• 第六章预习

           public  class Employee     {        ////工号        //public string ID { get; set;}        ////年龄        //public int Age { get; set;}        ////姓名        //public string Name { get; set;}        ////性别        //public Gemder Gender { get; set; }           ////------------------------------------------------------实列3-------------------------------------------------        ////工号        //protected string ID { get; set;}        ////年龄        //protected int Age { get; set;}        ////姓名        //protected string Name { get; set;}        ////性别        //protected Gemder Gender { get; set; }


           public Employee()        {

               Console.WriteLine("父类无参对象构造函数");        }        public Employee(string id,int age,string name,Gemder gender)        {            this.ID = id;            this.Age = age;            this.Name = name;            this.Gender = gender;


           //工号        protected string ID { get; set; }        //年龄        protected int Age { get; set; }        //姓名        protected string Name { get; set; }        //性别        protected Gemder Gender { get; set; }

          //---------------------------------------------------------------实例8-------------------------------------------------------------------         //修改Employee类的Sayhi()方法        public virtual string SayHi()        {

               string message = string.Format("大家好");            return message;



      public enum Gemder     {    

       男,       女



    namespace Myoffice {    public  class Pm:Employee     {        //带参构造函数,仍然可以调用到Employee类中的属性        public Pm(string id, string name, int age, Gemder gender, int yearofExperience)        {            this.ID = id;            this.Name = name;            this.Age = age;            this.Gender = gender;            this.YearofExperience = yearofExperience;

           }        public Pm()        {                         }        //资历        private int _yearofExperience;        public int YearofExperience        {            get { return _yearofExperience;}            set { _yearofExperience = value;}


           //问好,返回值;问好的内容        // public string SayHi()        //{

           //    string message;        //    message = string.Format("大家好,我是{0},今年{1}岁,项目管理经验{2}年",this.Name,this.Age,this.YearofExperience);        //    return message;



           //// 问好的内容        //public string  SayHi()        //{        //    string message;        //    message = string.Format("大家好,我是{0},今年{1}岁,项目管理经验{2}年",base.Name,base.Age,this.YearofExperience);        //    return message;


           //-----------------------------------------------------------实例8---------------------------------------------------------        //修改SayHi方法        public override string SayHi()        {

               string message = string.Format("大家好,我是{0},今年{1}岁,项目管理经验{2}年",base.Name,base.Age,this.YearofExperience);            return message;




    namespace Myoffice {   public class SE:Employee     {       //  //带参构造函数,仍然可以调用到Employee类中的属性       //public SE(string id,string name,int age,Gemder gender,int popularity)       //{       //    this.ID = id;       //    this.Name = name;       //    this.Age = age;       //    this.Gender = gender;       //    this.Poppularity = popularity;

          //}       //public SE()       //{       //}       ////人气值       //private int _popularity;       //public int Poppularity       //{       //    get { return _popularity;}       //    set { _popularity = value;}


          //问好,返回值;问好的内容       //public string SayHi()       //{

          //    string message;       //    message = string.Format("大家好,我是{0},今年{1}岁,人气值是{2}", this.Name, this.Age, this.Poppularity);       //    return message;


          //--------------------------------------------------------实例4---------------------------------------------------------------------------      // //带参的构造函数      // public SE(string id, string name, int age, Gemder gender, int popularity)      // {      //     this.ID = id;      //     this.Name = name;      //     this.Age = age;      //     this.Gender = gender;      //     this.Poppularity = popularity;      // }

         ////无参的构造函数      // public SE()      // {      // }

         // //人气值      // private int _popularity;      // public int Poppularity      // {      //     get { return _popularity; }      //     set { _popularity = value; }

         // }      // public string SayHi()      // {      //     string message = string.Format("大家好,我是{0},今年{1}岁了,工号是{2},我的人气值高达{3}",base.Name,base.Age,base.ID,this.Poppularity);      //     return message;

         // }

            //--------------------------------------------------------实例5---------------------------------------------------------------------------       public SE(string id, string name,int age,Gemder gender,int popularity):        base(id,age,name,gender)       {           //继承自父类的属性           //调用父类的构造函数可以替换掉的代码           this.ID = id;           this.Age = age;           this.Name = name;           this.Gender = gender;           //SE类扩展的属性           this.Poppularity = popularity;


             //人气值          private int _popularity;          public int Poppularity          {              get { return _popularity; }              set { _popularity = value; }

             }        //问好,返回值;问好的内容

                      //public string SayHi()       //{

          //    string message;       //    message = string.Format("大家好,我是{0},今年{1}岁,人气值是{2}", this.Name, this.Age, this.Poppularity);       //    return message;

          //}       //------------------------------------------------------实例8---------------------------------------------------------------

          //修改SayHi方法          public override string SayHi()          {              string message = string.Format("大家好,我是{0},今年{1}岁,工号是{2},我的人气值是{3}",base.Name,base.Age,base.ID,this.Poppularity);              return message;





      public class SmallTruck:Truck     {                             //构造函数        public SmallTruck(string type, string place):base(type,place)        {            this.Type = type;            this.Place = place;

                      }                   public void SmallTruckRun()        {






    namespace Myoffice {   public  class Truck:Vehicle     {

          public Truck(string type,string place):base(type,place)       {

          }         //TruckRun()方法       public void TruckRun()       {

              Console.WriteLine(string.Format("型号为{0},产地为{1}的卡车在行驶", this.Type, this.Place));




       public  class Vehicle     {        //型号        public string Type { set; get;}        //产地        public string Place { set; get;}        //构造函数        public Vehicle(string type, string place)        {            this.Type = type;            this.Place = place;        }        //VehicleRun()方法

           public void VehicleRun()        {







        class Program     {       


       static void Main(string[] args)         {             ////实列化一个SE对象             //SE engineer = new SE("112","艾边城",25,Gemder.男,100);             //Console.WriteLine(engineer.SayHi());             //Pm pm = new Pm("890","盖茨",50,Gemder.男,30);             //Console.WriteLine(pm.SayHi());             //Console.Read();

               // ---------------------------------实例4--------------------------------------------------------------------             ////实例化一个SE对象             //SE engineer = new SE("112","艾边城",25,Gemder.男,100);             //Console.WriteLine(engineer.SayHi());             //Console.Read();

                // ---------------------------------实例6--------------------------------------------------------------------

                //Truck truck = new Truck("欧迪A6","德国");             //truck.VehicleRun();             ////truck.TruckRun();             ////Console.ReadLine();

                //SmallTruck smalltruck = new SmallTruck("欧迪A6","德国");             //smalltruck.VehicleRun();             //smalltruck.TruckRun();             //smalltruck.SmallTruckRun();

               //--------------------------------实例8-------------------------------------------------------------             SE ai = new SE("112","艾边城",25,Gemder.男,100);             SE joe = new SE("113","joe",30,Gemder.女,200);             //实例化P民对象             Pm pm = new Pm("890", "盖茨", 50, Gemder.男, 30);             List<Employee> empls = new List<Employee>();             empls.Add(ai);             empls.Add(joe);             empls.Add(pm);

                //遍历问好             //foreach(Employee empl in empls)             //{

                //    if(empl is SE)             //    {             //        Console.WriteLine(((SE)empl).SayHi());

                //    }             //    if(empl is Pm)             //    {             //        Console.WriteLine(((Pm)empl).SayHi());             //    }

                //}             foreach (Employee empl in empls)             {

                    //不需要判断,直接调用SayHi()方法                 Console.WriteLine(empl.SayHi());

                }             Employee ema = new SE("210","ema",33,Gemder.男,100);             Console.WriteLine(ema.SayHi());             Console.Read();




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