没有精确处理小时的差,比如 2020-04-04 10:10:00 与 2020-04-05 15:30:00 ,这种我任然算2天16,如果精确到小时,感觉比较麻烦,一般请假也是以半天为单位。
create table caltab ( n_date int(11) not null comment '无格式日期', y_date date not null comment '有格式日期', y_year int(11) not null comment '年度', y_month varchar(9) collate utf8mb4_0900_as_cs not null comment '月度', y_day int(11) not null comment '天', y_quarter int(11) not null comment '季度', y_week int(11) not null comment '周', y_num varchar(9) collate utf8mb4_0900_as_cs not null comment '每周星期几', holiday_flag tinyint(1) default '0' comment '是否节假日', working_flag tinyint(1) default '0' comment '是否工作日', remark varchar(50) character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_0900_as_cs default null comment '补充说明', primary key (n_date), unique key td_ymd_idx (y_date,y_month,y_day), unique key td_y_date_idx (y_date), key weekend_flag (working_flag), key holiday_flag (holiday_flag), key y_year (y_year), key y_month (y_month), key y_day (y_day) ) engine=innodb default charset=utf8mb4 collate=utf8mb4_0900_as_cs
DELIMITER $$ USE devops$$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `proc_calender_day`$$ CREATE DEFINER=`coreuser`@`%` PROCEDURE `proc_calender_day`(IN start_date DATE,IN stop_date DATE) BEGIN ## ================================================================================== ## 让读书成为一种生活方式。就像吃喝拉撒每天必须要干的事, ## 终有一天你的举止、言谈、气质会不一样。 ## —- async ## ## Created Date: Thursday, 2020-05-09, 8:46:18 am ## copyright (c): SZWW Tech. LTD. ## Engineer: async ## Module Name: ## Revision: v0.01 ## Description: ## ## Revision History : ## Revision editor date Description ## v0.01 async 2020-01-16 File Created ## ================================================================================== DECLARE currentdate DATE; SET currentdate = start_date; WHILE currentdate < stop_date DO INSERT INTO caltab VALUES ( YEAR(currentdate)*10000+MONTH(currentdate)*100 + DAY(currentdate), currentdate, YEAR(currentdate), -- 年度 DATE_FORMAT(currentdate,'%m'), -- 月度 DAY(currentdate), -- 当月第x天 QUARTER(currentdate),-- 季度 WEEKOFYEAR(currentdate), -- 第x周 case when DATE_FORMAT(currentdate,'%w')=0 then '日' when DATE_FORMAT(currentdate,'%w')=1 then '一' when DATE_FORMAT(currentdate,'%w')=2 then '二' when DATE_FORMAT(currentdate,'%w')=3 then '三' when DATE_FORMAT(currentdate,'%w')=4 then '四' when DATE_FORMAT(currentdate,'%w')=5 then '五' when DATE_FORMAT(currentdate,'%w')=6 then '六' end, -- 星期几 CASE WHEN DAY(currentdate)=1 AND MONTH(currentdate)=1 THEN '1' -- 元旦 WHEN DAY(currentdate) between 24 and 30 AND MONTH(currentdate)=1 THEN '1' -- 春节(1月24日至30日放假调休,共7天。1月19日(星期日)、2月1日(星期六)上班) WHEN DAY(currentdate) between 4 and 6 AND MONTH(currentdate)=4 THEN '1' -- 清明节 (4月4日至6日放假调休) WHEN DAY(currentdate) between 1 and 5 AND MONTH(currentdate)=5 THEN '1' -- 劳动节(5月1日至5日放假调休,共5天。4月26日(星期日)、5月9日(星期六)上班。) WHEN DAY(currentdate) between 25 and 27 AND MONTH(currentdate)=6 THEN '1' -- 端午节(6月25日至27日放假调休,共3天。6月28日(星期日)上班) WHEN DAY(currentdate) between 1 and 8 AND MONTH(currentdate)=10 THEN '1' -- 国庆,中秋节(国庆节、中秋节:10月1日至8日放假调休,共8天。9月27日(星期日)、10月10日(星期六)上班) ELSE '0' END, CASE DAYOFWEEK(currentdate) WHEN 2 THEN '1' WHEN 3 THEN '1' WHEN 4 THEN '1' WHEN 5 THEN '1' WHEN 6 THEN '1' ELSE '0' END, -- 是否工作日 NULL); SET currentdate = ADDDATE(currentdate,INTERVAL 1 DAY); END WHILE; -- 补班特殊处理 update caltab set working_flag='1',remark='#补班' where y_date in('2020-01-19','2020-02-01','2020-04-26','2020-05-09','2020-06-28','2020-09-27','2020-10-10'); END$$ DELIMITER ;
DELIMITER $$ USE `devops`$$ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `get_wk_hour`$$ CREATE DEFINER=`coreuser`@`%` FUNCTION `get_wk_hour`(i_time datetime,e_time datetime) RETURNS int(11) begin declare v_s_time datetime; declare v_e_time datetime; declare v_hours int; declare h_hours int; set v_s_time:=i_time; set v_e_time:=e_time; -- 如果开始时间>结束时间,则置换位置 if v_s_time>v_e_time then select v_s_time,v_e_time into v_e_time,v_s_time from dual; end if; -- 判断开始日期是否<当天上午9点 if hour(v_s_time)<9 then select concat(date_format(v_s_time,'%Y-%m-%d'),' 09:00:00') into v_s_time from dual; elseif hour(v_s_time)>18 then select concat(date_add(date_format(v_s_time,'%Y-%m-%d'),interval 1 day),' 09:00:00') into v_s_time from dual; end if; -- 判断结束日期是否<当天上午9点 if hour(v_e_time)<9 then select concat(date_add(date_format(v_e_time,'%Y-%m-%d'),interval -1 day),' 18:00:00') into v_e_time from dual; elseif hour(v_e_time)>18 then select concat(date_add(date_format(v_e_time,'%Y-%m-%d'),interval 0 day),' 18:00:00') into v_e_time from dual; end if; -- 找出开始日期与结束日期之间的工时时长(单位:hour),排除周末,排除法定节假日 select count(1) into v_hours from caltab ma where holiday_flag=1 and ma.y_date between date_format(v_s_time,'%Y-%m-%d') and date_format(v_e_time,'%Y-%m-%d'); -- 判断开始结束日期是否为同一天 select (case when date_format(v_s_time,'%Y-%m-%d')=date_format(v_e_time,'%Y-%m-%d') and timestampdiff(hour,v_s_time,v_e_time)<8 then timestampdiff(hour,v_s_time,v_e_time) when date_format(v_s_time,'%Y-%m-%d')=date_format(v_e_time,'%Y-%m-%d') and timestampdiff(hour,v_s_time,v_e_time)>=8 then 8 -- 开始结束日期不在同一天,开始日期在节假日,结束日期在节假日 when datediff(v_s_time,v_e_time) <> 0 then (datediff(v_e_time,v_s_time)+1-v_hours)*8 -- timestampdiff(hour,v_s_time,concat(date_format(v_s_time,'%Y-%m-%d'),' 18:00:00')) end ) into h_hours from dual; return h_hours; end$$ DELIMITER ;