5.1 实验目的
5.2 实验要求
5.5 运行结果截图及说明
图1 测试(1)、(2)、(3)
图2 测试(5)、(6)、(7)
图3 测试(4)
图4 测试(4)
图5 测试(8)
5.6 附源代码
1 // stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files, 2 // or project specific include files that are used frequently, but 3 // are changed infrequently 4 // 5 6 #if !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__009A1125_2F9A_4B93_9830_51B9398EBC52__INCLUDED_) 7 #define AFX_STDAFX_H__009A1125_2F9A_4B93_9830_51B9398EBC52__INCLUDED_ 8 9 #if _MSC_VER > 1000 10 #pragma once 11 #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 12 13 14 #include <stdc++.h> 15 //#include <iostream> 16 17 using namespace std; 18 19 typedef int elementType; 20 typedef char elementType1; 21 22 typedef struct node 23 { 24 elementType data; 25 struct node *link; 26 }LNode, *PNode; 27 28 typedef struct charNode 29 { 30 elementType1 data; 31 struct charNode *link; 32 }CLNode, *CPNode; 33 34 //typedef struct linkedQueue 35 //{ 36 // LNode *_front, *_rear; 37 //}LQueue, *PQueue; 38 39 // TODO: reference additional headers your program requires here 40 41 //{{AFX_INSERT_LOCATION}} 42 // Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line. 43 44 #endif // !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__009A1125_2F9A_4B93_9830_51B9398EBC52__INCLUDED_)
1 // linkedQueue.h: interface for the linkedQueue class. 2 // 3 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 5 #if !defined(AFX_LINKEDQUEUE_H__6DF75075_BE53_4235_872D_3381A1A450D0__INCLUDED_) 6 #define AFX_LINKEDQUEUE_H__6DF75075_BE53_4235_872D_3381A1A450D0__INCLUDED_ 7 8 #if _MSC_VER > 1000 9 #pragma once 10 #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 11 12 #include "stdafx.h" 13 14 15 class linkedQueue 16 { 17 public: 18 linkedQueue(); 19 virtual ~linkedQueue(); 20 bool emptyLinkedQueue(); 21 //bool fullSeqCircleQueue(); 22 bool enQueue( elementType value ); 23 bool deQueue( elementType &value ); 24 bool getFront( elementType &value ); 25 int length(); 26 void oddOrEven( elementType value ); 27 friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &os, linkedQueue &lq ) 28 { 29 /* 30 if( ( scq._front - 1 ) % maxn == scq._rear ) 31 return os; 32 int column = 0; 33 for( int i = scq._front; i % maxn != scq._rear; i = ( i + 1 ) % maxn ) 34 { 35 os << setw(3) << setiosflags(ios::left) << scq.data[i] << " "; 36 column ++; 37 if( column % 10 == 0 ) 38 os << endl; 39 } 40 os << endl; 41 */ 42 if( lq._front == NULL ) 43 return os; 44 LNode *tmp = lq._front; 45 int column = 0; 46 while( tmp != lq._rear->link ) 47 { 48 os << setw(4) << setiosflags(ios::left) << tmp->data << " "; 49 column ++; 50 tmp = tmp->link; 51 if( column % 10 == 0 ) 52 os << endl; 53 } 54 os << endl; 55 } 56 private: 57 LNode *_front; 58 LNode *_rear; 59 }; 60 61 #endif // !defined(AFX_LINKEDQUEUE_H__6DF75075_BE53_4235_872D_3381A1A450D0__INCLUDED_)
1 // linkedQueue.cpp: implementation of the linkedQueue class. 2 // 3 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 5 #include "stdafx.h" 6 #include "linkedQueue.h" 7 8 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 9 // Construction/Destruction 10 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 11 12 linkedQueue::linkedQueue() 13 { 14 _front = _rear = NULL; 15 } 16 17 linkedQueue::~linkedQueue() 18 { 19 LNode *tmp = NULL; 20 while( _front != _rear ) 21 { 22 tmp = _front; 23 _front = _front->link; 24 delete tmp; 25 } 26 cout << "The linkedQueue destruction has been called!" << endl; 27 } 28 29 bool linkedQueue::emptyLinkedQueue() 30 { 31 return _front == NULL; 32 } 33 34 bool linkedQueue::enQueue( elementType value ) 35 { 36 LNode *newNode = new LNode; 37 if( !newNode ) 38 { 39 cerr << "Space allocating falied!Error in linkedQueue::enQueue()!" << endl; 40 return false; 41 } 42 newNode->data = value; 43 newNode->link = NULL; 44 if( emptyLinkedQueue() ) 45 { 46 _front = _rear = newNode; 47 } 48 else 49 { 50 _rear->link = newNode; 51 _rear = newNode; 52 } 53 return true; 54 } 55 56 bool linkedQueue::deQueue( elementType &value ) 57 { 58 if( emptyLinkedQueue() ) 59 { 60 cerr << "Node deleting falied!Error in linkedQueue::deQueue()!" << endl; 61 return false; 62 } 63 LNode *tmp = _front; 64 value = _front->data; 65 _front = _front->link; 66 delete tmp; 67 if( _front == NULL ) 68 _rear = NULL; 69 return true; 70 } 71 72 bool linkedQueue::getFront( elementType &value ) 73 { 74 if( emptyLinkedQueue() ) 75 { 76 cerr << "Queue is empty! Node-data acquiring falied!Error in linkedQueue::deQueue()!" << endl; 77 return false; 78 } 79 value = _front->data; 80 return true; 81 } 82 83 int linkedQueue::length() 84 { 85 if( emptyLinkedQueue() ) 86 { 87 cerr << "Queue is empty!" << endl; 88 return -1; 89 } 90 LNode *tmp = _front; 91 int _size = 0; 92 while( tmp != NULL ) 93 { 94 tmp = tmp->link; 95 _size ++; 96 } 97 return _size; 98 } 99 100 void linkedQueue::oddOrEven( elementType value ) 101 { 102 if( value & 1 ) 103 { 104 enQueue(value); 105 cout << value << " will be added to the queue!" << endl; 106 //cout << (*this); 107 cout << "The current queue is as follow:" << endl << (*this); 108 cout << "The current length of the queue is " << (*this).length() << endl; 109 110 } 111 else if( !( value & 1) && value != 0 ) 112 { 113 elementType x; 114 deQueue(x); 115 cout << x << " has been deleted from the queue!" << endl; 116 cout << (*this); 117 cout << "The current queue is as follow:" << endl << (*this); 118 cout << "The current length of the queue is " << (*this).length() << endl; 119 } 120 else //if( value == 0 ) 121 { 122 cout << "The value = " << value << ", the _SeqCircleQueue::oddOrEven() has been stoped!" << endl; 123 return; 124 } 125 }
1 // charLinkedQueue.h: interface for the charLinkedQueue class. 2 // 3 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 5 #if !defined(AFX_CHARLINKEDQUEUE_H__91C9120D_49FD_417A_8336_57503196B63F__INCLUDED_) 6 #define AFX_CHARLINKEDQUEUE_H__91C9120D_49FD_417A_8336_57503196B63F__INCLUDED_ 7 8 #if _MSC_VER > 1000 9 #pragma once 10 #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 11 12 class charLinkedQueue 13 { 14 public: 15 charLinkedQueue(); 16 virtual ~charLinkedQueue(); 17 bool emptyCharLinkedQueue(); 18 //bool fullSeqCircleQueue(); 19 bool enQueue( elementType1 value ); 20 bool deQueue( elementType1 &value ); 21 bool getFront( elementType1 &value ); 22 int length(); 23 friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &os, charLinkedQueue &clq ) 24 { 25 /* 26 if( ( scq._front - 1 ) % maxn == scq._rear ) 27 return os; 28 int column = 0; 29 for( int i = scq._front; i % maxn != scq._rear; i = ( i + 1 ) % maxn ) 30 { 31 os << setw(3) << setiosflags(ios::left) << scq.data[i] << " "; 32 column ++; 33 if( column % 10 == 0 ) 34 os << endl; 35 } 36 os << endl; 37 */ 38 if( clq._front == NULL ) 39 return os; 40 CLNode *tmp = clq._front; 41 int column = 0; 42 while( tmp != clq._rear->link ) 43 { 44 os << setw(4) << setiosflags(ios::left) << tmp->data << " "; 45 column ++; 46 tmp = tmp->link; 47 if( column % 10 == 0 ) 48 os << endl; 49 } 50 os << endl; 51 } 52 private: 53 CLNode *_front; 54 CLNode *_rear; 55 56 }; 57 58 #endif // !defined(AFX_CHARLINKEDQUEUE_H__91C9120D_49FD_417A_8336_57503196B63F__INCLUDED_)
1 // charLinkedQueue.cpp: implementation of the charLinkedQueue class. 2 // 3 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 5 #include "stdafx.h" 6 #include "charLinkedQueue.h" 7 8 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 9 // Construction/Destruction 10 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 11 12 charLinkedQueue::charLinkedQueue() 13 { 14 _front = _rear = NULL; 15 } 16 17 charLinkedQueue::~charLinkedQueue() 18 { 19 CLNode *tmp = NULL; 20 while( _front != _rear ) 21 { 22 tmp = _front; 23 _front = _front->link; 24 delete tmp; 25 } 26 cout << "The charLinkedQueue destruction has been called!" << endl; 27 } 28 29 bool charLinkedQueue::emptyCharLinkedQueue() 30 { 31 return _front == NULL; 32 } 33 34 bool charLinkedQueue::enQueue( elementType1 value ) 35 { 36 CLNode *newNode = new CLNode; 37 if( !newNode ) 38 { 39 cerr << "Space allocating falied!Error in charLinkedQueue::enQueue()!" << endl; 40 return false; 41 } 42 newNode->data = value; 43 newNode->link = NULL; 44 if( emptyCharLinkedQueue() ) 45 { 46 _front = _rear = newNode; 47 } 48 else 49 { 50 _rear->link = newNode; 51 _rear = newNode; 52 } 53 return true; 54 } 55 56 bool charLinkedQueue::deQueue( elementType1 &value ) 57 { 58 if( emptyCharLinkedQueue() ) 59 { 60 cerr << "Node deleting falied!Error in charLinkedQueue::deQueue()!" << endl; 61 return false; 62 } 63 CLNode *tmp = _front; 64 value = _front->data; 65 _front = _front->link; 66 delete tmp; 67 if( _front == NULL ) 68 _rear = NULL; 69 return true; 70 } 71 72 bool charLinkedQueue::getFront( elementType1 &value ) 73 { 74 if( emptyCharLinkedQueue() ) 75 { 76 cerr << "Queue is empty! Node-data acquiring falied!Error in charLinkedQueue::deQueue()!" << endl; 77 return false; 78 } 79 value = _front->data; 80 return true; 81 } 82 83 int charLinkedQueue::length() 84 { 85 if( emptyCharLinkedQueue() ) 86 { 87 cerr << "Queue is empty!" << endl; 88 return -1; 89 } 90 CLNode *tmp = _front; 91 int _size = 0; 92 while( tmp != NULL ) 93 { 94 tmp = tmp->link; 95 _size ++; 96 } 97 return _size; 98 }
1 // _linked_queue.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. 2 // 3 4 #include "stdafx.h" 5 #include "charLinkedQueue.h" 6 #include "linkedQueue.h" 7 8 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 9 { 10 ios::sync_with_stdio(false); 11 //srand( time(NULL) ); 12 linkedQueue LQ1; 13 /* 14 charLinkedQueue CLQ1; 15 16 //if( CLQ1.emptyCharLinkedQueue() ) 17 //cout << "The queue is empty!" << endl; 18 elementType1 value; 19 while( cin >> value ) 20 //while( ~scanf( "%c", &value ) && value != '#' ) 21 //cin >> value; 22 //scanf( "%c", &value ); 23 { 24 if( isdigit(value) || isalpha(value) ) 25 { 26 cout << value << " will be added to the end of the queue" << endl; 27 CLQ1.enQueue(value); 28 cout << "The current queue is as follow:" << endl << CLQ1; 29 cout << "The current length of the queue is " << CLQ1.length() << endl; 30 } 31 32 if( value == '#' ) 33 break; 34 } 35 36 if( LQ1.emptyLinkedQueue() ) 37 cout << "The queue is empty!" << endl; 38 elementType value; 39 while( cin >> value ) 40 { 41 if( (char)value != '#' ) 42 { 43 cout << value << " will be added to the end of the queue" << endl; 44 LQ1.enQueue(value); 45 cout << "The current queue is as follow:" << endl << LQ1; 46 cout << "The current length of the queue is " << LQ1.length() << endl; 47 } 48 else 49 break; 50 } 51 52 cout << "The current length of the queue is " << LQ1.length() << endl; 53 */ 54 for( int i = 1; i <= 10; i ++ ) 55 LQ1.enQueue(i); 56 cout << "The origin queue is as follow:" << endl << LQ1; 57 cout << "The current length of the queue is " << LQ1.length() << endl; 58 /* 59 for( int j = 0; j < 10; j ++ ) 60 { 61 int value; 62 int key = rand() % 3 + 1; 63 //cout << key << " "; 64 if( key == 1 )//get the queue-front data 65 { 66 LQ1.getFront(value); 67 cout << "The data of queue-front = " << value << endl; 68 } 69 else if( key == 2 )//delete the queue-front data 70 { 71 LQ1.deQueue(value); 72 cout << value << " has been deleted from the queue!" << endl; 73 cout << "The current queue is as follow:" << endl << LQ1; 74 cout << "The current length of the queue is " << LQ1.length() << endl; 75 } 76 else//add data to the end of the queue 77 { 78 value = rand() % 100 + 2; 79 cout << value << " will be added to the end of the queue" << endl; 80 LQ1.enQueue(value); 81 cout << "The current queue is as follow:" << endl << LQ1; 82 cout << "The current length of the queue is " << LQ1.length() << endl; 83 } 84 85 } 86 */ 87 88 89 for( int j = 1; j <= 10; j ++ ) 90 { 91 elementType value = rand() % 100 + 2; 92 cout << "The current value = " << value << endl; 93 LQ1.oddOrEven(value); 94 } 95 LQ1.oddOrEven(0); 96 /**/ 97 /* 98 if( CSCQ1.emptyCharSeqCircleQueue() ) 99 cout << "Empty!" << endl; 100 101 elementType x; 102 if( SCQ1.deQueue(x) ) 103 { 104 cout << x << endl; 105 } 106 cout << SCQ1; 107 if( SCQ1.getFront(x) ) 108 cout << x << endl; 109 cout << SCQ1.length() << endl; 110 111 if( SCQ1.fullSeqCircleQueue() ) 112 cout << "Full!" << endl; 113 */ 114 cin.get(); 115 //Sleep( 1000 * 120 ); 116 return 0; 117 }