SELECT date_part('day',cast(now() as TIMESTAMP)-cast(create_time as TIMESTAMP)) FROM t_module_xxx;
create_time 是 timestamp 类型。可以通过date_part计算两个时间相差几天,几分钟,几秒钟等。
alter table public.t_module_xxx drop constraint if EXISTS unique_xxxx;
alter table public.t_module_xxx add constraint unique_xxxx unique(col1,col2);
-- postgresql建议使用小写
drop table if exists public.t_module_xxx;
drop sequence if exists seq_t_module_xxx;
-- 创建序列
create sequence seq_t_module_xxx increment 1 minvalue 1 maxvalue 9223372036854775807 start 1 cache 1 cycle;
-- 创建表
create table public.t_module_xxx
order_id integer default nextval('seq_t_pcar_order') not null,
user_id integer not null,
loan_amount numeric(12, 2),
loan_apply_no varchar(255),
loan_apply_status varchar(2),
loan_apply_time timestamp without time zone,
loan_no varchar(255),
loan_success_time timestamp without time zone,
loan_status varchar(2),
-- 金额类型
down_payment_amount numeric(12, 2),
create_time timestamp without time zone default now(),
update_time timestamp without time zone
-- 创建注释
comment on table public.t_module_xxx is '订单表';
comment on column public.t_module_xxx.order_id is '主键';
alter table t_module_xxx add constraint pk_t_pcar_order primary key (order_id);
-- 授权语句
grant select, insert, update, delete on public.t_module_xxx to xxxxxx;
grant select on public.t_module_xxx to xxxxxx;