• json学习小记

     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html>
     3     <head>
     4         <meta charset="utf-8">
     5         <title></title>
     6     </head>
     7     <body>
     8         <p>
     9             name:<span id="name"></span><br />
    10             address:<span id="address"></span><br />
    11             age:<span id="age"></span><br />
    12             phone:<span id="phone"></span>
    13         </p>
    14         <p>
    15             json数组1:
    16             <span id="arrJson1"></span><br />
    17             json数组2:
    18             <span id="arrJson2"></span>
    19         </p>
    20         <p>
    21             First Name: <span id="fname"></span><br />
    22             Last Name: <span id="lname"></span><br />
    23         </p>
    24     </body>
    25     <script type="text/javascript">
    26         //普通json对象定义
    27         var stus={
    28             "name":"bill",
    29             "address":"Shenzhen",
    30             "age":25,
    31             "phone":110
    32         };
    33         document.getElementById("name").innerText=stus.name;
    34         document.getElementById("address").innerHTML=stus.address;
    35         document.getElementById("age").innerText=stus.age;
    36         document.getElementById("phone").innerText=stus.phone;
    38         //json数组
    39         var arrJson = {
    40             "employees": [{
    41                 "firstName": "John",
    42                 "lastName": "Doe"
    43             }, {
    44                 "firstName": "Anna",
    45                 "lastName": "Smith"
    46             }, {
    47                 "firstName": "Peter",
    48                 "lastName": "Jones"
    49             }]
    50         }
    51         document.getElementById("arrJson1").innerText=arrJson.employees[0].firstName +" "+ arrJson.employees[0].lastName;
    52         document.getElementById("arrJson2").innerText=arrJson.employees[1].firstName +" "+ arrJson.employees[1].lastName;
    54         //创建json语法的js字符串
    55         var txt = '{ "employees" : [' +
    56             '{ "firstName":"Bill" , "lastName":"Gates" },' +
    57             '{ "firstName":"George" , "lastName":"Bush" },' +
    58             '{ "firstName":"Thomas" , "lastName":"Carter" } ]}';
    59         //eval() 函数使用的是 JavaScript 编译器,可解析 JSON 文本,然后生成 JavaScript 对象。必须把文本包围在括号中,这样才能避免语法错误:
    60         var obj=eval("("+txt+")");
    61         obj.employees[0].firstName=obj.employees[1].firstName;
    62         obj.employees[0].lastName=obj.employees[1].lastName;
    63         document.getElementById("fname").innerHTML=obj.employees[0].firstName;
    64         document.getElementById("lname").innerHTML = obj.employees[0].lastName;
    66     </script>
    67 </html>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zzuIvy/p/json_study.html
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