;

    45. propriety /prə'praiət/ n. formal (正式) (singular) correctness of social meral behaviour especially between men and women or between people of different social ranks, age etc.(尤指男女之间或不同社会等级或年龄之间的)礼貌;规矩;

    46. secure /si:kjuə/   adj. permance / certain 永久的;确定的; a situation that is secure is one that you can depend or because it is not likely to change 稳定的;可靠的;稳定的;

    47. partially /'pa:ʃəli:/ adj. formal (正式) not completely  partly. 不完全的;部分的;

    48. whereas /'wear'æz/ adj. @used to say that although something is ture of one thing, it is not true of another. 但是,却(用于说某事不适用于所有情况);

    49. inventory /'invəntri/ n. a list of all things in a place. (一个地方所有东西的)详细目录;清单;

    50. purchase /'pætʃiəs/  n. formal the act of buying something (正式) 购买;采购;

    51. foster/'fɔstə/ v. to help a skill, feeling, idea etc develop over a period time 促进;培训;助长;

    52. retail /ri'teil/  v. technical to sell goods in a shop (术语)零售;零卖;

    53. retailer /riteilə/  n. someone who sells things in a shop; shopkeeper; 零售商;

    54. necessitate /niə'sesiəteit/ v. formal to make it necessary for you to do something. (正式)使成为必需;需要;

    55. federal /'fedərəl/ adj. 联邦制;

    56. inclusive /in' klu:siv/ adj. an inclusive price or cost includes everything. (价钱、费用)包括一切的;

    57. debate /di'beit/ n. discussion or argument on a subject that people have different opinions about 讨论;辨论;

    58. increment /'iŋ kriəmənt/ n. an amount that is regularly added to the amount that someone is paid each year (每年薪金定期)增加;增额;

    59. deliver /di'livə/ vt. 给予;

    60. boost /bu:st/ n. something that helps someone be more successful and confident, or that helps something increase or improve 激励;鼓舞;增加;改进;

    61。 presence /'prezəns/ n. 出席;到场;存在;

    62. place an order = make an order  订货;下订单;

    63. brochure / 'brəuʃə/  n. a thin book giving information or advertising something. 小册子子;

    64. procure /prə'kjuə/ v. to obtain something, especially something  that is difficult to get. 获得,取得(尤指难以得到的事物);

    65. embrace /im' breis/ v. formal to include something as part of subject, disussion etc. (正式) 包括;涉及;

    66. streamlined /stri:mlaind/ adj. to form something into a smooth shape so that it moves easily through the air or water. 使...成为流线型的;

    67.seamless /'si:mləs/ adj. something seamless is done or happens so smoothly that you can not tell where one thing stops and another begin. 平滑的;浑然一体的;

    68 . alliance /ə'laiəns/ n. the arrangment in which two or more countries, groups etc agree to work together in order to try to change or achieve something. (国家、团体之间的)联盟;同盟;

    69 . trillion /'triljən/ n. one million million 万亿;

    70. hype /haip/ n. attempts to make the public interested in a product, film etc. by saying how good it is on television, radio (etc) (传媒的)大肆宣传、炒作;

    71. immense /i'mens/ adj. extremely large 巨大的;

    72. Simplicity /sim'plisiəti/ n. the quality of being simple, especially when this is attractive or usful. 朴素;简朴;简单;

    73. geographical /,dʒi:ə'græfikəl/ adj.   地理区域;

    74。 interpret/in'tæpiət/ vt. to explain the meaning of something 解释;阐释;

    75. generic /dʒiə'nerik/ adj. generic name/ term/ label etc. a word that describes a whole class of things 属名、通称等(用于描述这一类事务的词)。

    76. paradigm /pærədaim/ n. formal a very clear or typical example of something (正式) 示例;范例; technical  a model or example that show how something works or is produced (术语)(展示工作或制作方式的)模型;例子;

    77. stateless/'steitləs /  adj. not officially being a citizen of any country 无国籍的;

    78. retain /ri'tein/ v. to keep something or continue to have something 保留;保有;

    79. session /'seʃən/ n. a meeting or period of time used for a particular purpose, especially by a group of people会期;(某团体从事某项活动的)一段时间;

    80. compensate /'kɔmpənseit/ v. to replace or balance something good that has been lost or is lacking, by providing or doing something equally good. 弥补;抵消;

    81. tag /'tæg/ n. a small piece of paper.plastic etc, fixed to something to show what it is, who owns it, what it costs, etc. 标签;标牌; 

    82. evolve /i'vɔlv/ v. to develop or make something develop by gradually changing (使)逐步发展;(使)逐渐演变;

    83. resolution /,rezə'lu:ʃən/ n. =clearness清晰 the power of a telecision, camera, Microscope etc. to give a clear picture of things, or a measure of this. (电视、照相机、显微镜的)清晰度;分辩率。

    84.CUrsor /'kæʃə/ n. a mark or a small light which can be moved around a computer screen to show where you are working.(电脑的)光标;

    85.alpha-numeric /,ælfənju:'merik/ adj. using letters and numbers 字母、数字混合的;文数式的;

    86. location /ləukeiʃən/ n. the act of finding the position of something 定位; 

    87. encounter /in'kauntə/ vt. to experience problems, difficulies, or opposition when you are trying to do something 遇到;

    88. persistent /pə'sistənt/ adj. continuing to exist or happen, especisally for longer than is usual or desirable 持续存在(发生)的;

    89. completion /kəm'pli:ʃən/ n. the act of completing or finishing something 完成;结束;

    90. preference / 'prefərəns/ n. if you have a preference for something, you like it more than another thing (两者之中)较喜欢的东西;偏爱,偏好;

    91. expertise / ,eksæ:ti:z / n. special shkill or knowledge in a particular subject 专门技能(知识);

    92。 heterogeneous/, hetərəu'dʒi:niəs/  adj. formal consisting of parts or members that are very different from each other. (正式)由完全不同的部分(成员)组成的;混杂的;

    93. collaboration /kə,læbə'reiʃən/  n. the act of working together with another person or group to achieve something, especially in scienece or part. (尤指在科学或艺术方面的)合作;协作;

    94. reuse/ri:'ju:z/ v. to use something again. 再使用;再利用;

    95. consume /kən'sju:m/ v. to use time, energy, goods etc.消费;消耗;

    96. quote /kwaut/ v. to tell a customer the price you will charge them for a service or product. 报价;开价;

    97. couple /'kʌpəl/ vt. pto join or fasten two things togethe, especially tow vehicles. 结合;连结(两事物、尤指把两辆汽车连在一起)。

    98.prospective /prə'spektiv/ adj. (only before noun 仅用于名词前) likely to do a particular thing or achieve a particular  position; 预期的;未来的;可靠的;

    99. irrespective / ,iri'spektiv/ adj. irrespective of = used when scrying that a particular fact such as someone's age or race, something's size etc has no effect on a situation and is not important. 不顾...;不考虑;不问(用来表示某事实, 如年龄、种族, 某物的大小等,对某事没有影响,不重要);

    100. scenario /siə'na:rəu/ n. a situation that could possibly happen but has not happened yet. 可能发生的事情;可能出现的情况;

    101. proprietary / prə'praiətəri/ adj. proprietary information = information about a company's products, methods etc. which is known only to people who work for the company. (公司的)专有信息(只有公司内部人员才了解的有关公司的产品,方法等 的信息)。

    102. solution /səlu:ʃən/ n. a vary of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation. (问题、困难局面的) 解决;解决方案;

    103. ideal /ai'diəl/ v. principle or perfect stansdard that you hope to achieve(希望实现的)理想;

    104. trade /treid/ vt. trade of = to balance one situation or quality another, in order to produce an acceptable result. 以... 换取;以... 抵消;

    105. rank /ræŋk/ vt. to decide the position of someone or something on a list based on quality or important 确定... 地位(等级);

    The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. Albert Einstein, What I Believe, 1930!
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/666638zhangqiang/p/4630824.html
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