• Spark 2.0 DataFrame map操作中Unable to find encoder for type stored in a Dataset.问题的分析与解决


    随着新版本的spark已经逐渐稳定,最近拟将原有框架升级到spark 2.0。还是比较兴奋的,特别是SQL的速度真的快了许多。。

    然而,在其中一个操作时却卡住了。主要是dataframe.map操作,这个之前在spark 1.X是可以运行的,然而在spark 2.0上却无法通过。。


     Unable to find encoder for type stored in a Dataset. Primitive types (Int, String, etc) and Product types (case classes) are supported by importing spark.implicits._ Support for serializing other types will be added in future releases. resDf_upd.map(row =>



    Dataset is Spark SQL’s strongly-typed API for working with structured data, i.e. records with a known schema.

    Datasets are lazy and structured query expressions are only triggered when an action is invoked. Internally, aDataset represents a logical plan that describes the computation query required to produce the data (for a givenSpark SQL session).

    A Dataset is a result of executing a query expression against data storage like files, Hive tables or JDBC databases. The structured query expression can be described by a SQL query, a Column-based SQL expression or a Scala/Java lambda function. And that is why Dataset operations are available in three variants.


    // No pre-defined encoders for Dataset[Map[K,V]], define explicitly
    implicit val mapEncoder = org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders.kryo[Map[String, Any]]
    // Primitive types and case classes can be also defined as
    // implicit val stringIntMapEncoder: Encoder[Map[String, Any]] = ExpressionEncoder()
    // row.getValuesMap[T] retrieves multiple columns at once into a Map[String, T]
    teenagersDF.map(teenager => teenager.getValuesMap[Any](List("name", "age"))).collect()
    // Array(Map("name" -> "Justin", "age" -> 19))


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